I do not have access to a boat, so my options are significantly limited than if I did have boat access.
Ive always been primarily a brim hook qnd live bait (Canadian night crawlers 90% of the time, live minnows the other 10%), basically content to catch a few decent bluegill, but hopeful to run into a bass or two in the process, much like I just recently did.
I want to become a little more specific for largemouth/smallmouth/spotted bass. I want to learn different lure set ups for bass fishing off the bank. What would be a good lure for me to get started with, keep in mind tjat I am limited to the bank?
It's been said fishing with live bait is great, but one needs to become adept at artificial baits to have more success(bass in particular) and to be a better angler overall.
We have a public lake that has produced aome small nass for me on le bait, a couple 12 inches here ans there on buzzbaits, and numerous brim and shellcracker. Unfortunately, this place is being shut down for renovation and wont reopen till 26016, and thats a shame aince it is only 3 miles from me.
That leaves me with fishing the riverbank of the Tennessee river, and a couple places in a creek that runs within 10 miles of me. In one place that creek is located near a reservoir woth a axillary that helps supply water to the creek, and it has a bit of a current towards the first spot, and slower, calmer water down the line a few yards. The other location is under and around a bridge, can see a log sticking up on the left side of the bridge and the water gets deeper the closer to the Bridget it gets and stays that way for a few yards. The water in the creek ia typically greenish to slightly murky.
In regards to the r iverbanks I fish? Water clarity can be more variable, depending on rain or lack of rain. Normally its semi clear, but not just crystal clear.
I always look for brush, fell tree, rocks, and other structures in the water bass may be attracted too. Many of the r iverbanks have a good amount of shade to them, and water depth runs from about 1 foot deep near the bank, to perhaps 10-12 foot deep where my line is cast as far as I can cast it.
People claim watermelon seed swimsuits and worms are some of the most productive baits to use for bass from rhe bank. And by swimsuit, I meant swimbait, dagger auto correct!!!. I certainly sont expect to have immediate success, bit I hope I can become adept enough to catch some good bass on a pretty decent regularity.
Spinning reels are my reels of choice, and my S himano RX2000 paired with a medium action Shakespeare ugly stick have caught its share of bluegill, crappie, catfish, and a few small bass. I hate this is a long post, but I like it here and you guys seem like pretty good folk and are happy to help fellow anglers out.