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Everything posted by onenutinthewater

  1. Great stuff thank you Andy! So I have always wondered what modulus was Stretch Armstrong made of?
  2. search older threads- a few recent on it. great stuff! I will never use PP again!
  3. I dont mess with the auctions- What seems like a great price and you think you may get a deal ends up being outbid at the last second for sometimes even a higher price than BIN from reputable seller. American legacy is top notch along with a few others.
  4. Upon purchase you may think they boxed up some picture hanging wire but It will soften up in time and be your favorite line! I had several friends talk it up so i ordered a spool- upon arrival I thought it felt like wire and would be terrible. I use 6#-20# for trout and steel head. No tip wrap or fray, excellent knot retention. Recently purchased 30# for salmon and that does feel like baling wire for now.
  5. Cant go wrong on Amazon unless its the price! Can usually find things cheaper on ebay from reputable sellers. 20 years on ebay and only been burned once........ Dont buy a car from the salty states without inspection...
  6. It all starts with just a little better rod and reel. Pretty soon it's 5 upgraded rods and reels for each day of the week and the only thing you can think about is fishing. Next thing ya know its a boat upgrade followed by a nicer vehicle. BEWARE
  7. I change mono after 3-4 outings. Line is cheap, losing a nice fish is priceless! No idea on shelf life but cant last long when it constantly gets changed. Compared to all other costs involved in the sport why risk it?
  8. 60+ steel head last winter using 20# Ultra with zero issues. Palomar knot to terminal gear. Great stuff that starts out feeling like wire but softens up in time.
  9. I have the tiny 1000 for trout fishing. Super smooth- don't recall if it had the rubber piece on the spool for braid. Pretty sure i tied on some mono under the 6# fireline. Felt kind of geary at first but now i really like it. Light weight- Does not feel as "solid" as the shimano Fk with the Zaion body but right up there with the ci4+. Looks cheap as it is pretty much all black. I am not one to be in style so fine with me.
  10. Good to see I am not the only one that way overthinks these decisions! Just go buy a Tatula and be done with it! I have 6 and dont regret a single one but do regret several other reels......
  11. I like to buy my favorite reel grease in bulk.
  12. BIG MISTAKE! You are going to wish you had never purchased that reel- HUGE waste of $. No sense in having it just sitting around. I can dispose of it properly just drop it in the mail to me at you earliest convenience..
  13. Im waiting for my check to arrive from my new friend in nigeria and then I am going to order a few of these!
  14. Everyone is going to have a different opinion- give it a try and see what you think!
  15. I bought the highest end spinning reel from that company that includes the ***- complete piece of junk, sent it back.
  16. 60-40 casting. Love throwing gear and retrieving with caster but playing a fish is just more enjoyable to me on spinning gear- especially the larger fish. Something about having my thumb so close to the spool and the desire to try and stop a hot fish from peeling off my line is just so difficult for me......
  17. In this fast moving world we now live in these companies have to constantly offer new and different products to feed our overzealous enthusiasm and desire to spend $$$$$$$. I know that personally these websites have ruined me with all the new latest, greatest, gadgets.............
  18. 4 years ago I would have said that spending $300 on a rod is ridiculous- this was before I tried them. Now I own about 15 of them and my most expensive combo is a light weight set up for trout coming in at just over $700. I figure after a lifetime of using crappy gear I deserve the best. As long as I can pay cash why not? Life is short use what makes you happy! My current favorite rod is a $65 JDM Teton... A $30 ugly stick would catch just as many fish but after using quality gear its tough to go back. I would never go back to fishing out of a rubber raft either but it was fun at the time.
  19. I'm blind as a night crawler but prefer Fireline Ultra in 6 & 8#. In the crystal color very easy to see and zero tip wrap. After years of using pp I will never use it again....
  20. Seems kinda silly to only buy one! Might as well get 3 or 7 more...........
  21. I currently have 6 Tatula's. A few are several years old and still work great but I am wondering if upgrading the original bearings might add some new zip to them? They have all been trouble free from day 1 and are regularly maintained so I guess I am just looking to tweak them a bit. I have added the drag clicker to all and recently installed a bfs spool in one and turned it into a rocket launcher. Just wondering if this would make much difference or maybe it is time to replace them.
  22. Recently purchased the Kuying Teton. At $65 I use it over my other rods costing 5 times that price!
  23. I have never tried the original fireline but the Ultra is much better than Nanofil as it does not fray.
  24. Fireline Ultra 8. Bye bye frayed braid and tip wrap!
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