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Everything posted by Stumphunter

  1. From the album: Bass Of 2015

    Caught on March 22, 2015. Water temp 55 Degrees, air temp 58 degrees with a SE wind.
  2. Stumphunter

    Bass Of 2015

    Central Kentucky
  3. GoPro's are great, but if you are looking for something that cost a little less check this camera out. http://www.wolfcamera.com/product/POLXS100.htm
  4. Sure have, One morning i called in sick, I got to the lake unloaded boat and was going down the lake, There was a point i had planned to fish. Came around the bend, and saw a boat already there fishing. Done a double take and noticed it was my bosses boat. So i hunkered down in the boat and done a U-turn, my heart was racing like oh crap maybe he didn't see me. About 20 min went by, and i was almost at the other end of the lake. Look and my phone and i had a missed call, yup you guessed it from HIM. Awkward. I didn't know what to do, i couldn't even enjoy my fishing from worrying if he saw me. Then i received a text from him. It said "Need help catching all these fish, park your boat and hop in mine" I busted out laughing with a sigh of relief. Pulled up beside him and we both where grinning like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar..Turned out to be a great day.
  5. A great way to spend my Birthday morning, out on the water fishing... Not the biggest bass but big smiles.
  6. I can't say i would kiss the bass i caught. But then again, let me caught a 10 pounder and watch me pucker up lol.
  7. Good looking Reel. How do you like it?
  8. New member to the family.
  9. Thanks for the info.... I ended up Pairing this reel with a 7'3" MH Halo Daylight rod...
  10. Thank you guys for all your responses, I hope all your fishing dreams come true... Now go catch some fish...
  11. Caught her again last night lol
  12. I have a story or scenario for ya that happened one day..I bought a bunch of Strike King Red Eyed Shad, 2 of each color...I went fishing back in the spring and tied on a Bleeding gizzard shad. I then noticed one had red hook, and the other did not, So i tied one of each on, same size and color except for the hook color. And fished each one pretty equally at each spot. (Trying to do a little research myself) I would say on that day i caught a 4 to 1 ratio, more being on the red hooks. My partner was using one that had the black hooks. Wasn't long before he was asking if i had another one with the red hooks. I assumed that the red hooks made the bait look as tho it was bleeding triggering that extra few bites. It was a great day regardless. I can't 100% say red hooks make a difference all the time but it did that day...
  13. I totally agree fishing with family is a great thing. Wish i would have had the chance to fish with my grandad, he left this world to soon. . As long as you are a good person, everyone is welcome on my boat. Another lake i would like to fish is Ray Scotts Trophy Bass Retreat.
  14. Yes sir AL Linder sure can put them in the boat, no matter what species it is that for sure.
  15. Yes i went to a local reservoir the other day and noticed how much the weeds have receded. This lake is extremely clear, you can be in 10-12 foot of water and still see bottom. Makes for some tough fishing. So the underwater grass will grow all the way to the top at some places. If i was to say that there ever could be to much grass it would be there.. This reservoir is where the town gets its drinking water from, of course it gets treated 1st. They say all that grass help filter the water.
  16. Guess i should have wrote other than family and friends, i just assumed you could take them anytime you wanted to..
  17. Hey friends, just a little fun question. I'm curious to see everyones answer.... If you could have your choice of anyone living, to go on a fishing trip with, who would it be and which lake would you pick? When i really think about all my choices it can be a little difficult...But i would have to say, i might as well learn something in the process. So it would be another fisherman.. I would pick Gerald Swindle (G-MAN) at Falcon lake... I could learn so much from him and laugh the whole time....
  18. I just bought Abu Garcia Orra sx2 and for $100 bucks i absolutely love love mine. I was at bass pro couple weekends ago looking to spend $100. I looked at the PQ's, but i didn't like how they felt in my hand. The Orra has a lower profile than the PQ. And was butter smooth. I got the high speed 7.1:1, but i will be ordering the winch 5.4:1 next week. The last few days i have been fishing, we have had winds in the 15-20mph range, and i will cast directly into the wind with no problem at all. I cant speak for some of the other reels but its you're choice but i don't think you can go wrong with the Orra winch. They really improved on this generation 2 series.
  19. Far as people taking limits of bream and crappies and it not being a issue, is because we will use a 1 acer pond for example. The harvest ratio for 1 acer is 20-25 pounds of bass per acer per year. and far as panfish, it is 100-150 pounds per acer per year. The bass keeps the pounds or lakes population in check. If you take out a lot of big bass out, then the bluegill population will get out of hand, causing a stunt in growth in all species. Its totally you're right to keep a legal fish, but to help grow better and bigger bass, imo eat the smaller ones and let the over 2-2.5 pounders go. It takes 6-7 years in healthy waters to grow to be 4 pounds in kentucky that is. Takes a long time to replace that fish. Panfish can be replaced in a lot faster rates. I'm not try to tell anyone what they can and cannot keep by all means feed your family. Just giving a thought on why people frown on taking a lot of big bass out. We all agree that we love this sport lets make it the best we can.
  20. Found some on ebay for you 6 1/4 ,3/8 or 1/2 ounce for $9.95 will pm you link if you would like
  21. I know this isn't as nice as a lot of other reels but got this last night. ABU Garcia Orra SX 7.1:1 used it all day and i absolutely loved it for the money. Now i need to put it on a good rod.
  22. Ever line has its place on my boat.I don't primarily use just one type of line. Different scenario calls for different lines. While you can use one line for every scenario doesn't mean its the most effective way to fish.
  23. I would have to say for example you mark fish on a fish finder under baitfish and they are busting shad. I throw a flutter spoon and get bit. Yes they was reacting to my bait, but the where in a feeding mode. Far as a reaction i would say for example: I am working water around strucker, using a square bill crankbait. I make a cast and start reeling it in, and immediately after my bait hits a piece of structure, and deflects off that piece of structure i get bit. I would call that a reaction. Normally when conditions are tough and bites are hard to come by, i would say most of my bites are reaction bites. When everything is working no matter what you throw they are hungry and feeding.
  24. Since i was knee high to a grasshopper lol. Ever since i can remember i have loved fishing and i could never get enough off it. Some of my fondest memories are fishing related. You could say fishing is my happy place.
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