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Everything posted by Dypsis

  1. Dypsis


    That last one is especially cool. This is one of my favorites - https://www.google.com/search?q=giant+leopard+moth&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=899&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1JqNVefdF4WxggSbmrKwAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg
  2. Awesome! Great day.
  3. Pending on how thick the grass is and how submerged it is will certainly dictate if these could work for you. I like to throw a swim jig or spinnerbait. Or a Manns minus 1 over the top of the grass. I would certainly be throwing frogs if you aren't as well. A 5lb bass is a nice fish!
  4. I personally tie a San Diego Jam for all my cranks/jerks.
  5. Loomis 843 or 853 IMX. I have an 844 IMX and its a great all around rod. Haven't used either of these, but take a look at them.
  6. Awesome, thanks!
  7. Not sure if this is the right section... So this is one of those dumb questions, but here goes. If I have a crankbait I really like but want to get it custom painted can I just buy one and send it to someone and have it painted or does it have to be blank or not painted. Thanks! Matt
  8. Thanks Dwight, hopefully I get up your way this Fall and lay into some BIG gals!
  9. Hopefully next time I'll be able to fish the Susky. Would love to get into some larger smallies - I am already looking to go back up. Thanks for the advice, I'll keep you posted on any future trips!
  10. Went up to PA this weekend to fish Saturday with my brother in law. We went out on the Juniata River for about 5-6hrs. I have never caught a smallie before, but Saturday I probably caught around 15. They are like pure muscle - I caught a super small one maybe 6" and weighed a few ounces but while I held her to get unhooked she fought like a 1lb+ LMB for sure! Had a great time and hope to catch some more brown fish in the future. Matt First ever Smallie!! Nicest one of the day. She hit like a freight train - probably the hardest hit I've ever had. She literally had the entire crankbait in her mouth. The picture doesn't do her justice but she was +/-18" and 2.5-3lb.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. I guess I'll just play around with different weights and see what works for any given situation. When I tried last week I would aim for the little 12" or less 'holes' in the pads to get it through. But there are so many stems, leaves, etc in there that didn't always work. Matt
  12. I went out last week and pitched pads for the first time. I had a 1/4oz weight tied on and realized it was not heavy enough. Often times it would simply hit and stay on a pad leaf. What size weight do you like to use when pitching pads - 1/2oz or more? Does depth play a large factor? I will assume most of the time it would be in the 2-5' range, but could be very wrong as I said it was my first time. Matt
  13. I would just keep at it. Change color, lighter weight, etc. This is a top 5 plastic for me. A confident bait for sure. Seriously, just stay with it, it's a great bait. Very versatile as well.
  14. Thanks for the replies, I wasn't sure if it was an issue or not, just curious. Seems it shouldn't be one.
  15. Yes, this was more my question, certainly fish will always be there but I guess with any high pressured place its getting them to commit to the bait.
  16. I have this box and yes it took me a few tries to figure out how to get them in correctly. I've had it for 6+ months and they hold the baits really well. Every now and then a buzzbait will pop out but the spinnerbaits stay tight. Haven't seen a problem with the wire being bent either.
  17. How long after the pro's leave an area will the bite pick back up. So BASSfest ends today, my question is how long afterwards does a lake or river system take for the bite to come back around? Not that I am fishing KY Lake or anything, just a general question. Matt
  18. Yeah, I agree with A-Jay the color is simply spectacular. Matt
  19. Nice fish indeed. We need some details - bait, conditions, etc.
  20. Haha, thats why I've been looking to get one!
  21. That is awesome, great work Jeff. I have a rod rack as well and will be coping this exactly. So please wait to fill the patent. Matt
  22. Glad to hear about the Echo's I purchased two - Rayburn Red and Blueberry Perch. They just came in last week and I haven't had a chance to use them but next weekend I'll be fishing Fri-Sun and hope to test them out.
  23. Nice fish, I am still looking for my first Smallie. Hear they put a nice fight for the size.
  24. WHAT#&^#$!???? I'm surprised the earth is still spinning.
  25. Dwight, Although Steve has claimed he wouldn't put Rod Wrap on a grip like this - that has yet to be seen.
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