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Everything posted by desmobob

  1. They might run that deep on a steady retrieve but I would guess they only get down a foot or less on a short pull, jerk-bait style (or maybe on a very slow retrieve?). The Rapala floating minnow is a classic bait for a reason. I'd give one a try.
  2. It should work... it just might take some experimenting for you to get the correct settings and transducer placement. When I use mine for ice fishing, it is usually looking at a tiny panfish jig at about 30' or a small jig/3" dropshot-type worm at around 100'. I have the Plus 5cv but a fishing buddy has the Plus 4cv and I believe the only difference is the screen size; he can see his baits as well. I really think your issue is the transducer angle. For ice fishing, I use Garmin's transducer that is purpose-built for use through the ice. It is a cone-shaped unit that hangs from a float on flexible cable so it is always pointed straight down. For soft water use, the normal transducer needs to be level. The trick to doing this is to bring a 4' level out with you in the boat. Place it on the gunwale when you are in the normal fishing mode. Use dimes or flat washers to shim it to get a level reading. Mark the location of the level and number of the dimes/washers. At home, adjust the level of the boat so the 4' level reads correctly with the same number of dimes/washers in that marked location. Now, you know your boat is at the same attitude it is when you're in it, on the water and fishing. Set the transducer to also be level and you should be all set up.
  3. Are you typing without your readers on, Tom? ?
  4. I use my Striker Plus 5cv for ice fishing in the "video game" style mentioned above... I can see my 1/16 or 1/8 ounce jig and 3" Rein's Bubbring Shaker easily. I use that same unit as a portable on my float tubes but have not jigged under it. Are you sure your transducer is mounted perfectly parallel to the surface of the water? That unit should be able to see your jig very easily. Not so if it's angled at all...
  5. One of my friends, who is quite shy, went to her first colonoscopy and was terribly embarrassed about the whole thing. As she got onto the exam table, the nurse said, "Susan... is that you? Oh my God! I haven't seen you since college!" ?
  6. I wear Teva water sandals and they work OK, but nothing beats felt-soled wading shoes on slippery, algae-covered surfaces (except felt-soled wading shoes with carbide studs or aluminum cleats added...).
  7. Glad to hear it went well, Sean. Even though my dad was a colon cancer survivor, I put off my first colonoscopy for years. When I finally had it done, I realized it was a breeze. It put my mind at ease, too. It seems like it would be horrible but it's not, at all. And it could really save your life... Edit to add: I just had to correct a spelling error... I typed "fist" instead of "first"! Calling Dr. Freud... ?
  8. I took some soft (cotton?) line (about 3/16") and nailed it loosely along the bottom of the floor joists on my basement ceiling in two rows about 4' apart. All my rigs hang there, out of the way and safe from damage. No direct sunlight ever hits them, either. The only drawback I've found to this is that it's a bit of hassle trying to put them up or take them down unless they have rod sleeves on them (which they all do). YMMV depending on the height of your basement ceiling (and the height of you!).
  9. Absolute truth there...
  10. This summer, it seems I've caught more catfish acting like largemouth than ever. I was tossing an unweighted 3" Pit Boss along the edges of some big riprap with a BFS outfit and caught this one yesterday. They sure are great fighters... I thought this one was twice its size until I got a look at it. My two biggest fish of the the day were both cats; this one, and one caught next to a big root ball.
  11. My one and only inking came from a reputable tattoo parlor (is there such a thing?) in Albany NY back in 1979. It was a seagull, and came out nothing like the pattern I chose. I went back about a year later, complaining and asking for some kind of touch-up work or repair attempt. They called what I guess was the "customer service manager" out of the back room to discuss it with me. I'm 6'2" and 255lbs. This guy towered over me and didn't seem the least bit inclined to sympathize. I thought he looked familiar... like someone I had recently seen on a documentary about serial killers, maybe. "You wanted a f***ing seagull and you got a f***ing seagull. What's your f***ing problem?" Needless to say, I left quietly. ? A few years ago, I thought about having a friend's tattoo artist son cover it with something else, but decided not to risk it. The original seagull tattoo was sort of a statement on my enthusiasm for eating. I thought about a crossed knife and fork to cover it. I might still do it at some point.
