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Everything posted by Stumphunter

  1. I have a local place like that with a lot of submerged grass. The grass is about a foot under the surface. I have had a lot of success with a broken back rapala. I will reel it in slow keeping it on top of surface using it as a wake bait, other times i will use a jerk then pause routine. Hope this helps and good luck...
  2. Never did see the mama around there was a big soybean field near by, she was probably in it somewhere. I slipped out of there so i wouldn't bother the fawn. What a joy to see tho.
  3. You did have had a great week, Congrats on the new baby and some Very Very nice smallies. Smiles for days
  4. Congrats on a very nice fish.
  5. Saw this little guy the other day while fishing for smallmouths in a small local river. I got within 15-20 feet from him. He never ran off he would just dunk his head under the water ever so often, Don't blame him it was extremely hot that day.
  6. another view
  7. Had a little time to kill before going in to work today. So I stopped by the farm pound to make a few cast. The where really active today, but anyway I caught this one bass and it had a monster belly on it, almost looked deformed. None of the other bass had anywhere near the belly this one had. My question is he just eating that well or is there a possible problem with the fish. Just had to share
  8. Use a dollar bill or any valued bill. A us bill is 6 1/16 inches long, so just say 6 inches. If you fold the bill in half then its 3 inches and so on. This will get you close enough. But note its not a legal way to measure a keeper fish.
  9. Great advice. I often want that quick bite to pick off the easy fish, and move on down the bank without thoroughly fishing the area. Some days I seem more focused, and will exhaust the area. For example, last week I only took my box of jigs because, I just wanted to focus on my jig presentation and building my confidence with jigs. I found some cover in 15 foot of water that just looked amazing. Several cast in and no bites, but I continued to keep casting. Then probably the 10th cast i caught a 2 pounder, 5 min after that another 2-2 ½ pounder. Threw my jig in there a several more times with no luck, I was about to move on down the lake. Before doing so I decide to change my angle, I move my boat from a 6 o’clock position to a 9 o’clock position. On the second cast I felt that thump and pulled out a 7 pounder. (made my day) Never leave fish to find fish
  10. Duckett Fishing Micro Magic, $159 @ Bass pro. That will be my next purchase. I have heard nothing but great things on all Duckett rods.
  11. New reel just came in. Need to go to work, but want to try it out.... Choices lol
  12. Went to wal-mart today to buy weekly items. Like i do everytime i go there, i checked out the fishing department for new baits. And checked for fishing baits they put on the clearance rack. Much to my surprise i found some good deals. Everything was $1.00 each. I would of bought more if they had it.
  13. Thank you for the friendly welcome!
  14. Hello fellow anglers, I have been fishing ever since I was old enough to hold a rod-n-reel. Bass fishing is my primary species of fish, but I love all types of fishing from walleye and striper fishing at Lake Cumberland, to crappie and attempting to catch Muskie at Green river Lake. I Hope to learn new tactics, and the latest gear, and maybe give some helpful info as well. Good luck to all and Happy fishing.
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