My old buddy, Elmo, once swallowed a neighbor's bantam rooster. Well, all but the head and one foot. A buddy had called me to tell me my dog had apparently caught a bird. When I got to my house and went to the back yard, I quickly realized he had got a bird, alright... it looked like there had been an explosion at a chicken farm and Elmo looked like he had swallowed a bowling ball.
Within minutes, the neighbor called me, telling me he'd deal with my dog by using his shotgun the next time he showed up in his coop. And much later that night, in the wee hours, I woke up for what initially seemed like no reason. Then, I realized the reason: a very strong smell. The big meal had made Elmo very sick, and there was a splatter of smelly, soupy brown liquid starting about a foot up one bedroom wall, across the room to the door, where there was an enormous pile of vomit to top it all off.
One other occasion, after an all-day display of butt-dragging across the living room rug, I noticed a short piece of rubber band hanging out of Elmo's butt. I could relate, as I had recently experienced a similar issue with a little piece of cellophane from a Little Debbie's Nutty Bar that I evidently ate too quickly and carelessly... ?