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About Ratherbefishing75

  • Birthday 12/10/1975

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    I live in mass just south of Boston In a little city named brockton ok so not so little. But there are a lot of spots to go fishing in the near by towns 
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    The nip in bridgewater west meadow pond wampatuck state pond 
  • Other Interests
    Fishing fishing and fishing salt water fresh water it doesn't mater as long as I can

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  • About Me
    been fishing almost my hole life now that I’m in my forty’s I’m hoping to do a lots more and taking my sun out with me is an experience all on its own and I hily recommend it I have a 15.5 connue it’s a dc156 I’ve hade it for about 1 year and I put it in a trailer for ease of getting it in to the water 

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Community Answers

  1. I ordered a couple reals from Amazon last year to replace some of my over used and worn out ones. So far so good But it also goes back to how much you pay for certain things I’ve also ordered a bunch of lures and tackle from Amazon and haven’t had any problems. eBay on the other hand not suggested I ordered 2 reals from there and they were cheep and I couldn’t get them adjusted properly
  2. That’s not a bad idea as it still does the job No wobble. Thank goodness
  3. Well i was out with the wig and kiddos one day and i got a little to close to a rock that wasn’t on the chart I had lol it still works but it’s a little dinged up Wife and kiddos lol
  4. So I’m looking for a new prop for my boat. Currently I have an aluminum prop on there what’s the difference between that and a stainless steel one. Also my prop size is 13.25 by17 3 blade. And my motor is a 70hp Jonson currently I can hit 37 miles per hour wide open throttle and she gets up on plain pretty easily I’m afraid of changing the pitch of the blade I will gladly take any advice thank you
  5. I have looked into some apps and found 1 that I’m trying out right now Omnia fishing so far it’s ok but still not impressed with it. There’s one other one that states it’s free but to unlock the features that you really want and you have to sign up for service on it but I guess that what you have to do to get what your looking for lol
  6. So I’m sure there is a chat about this here just can’t find it lol. So I’m looking to all what the best app is for lake and river navigation / depth /tide /lake danger avoidance Out there cheep or free that I can download on my phone so I can use it along with my depth /fish finder as I’m not ready to spend big money on a new one for my boat yet
  7. I think that’s one of the most important things along with a bucket to poo in lol
  8. Earlier this year I took my wife one and my kids fishing and we brought one of our friends and he daughter with us well at the end of the day I was back at the boat ramp and was coming about and dealing with a little cross breeze 3 of them hopped out of the boat and I went to line up next to the dock and I sed I had to hit the throttle well as you see one of my brand new lures hooked into my wife’s rear end and in my defense I did say that I was about hit the throttle lol the big joke was should I throw her back lol
  9. At the end of every season I dump sea foam in my tank and run her for about 20 minutes then i disconnect the fuel line and let the carbs run through so I get all the fuel out of her pull the plugs spray in more seafoam the do the same thing to the carbs As of right now I am only running with 2 6 gallon tanks i empty them out before the start of every season. One of the biggest problems with all the new fuels is that they build up carbon I see it all the time in my profession now with that being sed. I’ve seen mention of fuel additives already and yes they do work I use marvel mystery pin in all my small engines (lawn mower generator chainsaw) and thay start right up every time. And in my boat seafoam
  10. Awesome thanks I was hoping that there was
  11. Looking for some information about Sebago Lake in Maine. I going up there in 2 weeks for a vacation with my family and I’m bringing my boat I know where I can launch but looking for places to gas’s it up while I’m up there. I’ve only got 2 small 6 gallon tanks and don’t want to have to pull out every time I need fuel. I’m hoping that there’s someplace I can pull up to to gas up while I’m on the water.
  12. Got the skunk off with a little bass fishing at lunch time
  13. That’s what I was thinking rather be safe then sorry thank you ☺️
  14. Just a quick question my boat is registered and I’m planning on taking it out of state to do some fishing this year I don’t need to do anything special I hope
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