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Everything posted by desmobob

  1. Does it really load/cast with 1/16 comfortably? I also had my eye on the 682LB. Do you happen to also have a Tsurinoya ProFlex II UL for comparison? Thanks, Bob
  2. I figured I must have over a dozen fly rods. Well, I inventoried them this spring. I do have over a dozen. I have 28. I guess I'll have to break down and catalog my bass rods at some point...
  3. Everyone's pulling for you, brother. ?
  4. Mine advertises having a maintenance charge function, so I leave it plugged in all the time. I got six seasons out of my deep cycle trolling motor battery, so it certainly didn't hurt anything...
  5. NRS only makes up to a size 15 (regular width). Arghhh... You can't imagine the trouble I have finding footwear. I enjoy outdoor pastimes and besides normal casual and dress shoes, I need waterproof sandals, breathable waders, wading boots (felt and rubber sole versions), flats boots, insulated waders for duck hunting, hiking boots, hunting boots, sub-zero boots for ice fishing, ski boots, bicycling shoes, skates, etc. etc. In many cases, I strike out completely. There have been days when I've considered changing my foot size with a circular saw or axe... I recently received a pair of custom G3 Guide waders from Simms ($$$) and I'm waiting on a pair of jumbo-sized SCUBA boots on back-order from Divers Supply.
  6. Those Abyss boots look like something I could use. I have 16EEEE feet and have depended on New Balance for a lot of my footwear; they make very large and wide sizes. I couldn't find the Abyss boots for sale anywhere but I sent an e-mail to New Balance. Thanks for the heads-up on those. When I wade wet, I wear wading boots from the fly fishing industry and thick wool socks or neoprene socks. I don't know how that would work out in the surf... I always have used waders here in the northeast. I like zip-up neoprene SCUBA booties or fly fishing flats booties for kayaking/canoeing.
  7. I picked up a rod off the deck once to find the reel's nice carbon fiber handle was broken. I was fishing alone and know I didn't step on it. Later in the day, I was pulling up the trolling motor and realized what had happened. The reel was sitting upright with the handle at 90˚ to the rod. When the trolling motor dropped into its stowed position, it went just low enough to hit a handle that was directly upright. I later broke one more reel handle before getting it through my thick head that I needed to double-check the location of the reels and reel handles before stowing the motor.
  8. They didn't work for me with an O-ring, either. The usual problem was somewhat unusual to me... the fish would take the Senko, I'd fight them to, or almost to, the boat, then they'd come off at the end of the fight. It happened too many times to be coincidence. I use the Owner weedless wacky hooks now, but aren't really all that "weedless."
  9. I waited a while, but your photos here and from 01AUG wouldn't load. Are they huge? (I mean the photo file sizes, not the fish! ) Anyway, congratulations! I've been have a lot of fun throwing the Z-Man TicklerZ on a ShroomZ head, T-rigged, or on an Owner Ultrahead Finesse ball head this summer. Great bait!
  10. I can't remember the prices, but I seem to remember they were more than twice the price of the Heddon lures for sale next to them. But other lures were questionable performers; the Rapala Floating Minnow was as close to a sure thing as you could hope for in fishing. Even as kids, we had heard from all the trusted sources that they were really, really good; even better than a DareDevle spoon! (...which was also one of our much-coveted lures.)
  11. They work. 100% DEET is the ultimate for mosquitos but, for some reason, doesn't phase the deerfly. The deer fly's MO is to dive-bomb hard into the highest point on a target to penetrate the fur (where it's thinnest, on a deer's head). That's why the old trick of carrying a leafy branch that's higher than your head will distract a lot of them. Anyway, when they dive-bomb the flesh-colored patch on top of your hat -- your highest point-- they get stuck there and won't be bothering you again. I got tipped off on this product by an acquaintance who's a land surveyor and spends a lot of time in the woods.
  12. I threw them on light and ultralight spinning gear in the old days. Same today, plus BFS casting gear.
  13. For probably the first dozen years I fished them (starting as a young kid, when I had saved up enough to buy one... I seem to remember them being the most expensive lure in the store) I just casted them out and cranked them steadily back in. Any and all possible means were employed to recover a snagged Rapala! A youngster could rarely afford the floating AND countdown versions, so I rigged the floaters with split shot about a foot up the line to get more depth when needed. When I got older, I long-line trolled them behind a canoe after ice-out and caught lake trout and landlocked salmon. They were always a favorite lure of mine and they still work well on a lot of freshwater fish.
  14. As I mentioned previously, I found that changing things up seem to make each new batch taste better. I've been buying Yuban from Amazon occasionally. It's a brand I remember hearing of, but had never seen anywhere. It's a regular part of my rotation now.
  15. Another reason for my FG knot preference... many of my rods are Kistler KLXs purchased during the time micro guides were very popular.
  16. I used that term to describe issue with the line getting between the edges of the spool and the reel frame, sometimes even wrapping around the spool shaft. And you're probably correct in assuming that a medium power rod is not optimal for BFS use.
  17. Nice gear. You can't deny that the JDM folks have a certain knack for naming things!
  18. I only use the FG because I found myself breaking off at the leader knot occasionally and/or wishing for a slimmer profile than the uni-to-uni or Alberto. I still use one of those two sometimes if I have to tie on the water and I'm in a big hurry or the water is rough. I also get a certain satisfaction from tying a good-looking FG. I prefer to do it at home though.
  19. I think folks might question my mental health when they see it... ? I keep my kayak hung in a pair of straps I bought for the purpose. It's along one wall, partially over my workbench and partially over some shelves. A couple of years ago, I was awakened from sleep by a horrendous commotion in the basement... one of those "grab a flashlight and shotgun" kind of commotions. Turns out one of the plastic buckles on the kayak straps broke and the boat came crashing down on my workbench and shelves, making quite a mess. At least I didn't have to do any shooting...
  20. You're a lucky man in some ways... coffee is the only thing I think I'm addicted to. (Only in the morning; I'm not an all-day drinker.) But I HAVE to have a couple of cups or a big insulated mug full (black) in the morning. I'm glad it doesn't have any bad health effects because I don't know if I could quit. I've gone from regular old supermarket coffee to fancy mail-order beans and blends to espresso and back to store-bought stuff. I've found that I enjoy it most if I merely change brands or types each time I need a new can.
  21. Remember times when a total stranger gave you some assistance or a lure or bait when you were a kid? Those are the kind of things that kids don't forget. Acts of kindness and offering help will likely have a positive effect on their actions in the future... the best kind of "pay it forward."
  22. How boorish of me... I didn't know you were talking about the big money Tetons! Do you have a rod vault on your Bentley? ?
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