Great advice. I often want that quick bite to pick off the easy fish, and move on down the bank without thoroughly fishing the area. Some days I seem more focused, and will exhaust the area. For example, last week I only took my box of jigs because, I just wanted to focus on my jig presentation and building my confidence with jigs. I found some cover in 15 foot of water that just looked amazing. Several cast in and no bites, but I continued to keep casting. Then probably the 10th cast i caught a 2 pounder, 5 min after that another 2-2 ½ pounder. Threw my jig in there a several more times with no luck, I was about to move on down the lake. Before doing so I decide to change my angle, I move my boat from a 6 o’clock position to a 9 o’clock position. On the second cast I felt that thump and pulled out a 7 pounder. (made my day) Never leave fish to find fish