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Everything posted by Ondrejka

  1. Clinton's ice is in that limbo where it's certainly not safe to walk on but also not safe to try and bust with any boat hoping that changes this week
  2. Year round fishing...all the more reason to stay fit.
  3. Lol, the ice popped real good when I got within a few feet of DJ and Brian. I kept my distance after that. Yes, yes I am. It was worth it though and I'm alive to tell the story. First time I ice fished there in late Jan/early Feb 2014 with Charles, there was probably 4-5" of ice. I was really surprised it was barely 2 yesterday. When I used to bank fish there right after ice out, I hooked one that was pushing 3# and broke off at the bank. There has been talk of them stocking a few between 3-6 lbs., but with it being a put and take fishery, and the amount of people that fish there, I'd imagine most of the trophies get harvested. I'm sure there are still a few hiding in the deep hole.
  4. Everything is locked up, literally. I suppose you could fish from shore somewhere at LaCygne or Wolf. Not sure that it would be worth the drive.
  5. I'm thankful I still get the boat wet fairly regularly, but I would really like a green fish trip. I'll make it to WC either way this weekend.
  6. When Keith and I made plans it was calling for 9 on Saturday and 10-20 on Sunday. Now it's basically reversed. I JUST WANT TO CATCH A BASS MKAY. Worst case scenario all the wind breaks up and blows the ice on Clinton around and I can continue doing my winter crappie thing. But I've got all this new gear that's yelling at me to use it.
  7. If the ice holds up on the little trout pond in Clinton state park I'll probably be punching holes there this weekend. The ice was safe on Monday, I almost went home to drop the boat off and come back with my ice gear. Had plans to fish Wolf with Keith on Sunday, but now it looks like the winds have changed their mind on which day it wants to be more annoying. Might have to go Saturday instead.
  8. Samesies. #BHW4life #BlessClayton #Clayton2016
  9. It was pretty nice on the water. I only dealt with freezing guides for a few hours and busted a little ice out of the marina. After 2 it was super pleasant. Got my crappie on and they cooperated, but I still would have rather been at wolf.
  10. Lone Star is full of them. DoCo not so much.
  11. You're just salting the wound bro. Why don't you go with me
  12. Coty Sleeper, always putting a damper on any excitement I have about the possibility of fishing. NEVERMINDDDDDDDDDDD.
  13. Anyone want to brave WC with me in the morning?
  14. I'm taking off at noon to get out.
  15. His website says he's not offering any guide trips in 2016.
  16. Even at the discounted rate it's just not in the cards this year. But I may still go anyway.
  17. I got an offer on booth space for the Topeka show, not sure on that yet though. Shaw Grigsby is gonna be there. But I might try and make the KC one with my dad.
  18. I'm jonesing enough to go to WC and fish in 20 degrees, however I'd rather fish in 44 degrees and rain.
  19. Well that's changed significantly since the last time I looked at it. Guess I'll just have to lull myself into a stupor until next weekend when it looks more bearable.
  20. Me too. Crappie fishing on Clinton is nice and all, but I need that green fish fix. Think I might make the trek to WC Sunday.
  21. Good to see all of you guys on Saturday that were able to make it out to Johnny's. Looking forward to this year!
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