  12. I loved InvisX for its easy handling qualities but the razor-sharp zebra mussels in the lake where I fish raise up curls from it like a hand plane does with wood... shocking! AbrazX is indeed more abrasion resistant but isn't as friendly. I tried Yo-Zuri Hybrid and liked it. I noticed that the 4lb version is WAY strong. Further investigation showed it was thicker (at .009") than most 6lb lines and as thick as many 8lb lines. That's why the 4lb Hybrid is so strong... it's actually 8lb test line, by strength and diameter! So, like NHBull, I believe it's a good idea to check diameters and actual breaking strength when picking line.
  13. Same here. I use the KLX series but have a Magnesium and a Carbon Steel (now the "Graphite") from promotions when purchasing KLXs. I think they are very good rods. Made in Texas, USA.
  14. My problem is that even if I get a really top-quality overrun like the very fine example schplurg showed above, I'm compelled --challenged-- to try to clear it. ? Putting the rod away and grabbing another one is like waving a white flag! ?
  15. The only other giant bait I have is a huge jerk bait. I found it on clearance at a saltwater shop when I was at the coast and I thought it might make a good pike lure so I grabbed it. I caught a 9" largemouth with it on the first cast. That was what inspired me to buy the Super Shad Raps... that, and success with some oversize crankbaits. I'll be trying mine out soon, if this rain ever stops...
  16. I have a whole pile of the original, three-dollars-and-change Scum Frogs in green, yellow, black and white. They all fish well, but I prefer the yellow. To be honest, I've never tried to switch colors during a bite to see if one worked better than the other. I had a summer a few years back when it seemed like any time I threw a frog, a pike would eat it. That memory has me looking at nicer-looking, more expensive frog baits, then putting them back on the hook and buying another Scum Frog. I did buy a Spro frog once but it's still in the package...
  17. I went out yesterday just before noon and after a morning rain with with three little BFS rigs sitting on the deck. I had a nice day catching smallmouths (and a nice assortment of other species including a hard-fighting channel cat) on a Z-Man TRD TicklerZ rigged on an Owner Finesse Ball Jig. I also caught some fish on a 3" floating perch-colored jerk bait. I couldn't get much action on a Rebel Tiny Pop-R, though I had hoped the cloudy day would be good for topwater. At about 6 PM, the clouds got thicker and it started to sprinkle. The breeze disappeared and it became dead calm. I opened the rod locker and grabbed a 7'6" H frog rod and headed for the weeds. What a change after using the BFS stuff all afternoon! Right away I had a largemouth blow up on the frog. I forgot to tighten the drag and I missed the hook set. The fish hit it a second time and I got him. It was the fun kind of frog bite where they hit the thing as soon as it hit the water and if they missed it, they hit it again. I caught several fish. They all choked the yellow Scum Frog; even the little ones: Even though the Scum Frog's hook points are on top, most of the fish seemed to be hooked deep in the tongue, unfortunately. This went on until the sky cleared a bit and the rain stopped. The frog bite seemed to stop, too. All in all, a fun afternoon/early evening.
  18. I have two of them. They don't fit in any of my Planos or tackle box and I keep forgetting to put them in one of the compartments of the boat, so they've never been fished! Yet...
  19. I wish I had taken a photo. Like a lot of my best backlashes, this one involved my bow-mount trolling motor. Usually, I accidentally skip a roll cast off the head of the trolling motor when the big man upstairs decides it's time for me to cool my jets. Yesterday, I stuck the hook into the cable/wire bundle on a spirited side-arm launch. Legendary results. If I was a filthy-rich man, I would have just lit the boat on fire, swam to shore, and walked home.
  20. A nice swim can be relaxing sometimes! More so if it's a planned swim...
  21. If I keep fish to eat, I much prefer to keep fish I don't have to try hard to make taste good! ? My cooking skills make it problematic for anything I prepare to taste good... But back to the smallmouth... You would think a fish who's diet is predominantly crayfish would taste really, really good!
  22. Ande was the first one to my mind, too. The IGFA class line was (is) the only one of its kind I've heard of. I would have to believe nylon mono would get stronger per diameter due to technical improvements over the last fifty years. Whether the manufacturers re-rated it or not would be the question...
  23. That's gonna leave a mark...
  24. Thanks. You're only about one step behind me... ? I'm glad there are folks around here who actually know how to work these things, like Tennessee Boy. I am NOT a "computer person"!
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