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Everything posted by Ondrejka

  1. Adam and Cole both were sending me pics of the usual Lone Star specials this morning while I was briefly at Clinton. I'm really anxious to get out there.
  2. Clinton Saturday, Lone Star Sunday.
  3. Playful forum banter, my friend.
  4. Fairweather fisherman, man.
  5. YESSSS. Same dude. Can't wait.
  6. Story of my life with my 4s that look like 5s PS-glad to see you finally have a new avatar, long overdue.
  7. Oh gotcha. The use of his first name really threw me. I didn't watch the video yet, were there any "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"s like the Bull Shad brown fish? "Hold it up for da camera"
  8. Chris B? Do you know if he's fishing the circuit this year? Haven't heard or seen much from him on Facebook.
  9. Let me know! So I went down to Table Rock with Keith this weekend on a spur of the moment trip to visit our buddy from school who lives in Willard. We planned to fish Saturday for sure, because Sunday looked like the weather was going to take a turn for the worse. We put in at Cape Fair and fished most of that area/James river areas. Needless to say the Rock humbled us all this weekend. Not so much as a sniff. We fished it all-dirty water, clearer water, shallow,deep, ran the gambit of baits. Nothing. However, this can probably be attributed to the fact that a major shad kill was going on in that area. There were shad EVERYWHERE, and 3/4 of the schools were dead or croaking off. The fish wanted nothing to do with our baits as long as they had all that readily available. AIA had a tournament that day, and we didn't see a soul in the areas we fished. Which I guess on table rock should have told us something. Took 19 lbs to win that. Guess we just weren't in the right area. Sunday we didn't fish (but should have), because we were all too terribly hungover. But I'm just glad I got to fish the Rock regardless and get away this weekend. I'll be back *arnold voice*
  10. Looks like I'll be heading to Table Rock Friday with Keith to fish with a buddy who lives down there that we went to school with. I'm already rigging rods. Beyond stoked.
  11. Please, elaborate on these dribbles you speak of. Lolol
  12. Nice fish. I thought the same with mine from last weekend. 3-12, definitely looked 4 in the water.
  13. Going to Wolf? I need a break from ol' Coffey. Clinton is open so I'll probably do the Crappie thing for a while. Maybe go see what Lone Star is looking like.
  14. Had a good weekend to enjoy the nice weather. Took Friday off to roll solo to Wolf. It was a grind, but found fish to make it worth it. Caught my biggest WC LMB at 3 lbs. 12 oz. on a beaver/swinghead. Caught a few others on a squarebill and even threw an A-rig around and found one. Lost one at the boat that was probably pushing the 3# mark that I have on video-didn't have the GoPro running for anything else worthwhile. Turned around and went again Saturday morning to join the 40-50 other boats. Not sure I've ever waited so long in line at the check in station, but I knew what I was getting myself into. Definitely had more problems finding fish Saturday, but could not complain even a little bit with how awesome the weather was, and getting to hang out with Micah and Adam. I caught a few small ones, but nothing worth talking about. The 3 lb. 12 oz. fish. Another chunk (different fish). Didn't get a weight but probably that usual WC special.
  15. I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just throw out the possibility of not fishing LOZ for....mushrooms. Mushrooms. Bye Felicia. #WORD
  16. Let's definitely make some plans to meet up and get some hangz in.
  17. DJ and I will be down for four days. Very much looking forward to the BBB trip.
  18. I'm always tweaking really bad. It's a perpetual state. With the temps they have forecasted, I don't care what the result is. Beats being at home "WISHIN I WAS FISHIN" heh heh heh.
  19. I'll be fishing Friday through Sunday wherever I can! And you know 12mph forecasted equals 12+10 at WC
  20. I mean I feel the same-just depends on the wind
  21. I'll be somewhere on Friday too. More than likely Wolf, but Brent's been putting out fish on LaCygne... TELL ME WHERE TO GO.
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