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Everything posted by WPCfishing

  1. Hootie, the back side is very small which makes the grip a narrow diameter. It's also an odd shape with a very short and stout trigger. You can't get a good grip for casting and it's impossible (for me) to get a hold of the rod that's comfortable. That seat causes serious fatigue and a numbing pian in your hand and fingers after a short time. You are basically relying on holding onto your reel for dear life.. Then you start to squeeze it to keep hold. It gets worse and worse.. After that all that the uneven odd shape of the front and especially the rear of the seat starts to bite into every part of your grip.. One word describes it IMO; uncomfortable I predict it will be discontinued within a year.
  2. I was comparing the weight to an eternity2 and the immortal. I should have been more specific. The RX7 is the blank I'm most interested in. I sent you a pm earlier, I'm waiting for a price.
  3. This is a tough one... I think the most fun and best bass I've caught is with a Gamble Cane toad.. I'm a Rat l Trap nut and I love to flip, pitch and swim a jig. Go Siebert! All said and done on the worst day out there the worms win hands down..............
  4. I'll have a look... They look great. I'm so comfortable with the cut ASC I'm going to stick with it. No matter how I hold the rod/reel I'm comfortable. I get a great grip for casting too. It just works for me.. It's the old broke thing....
  5. Suggestion; get the XT.. fantastic reel. Fleabay has em' for $119.00 most of the time.
  6. I suppose the E6X isn't popular ........................ I've read 21 reviews online. Only 1 out of the 21 was negative, Guy broke two of them, G Loomis replaced without issue. This rod was voted best at iCast 2015..... ?
  7. Tell us what you think of your E6X.
  8. I read it earlier today. You sure did sum that up. Good blog..
  9. Pretty cool... The rod world has become a lot like Harley's. it's endless.
  10. You just completed a rod you can fish with.. It's more than I can say for myself. I'm having one built... I'm getting great support from this great group of experienced rod builders here in the forum, As you know they are more than willing to help along so, keep on truckin!
  11. Me too.. It's a great crank and locator, rat l trap Nova's are my favorites. I like to use a 1.5 square bill in rocky area's too.
  12. Gorgeous rod!
  13. Such cool little rods... !
  14. I'm down to about 50... I'll be throwing them this week. Do you use Tru Turn Hooks?
  15. Bass never see them....
  16. It may have plastic gears... lol
  17. I use magnum tubes behind a skirted punch jig... awesome! Old School: I sometimes trow a 6" black Mann worm. I bought a boat load of them 25 years ago. I use them Texas rigged with a 3.0 tru Turn. My inventory is getting very low now.
  18. My season doesn't end until the temps drop below 50 degree's. Last year I fished til Christmas day.
  19. I like the arky around wood..
  20. Where I am the gold color is a killer... Gambler 49er. The Florida O is also a big winner.
  21. When you get an explosion stop. Let him take it, when your rod is under constant pressure set the hook. It's a whole new experience. You will be hooked.. Try some gambler toads or similar. Stanley Ribbit, Zoom Horny or BP toad to name a few. Use a Stanley Ribbit 4.0 double hook. Which frog were you throwing? Color? I love this stuff!
  22. Check out the Tech rods at Dick's Sporting Goods. They're very nice rods under $100.00.. sleepers.
  23. I tried a 683 casting rod. Super light weight and great action. The workmanship was top notch.
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