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Everything posted by WPCfishing

  1. There's a pond near me that's 1400 acres.. The depth at max is 6-8 feet depending on the time of year. The middle is for Pick and Pike. The shores are filled with reeds,pads,cabomba,min foils,rocks in some areas on the East side,overhanging trees, inlets outlets, winds mostly from the SW push chopped weeds to the north shore which packs against vegetation. I never fish the middle pool. I'm always in the junk often close to the inlets where the water is clean and highly oxygenated. The bass are super healthy, really strong. I still don't know enough about your pond to tell you much more than to rip a lip less crank or spinner bait over the tips of the growth or throw a frog or toad near the cover areas or swim a jig along the open water edge of them.
  2. I'm using a Minn Kota 55 to push a 14' canoe. With all my gear the best I can get on a perfect day is 4.2mph. The Grizzly would struggle in a big way with a t motor pushing it without gear. You need at least 25hp motor for that boat. The 55 would be fine up front for moving around when your fishing. I use a 30 upfront on my canoe.
  3. I want to go south where its a bit warmer for a weekend in early December.. Up to 250 miles. Any suggestions?
  4. I fish a lot.. I've had hits on the first and second casts more often than even I would believe. Especially top water. Other days when it's off and then out of nowhere bam! If I hookem great.. If I miss that fish all I can do is think.. You stupid ... xxxx .. what were you thinking!!
  5. The St Croix rods tend to be on the strong side so soft plastic swim baits.. Try the Gambler 5"
  6. Awesome!
  7. Do you have one? Can you do a review? My Canoe is set up like a bass boat. I'm powering the canoe with a 55# Minn Kota and I have a 30# Minn Kota up front. I want more speed. It takes to long to get from point A to point B. I average about 3.7 mph. I like to get that up to 8-10mph.
  8. I'm not going to reply to this thread...............
  9. A-Jay, Nice bass catch and video. What brand and model canoe are you in? Do you have an outrigger on it to keep it stable?
  10. I'll have the 74-6 in hand Monday. The rod was supposed to arrive earlier but the dealer used the wrong shipper. I'll post a minor review and pics. I'm fishing Tuesday.. I'll post a full review after I've had some time with it. I'll be very disappointed if after my first catch the rod doesn't start yelling, screaming and grip pumping.
  11. I'm in heavy vegetation and mats all the time. Power Pro 65 has served me very well. It rips thru anything I've put it in. For other baits the 40 and 50 do extremely well for me. I've tried a few others that were just ok.. no breakage issues, for me they didn't cast as well short or long and the 40# braids were pron to knotting and kinking. I'll stick with Power pro.
  12. I got that crank in my LTB.. Haven't used it yet. Looks like a well made crank.. It will be interesting to see how it performs, the good vibrations thing!!
  13. I'm a Rat l Trap fan too.. My recent favorites are the Nova colors.. Did you pay the price in the morning after eating the greasy stuff?
  14. How big a Pond? What are air and water temps? Pond contours? Cover? Depths? Stumps, Rocks, Pads? Clear water, Murky water?
  15. I've met a few pro's over the years but none of them Bass Fishermen.. Hockey, Baseball, Football and Basket Ball.
  16. No matter what you say I'm not eating a McDonalds Burger..
  17. You don't know Bill... Stick around, He's a blast.
  18. I fish big Jigs or surface baits, Frogs, Toads 70% of the time. I like Square Bills in the rocky area's for small mouth. It's rare I throw a T rigged 6" worm anymore, I don't like finesse fishing or drop shoting. I like big bass in hard area's whether is spring summer or fall. I have zero interest in catching a 3 pounder or less.. I do well Rattle Traps and Spinner Baits too.
  19. Depends on water temp and wind.. Right now where I am the water is fluctuating between 55-60 in the 2-4' area's on the north side where there is still some cover. I don't bother starting out until 11:00am. I'll fish til about 4:30 and head in.
  20. Excellent, good luck with the new rods...
  21. Bill, Don't worry about it.. You won't remember where the awesome reel is in a few days.. Then you'll forget you even own it. But, you got a good deal buddy. lol
  22. A most excellent observation!
  23. To many variables to answer this question.. Post some conditions so we can offer you advice.
  24. For me it depends on water color and cover.. Mid Murky or less I tie direct with Jigs. In heavy cover I always tie direct no matter what the water clarity is.
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