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Everything posted by ZRT-42

  1. Yeah it was sweet fishing here until the HOA told me I could no longer fish. The lake was three houses down so I could walk there and I would constantly catch bass all morning. Now I just drive to the outside of the neighborhood and fish there but it's not the same at all. But thanks for the information BassinLou appreciate it.
  2. Pretty new to this forum, From the Southern part of Broward County. Looking for a good place to fish from the bank. I would fish all the time in my neighborhood but the association just put a rule against fishing so it killed all the lakes that I would fish at, even put a notice on my door. Appreciate any info, Thanks Daniel.
  3. Awesome catches ! caught my first peacock the other day, not even close to that size though.
  4. I have, doing a lot more now because I'm trying to get way better with my baitcaster.
  5. I thought the same till I tossed one out and caught bass.... I now own about 4 of them lol
  6. I've thought of doing that down here in FL since I spearfish free dive in the ocean , but then again I live 10mins away from the everglades and there are gators around here everywhere so I'm good lol... But you should be good and I'm sure you could get some awesome vantage points of the type of vegetation/what the bottom looks like and where the fish are hanging out. Good luck to you and be safe doing that. Take a buddy with you.
  7. Very cool and interesting videos. Especially the one with the birds and spiderweb.
  8. That's freaking awesome
  9. That was my first baitcaster and used it like you are planning to and I loved it. And that rebate was also a plus. I'm sure someone with more experience and knowledge will chime in soon....still kinda new with the whole baitcaster fishing.
  10. I don't know how you do it lol, I only drive down here for work. Hell they won't even move over or slow down when I'm running lights and sirens somewhere. And I completely agree with you as far as driving somewhere outside of South Florida, they actually drive with manners and aren't animals lol when I lived in Indiana the opposite side traffic would stop for emergency vehicles and I would sit there like wow that actually happens.
  11. Yeah distracted drivers are all over the place, good thing she was ok.
  12. If only they listened to some of these.....I'm sure it would cut half the accidents I work, then again I work in Miami aka I drive how I want.
  13. Very nice fish !!
  14. Nice fish !!
  15. Netflix has a couple seasons of River Monsters. Good to hear he's coming back with new stuff.
  16. Awesome catch !!
  17. Blackhawk Down, End of watch, We were soldiers.
  18. That's awesome, Congrats !!
  19. Same here, the bites gone dry from my bank fishing spot where before I'd catch seven or eight bass in an hour and now nothing. I've thrown everything I have in my tackle box and on several occasions almost my tackle box and rods lol
  20. Thanks for the information. My little brother actually catches these guys with a small hook and bread. I've tried to use em as live bait but the turtles always get em first.
  21. Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. Yeah I want to catch bass not these guys. The thing is that the bass target them all the time in my Lake and I want some kind of lure to mimic them.
  22. In the first video or second ?
  23. And here's a video of the bass hanging out right off the bank
  24. Was checking out my lake by my house in South Florida/Broward County area and saw these little guys, the bass constantly eat them. I tried to look it up, but was not 100% sure on the species. I threw in my GoPro cause I figured that would do better than a picture. Also what type of lures would you guys throw as far as crankbaits/spinnerbaits/buzzbaits/ colors ect.... I'm new to using those kind of lures and have not had much luck with them. Thanks for any info At the 3:25 mark you can see a bass even checks out my Gopro
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