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Everything posted by weknowhowtolive

  1. Turn your current phone on to roaming only and see what kind of service you get roaming, then figure out whose network that is.
  2. The two most important parts of your equipment are hooks and line, but not necessarily in that order! : Of course line is important, I'm just saying a popular line brand thats been sold for years with tons of people using it shouldnt be breaking mid cast for no reason. If it is its either a bad batch or you did something wrong.
  3. All these line threads confuse me. The only line ive ever had a problem with fishing for any kind of fish is cheap line that comes prespooled on cheap combo reels. Maybe its a tourny issue and is more serious when there is big money on the line but I've never had a problem with any big name brand line breaking at random times. Really seems like a brand loyalty/preference thing but thats just me... :
  4. That doesnt look like hydrilla or millfoil. Looks almost mossy or something. By the way, best boat ever. I love it.
  5. Haha Dang. I honestly cant stand the BCS and dont care about many games outside the SEC. All the bowl games are awful these days.
  6. I guess coming back from a 24 point deficit to win by 6 might change that? Haha
  7. Thats awesome to hear! And remember what I told you in that other thread, you dont have to catch fish to have a good time on the water with your kid. When shes older shes not going to remember most of the fish anyway, she'll just remember spending time with dad. Hope everything works out for you!
  8. thanks for the tips guys. I think we've decided not to go to the preseason game and just go to the 9ers vs the Pats
  9. I've been with Sprint for almost 5 years (maybe more) and it sure wasnt by choice. I hate sprint. The only reason I would stay with them is if you use your phone for a lot of stuff and want to get the $100 everything plan. Otherwise, if you get good reception with T Mobile (they should have a chart on their website if I remember correctly) SWITCH!
  10. I got a call on St Pattys day this year at 11:30pm and i was uhh...slightly drunk...and the lady was selling personal injury insurance and I went on for 15 minutes about how I was scared I might lose a leg at work and it had happened to a friend and would it cover me...i couldnt keep a straight face and finally told her I was full of it. She laughed. Was that mean? ;D
  11. I just got this thing in the mail and it doesnt say its a coupon it says its a $20 gift card they give you with a purchase of $100 or more excluding taxes and S&H
  12. That sucks! The only reason I wanna go is because I'm a Packers fan and all my friends around here are 9ers fans and the Packers are finally coming to town, so we figured we'd go. Not sure I wanna spend 100 bucks for a good seat at a preseason game.
  13. I found out about it on here the other day and signed up before making my order, and called to ask if they would credit my account with my previous orders and they said yes. Today they credited the 2 previous orders I'd made, but not my most recent. I cant for the life of me figure out how many points you get per dollar...it looks like it might be AROUND 2 points per dollar, and redeems at 2 cents per point?
  14. I grew up fishing for trout and sometimes other fish mainly in rivers and streams. Lake fishing was always for catfish or crappie or something. I've only recently started fishing for bass and besides reading and watching tv, I've pretty much taught myself. So far I have done alright I think.
  15. My local wally world doesnt even have plastic worms. I went there a few months ago looking for a beer koozy and darts and they didnt have either. The guy at the counter said that darts got stolen so they stopped selling them...standing right in front of glass case with PING PONG BALLS IN IT??? So I went to the fishing section just to check it out. No 4/0 hooks in stock, no Zoom worms, and 2 packs of purple Yum worms. You guys should feel lucky.
  16. Has anyone ever bought a preseason ticket to an NFL game? Me and some friends are going to try and go to a game in August but the tickets dont go on sale until July and we have no idea what kind of costs to expect. Im sure it differs slightly team to team, but if anyone has ever gone to a preseason game and remembers what they paid for what kinda seat, lemme know! thanks.
  17. Yeah I ordered last night and I called this morning and she said it was too late and that my package already had a tracking number....except 10 hours later and I still dont have a tracking number :
  18. Has anyone ever actually caught more fish by using red line vs green or clear or camo or whatever else?
  19. Plus, I think most people who played online poker before the law passed still play... : I got creamed today in a 2 game parlay and a single money line bet but I got a 5 game parlay tomorrow im just sure im gunna win...
  20. Yup. I get the same way. Even with lures. Ill get a really expensive lure and rarely use it because I'm afraid i'll lose it.
  21. Cant forget the ads for that RC boat with an 18 inch leader on it or whatever. I can just see some big bass hitting that and dragging the thing under.
  22. I was in Texas last year for that game with my uncles who are all razorback fans and we were going nuts. We went to Rajun Cajun after wearing Arkansas gear and the place was empty. It was a shock
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