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Everything posted by WPCfishing

  1. Please post a review of the new reel and a comparison to the previous model if you had or still have one.
  2. Poppers, toads, swim jigs, 6" worms, spinnerbaits and square bills. Time of day, Water color, wind and structure will determine what I will start with and switch to.
  3. My new build is getting the cut ACS.. No question about it! That void is filled.. I'll use this on every rod I have built.
  4. Early on with it I just couldn't get comfortable with it. After an hour of fishing with it I liked it less.. As the day went on it was less and less. Glad you like it.
  5. Foodge guides are made in Foodge. They're Fuudge good guides. Especially on Noodle blanks with corn cob grips.
  6. The ACS is "much larger" than the SK2. It's the same diameter As the ECS.
  7. Definitely the ACS. Builders ordering it in. If you build another Try this seat with the center crap cut out. Best I've ever held.
  8. A little heavy compared to others. But, I would think it would be a great blank for a toad rod. Should have a moderate fast tip.
  9. I had a full cork grip added to this rod. We (sanded) tapered The rear of the seat to fit the cork. For me it's a total "10" fit.
  10. Keith at Powell sent me a 7'3" mag rod with the SK2 seat. I loved everything about the rod except for that seat. It was to small for me. I found it uncomfortable and also tough to keep hold of the rod, as you know on the Lews rods the rest seat is cut short on the cork side too. ( That may be part of the seat design) That is very comfortable in my hand. I get a great grip. I can cast it all day..
  11. What would your opinions be on the RX7 blank for a toad/frog rod? The ISF904 to be specific?
  12. You know I kept looking at the two of them. I saw the similarity. You just confirmed my thoughts. Thx for that! Question has been answered and final decision made.
  13. Does anybody know if there were changes in the rods for 2016 other than the additional models added to each line?
  14. How did you do? Anything Big?
  15. Sounds good but I'm looking for a 6'6'-6'8" rod with a 10" handle.
  16. If they're the same why buy the new rod? Did the old rod blanks get fatigued? Guides worn out?
  17. Has it ever occurred to you; meaning everyone, our rods are not graphite. They are carbon fiber... or a blend of weaved materials. Graphite is what we refer to as the lead in a pencil. As for the OP.. Quit smoking that crap.
  18. Throwing toads with my Lews Magnum One is a workout to say the least. It's a stick.. Throwing a punch jig is right in it's wheel house. It's also good for swim baits which I seldom fish with.
  19. What a cool bass fishing vessel... Have a blast!
  20. I like fishing in junk.. I go and go til the end of the day. Then I feel it.... I do the same thing the next day. I love it!
  21. If I was to buy a Bass Boat again I would consider all of them. "At this time" Skeeter would be high on my list but I'd have to take a hard look at the Bass Cat..
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