Two fights in 61 years. ?
I grew up as the baby in the family, with three older sisters. I did not get the extensive training in fighting when growing up that some friends who were also the babies of the families except who had older brothers got.
First fight was about second grade or so. Local troublemaker showed up where my friends and I were playing in my folks' driveway. He started trouble and we started swinging wildly. I remember the surprise and the strangely satisfying feeling I got when one of my wild swings connected!
Just then, the mom next door came over to break it up. The troublemaker told her, "Shut up you old bag!" and the rest of us almost fainted! We couldn't believe he said that to her! (My, times have changed.) He ran for home before she could get her hands on him.
Second fight, I was in the Navy, in training at Ft. Ben Harrison, IN (Defense Information School; joint services). I was returning from the gym with my girlfriend when an Army guy said something rude to her. I told him to mind his manners. He said, "What are you going to do about it, Bozo?" I took care of business.
Of course, I ended up in front of the Command Master at Arms. The problem was, the guy I took care of was of a different race, and his superior reported it as a "racial incident." Luckily for me, the Leading Petty Officer of my detachment witnessed the whole incident and cleared things up. And, as luckily, my girlfriend and I had just served as bartenders for that Command Master at Arms' wedding a couple of weeks previously. I dodged Captain's Mast on that deal.
No problems that I recall in the forty or so years since then!
Fun thread, DitchPanda!