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Everything posted by WPCfishing

  1. IKE 70-5 power rod. I broke mine....... Great rod by the way. 3/8-5/8 Spinner baits, lipliss cranks, square bills, swim jigs...
  2. Two in progress, not quite finished yet but the parts are here. I reload too...
  3. At 200 or less you have a lot of great reels available to you that will do a great job for you. Try to visit a few shops that stock reels. Buy the one that feels best to you.. just not a Quantum, Yucky.... My reels are all Lews.. it's hard to beat a Tournament Pro G.
  4. Okuma's Matt Daddy is a nice rod if you can live with a very long handle. i use a Lews 7'2" Custom Lite Magnum Grass and a 7'6" Abu Villian 2.0. Both are fantastic rods and versatile. Very sensitive great hook setting power and loads of back bone. Plus, they cast great with any technique.
  5. Both of my Villian 2.0 rods have micro guides. I use one exclusively with 65lb braid. The other 14lb CX or 50lb braid. Line makes no difference at all. I like them for certain types of fishing. Can't use a leader which I don't bother with any longer. I have enough rods to set up for tasks using the correct line. I can't stand leader knots!
  6. Great rods but the minimal reel seat is very uncomfortable... Better check it out.
  7. Found this online: http://www.denalirods.com/lithium610hvyfrogrod.aspx
  8. Feb 2016... Canoe's maiden voyage after total restoration.
  9. The very "First" Lews Mag purchased in the USA! period.................
  10. One of mine is a $20.00 Compact Cooler bag. It fits 6 Plastic bins perfectly. Made by Choice. 12"x9"x11.5" Link: http://www.webstaurantstore.com/search/coller-bags.html This is the bag I bought. This one is less money but looks cheap.
  11. I use a lighter weigh Punch jig head. I can set it up any way I want. Give it a try. I buy my jigs from "Siebert Outdoors".
  12. The right 6'6" rod will work well.. Just be sure to get the rod handle up high for big hook sets. Question now becomes which rod?
  13. Lews: big body: Super Duty or BB1 Pro. Lews: small body: Pro G or MB.
  14. Call Quantum, Tell them you are unhappy with the reel. They may upgrade you for a small fee.
  15. Okay so now I believe you.. Unfortunately there are some new members posting garbage from time to time. Glad you aren't one of them. Contact Liz at Lews at: customerservice@lews.com I'm sure she will make arrangements for you to get a new reel.
  16. Four of the lakes I fish were treated early last season.. I won't bother going back for another year or two. The University of RI is behind these programs. Last season there was about 30 students and a few Idiot professors at my favorite lake. They were taking water and weed samples. I was so ticked to see them there I couldn't hold my tongue. Left them all speechless....... Haven't seen them since. Petition Signed!
  17. Dan, Is that really why you had to leave? Were you in the CAN? lol
  18. So many good rods out there these days.... Buy the one you feel most comfortable with. If you can't find one at least try rods with different reel seats. That should point you in the right direction. Hope this helps..
  19. Sorry to hear that.. Although I have a hard time believing. Post a pic to prove it.
  20. Lews service is outstanding, why carry on about a noise they will service out? Just ship them the reel. i sent some of my reels to them for a General service. Came back better than ever! Contact Elizabeth, she'll give you a number to put on the shipping label. Garret will over see the service.
  21. I'm big on toads and frogs in heavy cover. There is a difference in the ratings. Power or Magnum. Know which you are looking at. Do you want a 7'2" or 7'6" rod for heavy cover? Both Magnum rods: Buy it a Lews Magnum Grass 7'2". Serious hook set and back bone. Buy a Abu Garcia Villian 2.0 7'6" same power just a little longer and a little more tip. Both cast very accurately and super far. Versatile too.
  22. Raul, You're all set.... We need a fix!
  23. If you like a Fuji ACS reel seat you may want to consider a Diawa Tatula XT. I own a couple of the earlier versions. The Team Lews rod. They are light weight, very sensitive, cast distance with ease and have plenty of back bone for hook sets. Check them out when you get a chance. Hope this helps.
  24. If you are referring to the IKE 70-5 it's a 7' 1/4-3/4 Medium Fast action rod. I own this rod... outside of the heavy cover the rod is outstanding. The rod is a 70-30 power. I highly recommend for worming, lipless and square Bills, swim Jigs, top water frogs around docks or open water... spinner baits.. extremely versatile.
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