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  1. Taking my girlfriend to go Carping fishing tomorrow. Just a basic setup, 20lb mono with a treble hook. 5 foot offshore, everyday i can see 6-7 carp feeding in the morning. Chumming is legal in my area so I plan to do so. My questions are: 1) Is Whole kernal corn ok to use as bait? (Instead of sweet corn) 2) Should I add salt to the can of Whole kernal or just buy sweet korn 3) Should I throw the corn in the freezer? 4) Is Cream corn OK to use as chum? Let me know! Thanks guys!
  2. You guys are right! Thank you for the insight
  3. Using it for channel cats at my local river! I mean sure i can use J hooks but when i use circle hooks I tend to not miss a hit!
  4. I'm short on cash at the moment and i'm all out of circle hooks. If I were to bend the tip of my J hook in more would it work like a circle hook would? Or is it a lost cause
  5. Sunfish? No problem. Catfish? Tricky but no problem. Anything else? Yea right.. I have two bridges i can fish from. Both crossing over the same river which is probably 200ft in width. One has a boat launch right next to it, the other has about 100 ft of shoreline to cast from. I cant seem to find fish! I've been able to reel in a couple bass, all are small ranging 9"-12". Today i went out, it was raining pretty hard so i figured the fish would be more active. I fished for about 3 hours, switching up my lure every 20-30 minutes. I tried some crankbaits, worms (plastic), jigs, and spinners. Only managed to get one bite which popped off as i was pulling it up. I've changed my rhythms, jerks etc and cant seem to find the fish! I understand that shore angling probably isnt very good and i should expect much but d**n 3 hours and 1 bite? It hurts!! I live in Jordan, NY and i was fishing a long river leading into the south side of Cross Lake (you'll be able to see it on Google Earth if you type Cross Lake, NY) Anyone have any tips or spots around my area?
  6. Yep! Gunna head to bass pro and get some offset hooks, more worms, maybe a topwater frog!
  7. Thank you! I need to get out on my boat and give the shores a go. Problem is, I have a 36 ft carver!! Lol
  8. In my area, mainly a long river leading to a decent size lake.. the main thing to fish are Channel Cats. There are ofcourse Largemouth, Smallmouth, yellow perch, northern pike and various amount of baitfish. I havent fished in years and when i have its been for Channel cats because.. well.. YUM. Only ever used hooks/sinkers with bait (shrimp, fermented chicken liver etc) I've been watching alot of videos lately and talking to some local fisherman and i always see them pulling in decent size bass (15-18 inches) so I went home and looked through an old tackle box my grandfather gave me when i was 14. I found some nice jigs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and some worms (wacky and spinnertail) I headed out this morning with my spinning reel to cast in for an hour or two. Threw on this worn out shad crankbait (i believe atleast) needless to say FIRST cast I pull in a small 11" bass.. All i can say is WOW. I have officially found my new hobby. Nothing like pulling in 4 (small for you guys) but nice size bass for me!! All were between 9-12" and caught on the same shad crankbait!!
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