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Everything posted by Ondrejka

  1. All I want is to find the original Elite Tech Smallmouth spinning rod. Like, so badly. Why I never bought one when I even remotely had the chance is beyond me. They aren't for sale anywhere even used, ever because everyone knows how awesome they are/were.
  2. Hope no one has immediate plans for Melvern this week. @Thefrog22 fished our long awaited two day EKB tournament Saturday and Sunday. After last weekend's awesome trip, my confidence was excellend. Then the storms rolled through Friday and couldn't have ruined the lake at a worse time. Lake was up probably 4 feet overnight Saturday, and then only got higher on Sunday. Main lake clarity wasn't too bad, TC was chocolate, but you account for the big winds all weekend and then everything mainlake was blown out by noon both days. We weighed in 3 bass pass fish Saturday, and 1 Sunday. We caught so many 14s/14.5s like it was going out of style. Keith had a few come unbuttoned on Sunday that would have come back with us too. Not the Melvern we know and love, she broke my heart. I'll be back next weekend with double guide trips Sat and Sun, so hopefully it'll settle down some by then. The fish are slowly but surely getting fatter though, spitting up both shad and craws. Only a matter of a few weeks before it really pops off.
  3. We're all gonna find out here in a few weeks eh
  4. Plenty of bass pass fish, definitely (+1 over 18). But Keith and I aren't gonna take the W this weekend with those. #18plus
  5. I said OUR BIGGEST BAG, aka DJ and I. Not our group. Anyway, went to Lone Star Thursday and found a school of deep fish that produced almost 9 lbs in two back to back casts, and almost 15 lbs total in about 35 minutes. Biggest out of the bunch was 5 lbs. 3 oz. on a Buzzs Baitz DT6 bluegill pattern. Then I broke my crankbait rod. Melvern guide trips over the weekend were good. No details provided for this spot of the interwebz anymore, unfortunately.
  6. It was our best bag in two years of BR weeknights. Crazy to think!
  7. Am I in the right forum? KC Area Trout Fisherman? Heading to Taney Friday for DJ's bachelor party fishing trip. Almost have a wild hair to sneak off to Kimberling on Sunday and get my Spot on.......................
  8. I think our last 2 stops of the season are going to put out.
  9. She's only $1000 to book for a fishing trip I bet we could all pitch in and get her out here for a fish fry lol
  10. Well yeah but I mean at the time that Micah saw them "on the dam"
  11. My buddy caught one pushing 5 on his fly rod two years ago now I think...I know they're still in there I'm sure. It is just a cool little spot in general. Dead?
  12. I'm waiting for @RangerDanger to pop in and tell us his stories of the mythical 7 lbers he's caught.
  13. We did that once before over the winter to iron out details for our weeknight deals, and now we're fishing every two weeks instead of every week. Add to that a cover photo in the Facebook group gets S/Os riled up and upset...would rather we get ALL THE people together meaning OUR group, which hasn't happened for a long time. Not trying to come off as a D, but it's true.
  14. I'll discuss off this forum in the Facebook group and create an event.
  15. Here's the kicker..... NO WIVES ALLOWED.
  16. I have enough Walleye, and some Crappie in the freezer to feed the group. Rarely do we make onesie-twosie meals at home, I always keep enough for a big fish fry for everyone to enjoy. We ought to plan that out...
  17. I think you're looking a bit too deep into the subject. Everyone in this forum (who are 90% all friends who fish together fairly regularly except for the lurkers), know I am a staunch conservationist. That being said, that's all I really have to say about that and don't have to defend much else.
  18. Without going on a 5 paragraph rant defending my conservationist ways as a local fishing guide in northeast KS, I'll leave it at this: I could care less about a drum. I threw it up in the air and it landed in the water and it swam away, but really only mostly because I didn't have a bluff wall in front of me to throw it at, or a 9mm to blow a big hole in it. Is this a serious question though? If you have to eat drum then I feel bad for you that you can't catch Walleye or Crappie. ON THAT NOTE.... If you're on BassResource defending a drum, I don't think this is the forum for you
  19. I think @Thefrog22 was giving an @Advantage report
  20. I have two of those that I have for clients in the boat. They're not bad.
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