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About starweldpro16

  • Birthday 10/11/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West Central PA
  • My PB
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  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth

starweldpro16's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Now that is sweet! I like it. It should be high enough to get up over the power drive troller too. Thanks!
  2. Hey gang. I have a question for you all. I need to come up with a good nav light. Hand held isn't getting it. My hand held is a great light,but not very convenient. What can I do for a good mounted white light for navigating reservoirs / rivers that are prone to floating debris at night? I'd like to wire it directly into my console nav light switch. Spot? Flood? Low or high mounted? My stupid bow mount troller takes up so much of the front of the boat, that location is pretty much out of the question. Some of the most successful people locally are turning to night fishing almost exclusively,so I guess I need to smooth out the rig a little. Thanks!
  3. Roots. Hmmm. My roots go back to a farm pond and the Bass Oreno plug. I bet if I had one of those old plugs I could still catch bass on her. Those were good days. I lost my last one to a very energetic bass. My plug was dangling over a limb on a laydown about a foot out of the water. I was working on getting it free, the whole while it was jigging up and down in the limbs of the laydown. That was when a feisty 3 or so pounder came up out of the water and took the lure. Snapped the snag and the line. Those were my first lures. I wish I still had one of them for old time sake.
  4. A Shad Rap in Helsinki Shad or the X-Rap 10 in Olive. Either one would do.
  5. Mine fishes. Outing before last she bested me by 5 bass. She is all about it provided the weather is good. We look forward to spending our retirement fishing.
  6. Next years lures. Hmmm. I don't have any KVD crankbaits. Need some of those. I sent an email off to Siebert jigs this afternoon. Be needing a bunch of those. Umbrella rig? Why not. Gotta try it. Looked at the frogs at Cabelas yesterday. Still thinking about that. I used to do well on Jitterbugs years ago,so these should be a hoot to. Aw there's no hope for tackle junkies. I'm trying to keep it well thought out and organized,but it's hard. Heaven help me if I ever hit the lottery.
  7. Hey,I picked up a new Citica 200G6 today. Whats up with the little bag of what appear to be extra weights? Being a different color,are they a different weight? The paper work that came with it is pretty sad. Thanks!
  8. Are the Cabelas Torney Trail rods still on sale? The site is down right now, so I can't confirm it. About half price I believe at what, $35 I think?
  9. This IS the place to be for the latest in Bass fishing knowledge. I gotta quit hanging out here. In all likely hood I'll be at Cabelas sometime this weekend or next. There is a little in the old "Fun money" jar again. Reward points spoiling and in need of redemption. All you young bucks here with your fancy cutting edge equipment. Posting pics and stories. My 25 and 30 year old Shimanos just aren't cutting it. NEED MORE STUFF! A co-worker looked over my shoulder while I was looking at an old Cabelas "Fishing: catalog. He asked if I had one of each color and model of crankbaits yet. I said "He!! no!" "Only have like 250 total in the boat right now." Said I was "Nuts",and walked away. Is that possible? "Nuts?" I prefer to think of it as more of an idiosyncrasy. Maybe an illness. Nuts. That was rude wasn't it?
  10. Bass on round reels? But aren't all the pros using those "spacey" looking jobbies? You know the ones. They look like a Ferrari with line sticking out of the grill. Who da thunk you could catch bass on a round reel?!? Just kidding my friend. I love the classic appeal of the old Ambassadeurs . When I was a pup,I'd go fishing with my grandpa up on Erie handy Cleveland. He ALWAYS bought Garcia reels. I use to feel like I was something special using his outfits. That would have been back about 1970/72. Right in there with some of yours. I wish I would have gotten a hold of one of his outfits before he died. I don't know what ever happened to them. You have a BUNCH of beautiful rigs there.
  11. Hey! I'm 52 and on line. Lets not start lumping us all into the geriatric bunch. Old-timers. Sheese! Don't dig me a hole just yet. ................Just kidding.
  12. I figured there was a benefit for hook setting. Tighten up the drag,set the hook and start back peddling. Dunno. I'm probably going to rely on the drag. Too old to start retraining myself now. It was interesting to watch him land chunky Erie smallies.
  13. Hey all. I was watching Mark Davis drop shotting on Erie. He was back reeling to land bass. Anyone else here rely on back reeling as opposed to relying solely on the drag? It looked like he was putting his right index finger down on the bail as an anti-reverse sort of stop. Pretty slick.
  14. I ordered an Okuma EVx medium glass in 7'8". Gonna give it a whirl for medium cranking. Anyone running one of these for cranks?
  15. Mmm mmm mmm. Sounds delicious!
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