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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lenexa, Kansas
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three

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  1. Planning to hit it Wednesday to try and figure something out since I've only been there once for CC years ago.
  2. Kinda like my name has nothing to do with a boat. Still disappointed to learn the blue isn't the boat.
  3. I really figured the "blue" referred to rippin lips the blue boat.
  4. That garage size gonna make it tough for a bass boat, the width it the main issue. You probably need to be looking for a fish n ski with a swing away tongue. Probably should suspend your account for a while for mentioning tubing, lol.
  5. KC paddlers will do demos. You can rent the cheap ones at Shawnee Mission Park.
  6. Hit us up next year when you get ready to come down. You can also check the KC thread, but it seems like Wolf is the only place anyone goes to.
  7. I get it, but he asked a serious question and you gave him a disrespectful answer. Better change your favorite lakes.
  8. For white bass maybe. To the OP reverse the order. Although this year is different due to all the rain. Look at the favorite lakes these two jokers have listed. And whatever you do don't plan a trip to Pomona for bass.
  9. He said best to worst.
  10. Unless you're going with plate steel bumpers a deer is going to mess you up regardless. Watch the ditch for eyes and you'll be all right.
  11. Try Johns Marine Service in Raytown.
  12. You might want to crank the front of your boat all the way to the roller next time you load it.
  13. I roll with HDS touch units, doubt I could ever go back to a non touch.
  14. If you're going to quote someone you should probably get the quote right. If you're going to twist it out of context, that's the equivalent of #fakenews. Why you would bring that here, just to stir up some ****? Believe me or not I really don't care.
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