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Everything posted by weknowhowtolive

  1. I feel like im pretty good at being in contact with watching my baits and line, I catch a lot of my fish with Senkos on a slack or loose line while its falling and have never had a problem noticing a "change" in line tension or anything and I'll set the hook on just aobut anything ;D One question I have which is sort of silly is, what do you mean when you say "shake in place" ? Rod side to side? It feels to me like any tension on the line unless I'm directly above the bait is going to drag the bait towards me if i move it...but maybe I'm just not understanding what you guys mean by "shake it in place"
  2. Haha it was crazy. Flew into Houston on the 13th and it was about 70, next day was around the same and drove up to Murchison, nice and warm there too, then the next day a cold front moved in in the morning and was gone by the afternoon, then it was raining the 16th, 17th it was sunny again...crazy weather.
  3. Just read that post by Joe. S. WOW! Next time I go out I'll have a much better idea of what to do. Thanks!
  4. Alrighty I just got back from a trip to Texas which I take about once or twice a year and its really my only chance to fish. I dont get to bass fish nearly as much as I'd like to but I've learned a lot the handful of times I've gone and applied my other fishing knowledge to it to figure out what works and what doesnt, presentation, when to use what etc. So far I've caught a decent amount of fish on frogs in the spring and summer, along with a decent amount on spinners and buzz baits. I've caught a lot on crankbaits, and of course I've caught a ton on stick baits which i've learned to present in a lot of different ways. But while I've tried them in just about every season, fast and slow, different cover, different times, different weather, different color...I've never even gotten a strike with a jig...and I dont know what I'm doing wrong!!!! Its gotten to the point where the jig box just stays in my tackle bag and doesnt get touched because its just frustrating. But I really WANT to catch fish on them. What can I do?
  5. Whew...I havent been on this site in forever! I just got back a few days ago from a 3 day trip to East Texas. I fished on a private lake my grandparents live on and caught around 20 or so bass over the time I was there. The first night I walked out on the dock and caught 2 around 3.5 lbs on my first 2 casts (might have even been the same fish, I dont know) on an 5" stick. I honestly dont know what the name of the color was, its a dark brown with black flecks, and I used it off the boat for about an hour the next day and caught about 7 more around 1-2 lbs. I didnt use a weight and just fished them slowly around half the lake. The next day I did the same thing for about another hour and didnt get a single bite so I switched to a red with black flaked Senko and fished it even slower and caught a couple in the 2-3lb range. I also used a white pearl slugo and a white fluke off the dock and caught one or two, and also hooked a really nice one around 5-6 lbs from what I could see but of course it jumped and spit the hook :'( I didnt get to fish as much as I wanted to because of a cold front and I was sick but the fishing I did get in was awesome and it was my first time using the *** sticks I'd had for over a year and they performed really well!
  6. I dont mind the commercials when they take a break. What got on my nerves about that race that TNT hadnt done before was filling up the bottom right quarter of the screen with a commercial that took over the sound. They seemed to do it about every 3 minutes or so, and then every 15 laps they took a 90 minute break. There were more commercials than actual race time and they never paused or stopped a commercial when a wreck or something happened. Id rather have a commercial every 15-20 laps on Fox with a recap every time they came back than that.
  7. They dont mean the end as in, it will no longer exist. They mean the end as in, it wont be able to expand any further. And if the current IP scheme is used, its true. But itll be fixed long before then.
  8. Drove me nuts! Every 3 minutes some dumb commercial came up and every time they did it someone wrecked or the lead changed and half the time they didnt even say anything. Plus, without boogity boogity boogity it just isnt the same
  9. I dont wanna tick off BASS but I dont wanna go to the post office to send this thing back. The book is a series of books called the ultimate fishing library or something like that. It looks decent, but I'm not paying for it. The coin is just some dumb metal coin with a bass on it. its MINE TO KEEP! even if I dont send the book back
  10. I might get some hell, but I dont like much of any of willies stuff. He's been doing this stuff for awhile. He did some weird reggae album with Toots, and he just released an album with Quintin Marsalis Didnt think that song was as bad as some of his other stuff.
  11. Yeah, love that coin...looks like a slammer for pogs or some junk. Is it even illegal for me to just keep the book?
  12. Yeah I dont like getting stuff sent to me with them expecting me to send it back.
  13. Did anyone else get this in the mail? I thought I won something and then I open it and its some book that they want me to pay money for + shipping? Pretty weak.
  14. Boy I wish I had some extra cash right now to donate. $7500 seems so low.
  15. I was in the Market for a new mandolin a year ago and was looking around and found a cheap KENTUCKY that was made in Korea. This from a brand that has always advertised as an American company. Oh well.
  16. I'm really hopin I win those sun glasses, thats all.
  17. Well, I've been entering this almost every day and on the thursday ones I figured I had an advantage since I have insanely fast internet...turns out i was right. I got a hat. I dont think I've ever won any contest, and I'm slightly disappointed that I won...a hat. But, its free!
  18. It may be funny but I've had friends girlfriends as me questions I had no idea about and quickly realized I was about to cover for a buddy and had no idea what he did.
  19. Yeah this is really buggin me. Orange light, cant see down the road...
  20. They have that on a lot of pflueger reels now too. Free longsleeve for 6 bucks.
  21. 23 as of the 11th
  22. The far right box is the spread. that means the redsox have to win by 1.5 points, so at least 2. The second is moneyline, thats just who will win. The third is total points. the (-/+xxx) part is how much you win if you bet a dollar. So on the redsox spread, if you bet 1 dollar you would win 1.10. If you bet on the moneyline you would have to bet 1.7 to win 1. To simply bet on the redsox to win, click the middle box opposite their name LOL wow that's confusing...why dont they just say Redsox (check here) Diamond backs (check here) Because there are 2 ways to bet on them
  23. The far right box is the spread. that means the redsox have to win by 1.5 points, so at least 2. The second is moneyline, thats just who will win. The third is total points. the (-/+xxx) part is how much you win if you bet a dollar. So on the redsox spread, if you bet 1 dollar you would win 1.10. If you bet on the moneyline you would have to bet 1.7 to win 1. To simply bet on the redsox to win, click the middle box opposite their name
  24. I really hate getting up early, but when I go fishing I do. I have a buddy who is the same way. He asked me to show him how to bass fish (not that I know much more than him) and I said ok. The first 3 times we went we didnt get to the ponds until 3pm. By then it was too hot to do anything. Oh well!
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