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About Hale

  • Birthday 09/07/1976

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    St Lucie, FL

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Yay Yay Grape Soda!!!
  2. That's mandatory LIFE in Florida with the "10-20-Life" Law
  3. I would have never guessed Ariana to produce anything worthwhile! I used to ski out there all the time as a kid. (Grew up in Winter Haven and Lake Alfred)
  4. You will mess up the timing and foul plugs if you mix it. Just bring it in the shop. Probably somehting simple like a clogged filter.
  5. www.weekendbassers.com www.evergladesbassmasters.com www.bottomlinemike.com www.eastcoastbassanglers.com www.sfbk.net www.crackerboys.net www.gladesmasters.com www.trailgladesbassmasters.com www.bassnfools.com www.bassbustersflorida.com There is a lot more than this....
  6. Some good points here! I will say something once about infringing casts. Im not trying to bogart all the water up front, but I am trying to develop a pattern that will also benefit you as the co-angler. Making sloppy casts and cutting out my angles will make me just turn the boat and you will be faced with one of two casting scenarios: a lot of open water by yourself, or no water at all. If I have the big motor on and im sitting there at the helm waiting on you something is wrong. I have 'sat' a few people down with a little rap on the throttle. Likewise not securing your items because your an idiot is not my problem; it will be windy in a second, take your hat off, hold onto your drink, straps your rods. Im not turning around...
  7. This year I quit smoking, stopped eating fast food (I was eating a lot of it!), no more junk food (sodas, sweets) and I take the following: Daily: Omega 3 Vitamin C (2000mg) CLA Creatine Glutamine And of course multi-vitamins. This and some light excercise; Ive lost 50 pounds since December and more is coming. My fishing (physically and mentally) has changed dramatically from getting in shape.
  8. Well, thats a warm welcome to a new member! Where did he mispell sponsor? Where did he talk about using someone elses product that contradicts his sponsorship? I think I missed something in this post.
  9. The 90 is not enough power on that 750 hull. You would need to go up to a 135 to get the most out of it. Perhaps look at the 640 with a 90. You can grab that for less than 15k and will more than satisfy your needs (unless your on the great lakes or need to make really long runs each day).
  10. I have a pda and I havent anything out there to be worth a crap as far as weather tracking.
  11. I stand by the Costa Del Mar's. I have the Wavekillers (cause I have a big head) and they outperform any other pair of glasses I have tried or owned. Often times I will have someone on the boat and we are sight fishing..im saying "really, you cant see that bed there...and your glasses are polarized?"
  12. Thats how so many companies are getting nowadays...its b.s. But a lot of companies will have a rude awakening over the next few years. Especially once the outside industry sponsors become more prevalent...we will laugh at some rod manfacturer offering us a 20% discount after we sold 1000.00 worth of their crap.
  13. but the hook wasnt working... ;D
  14. Ive managed to win two tournaments in the past month on Okeechobee. They were actually both out of J&S and you cant get out of the rim canal (low water). Flukes have been the #1 producer. Weightless and Carolina rigged have been equally effective. Yesterdays weight was 13.97 and the one prior was just over 13#. Crankbaits are producing to but the bite is quick and short, so you have to be lightning quick on that hookset. Water is low but its making it alot easier to find fish. Its funny to see how much pressure is on certain areas and then everyone just runs right by the hot spots. I hope it stays that way. Yesterday was just flat out fun, bites and missed fish all day. I lost so many fish yesterday it almost became comical.The day ended in me breaking my thumb and mangling my hand up pretty bad (my casting hand of all things). But the pain was numbed with a win!
  15. Do you know how to go out and get a good job? Getting a sponsorship is no different! If you walk into a chain store that has a posting in the window your going to get crappy/mediocre job. Searching out sponsors are no different...look for the ones that arent 'advertising' open positions. Go in with your A game and be prepared to sell yourself for that position. And all the same, be prepared to be turned down a handful of times before you get someone that shows an ounce of interest. And like the other guys said; slow down! Just like the analogy above, if rent is due Friday and you start looking for a job on Monday..your going to wind up finding a dead end crappy job becuase you didnt give yourself time to make a better decision.
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