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Everything posted by Basstatmaster

  1. I'll be fixing the line issue soon. I am using a spinning reel yes. THERE ARE BASS! They are young but I know they are there. I was out just going for some bluegill, same set up as usual, a worm hooked with no bobber. Caught a bunch of bluegill, not really any keepers this time, but low and behold started reeling in some probably 6-8 inch bass. I just tossed my line, let it sink, reel in a bit, sink and wait, reel in again, just kept doing this stuff. I had a lot of fun. This was going on from 2:30 pm well into about 7:00pm. Caught some catfish also. So guess the trick is just give them the live bait and be slow. It will be getting better here soon.
  2. Well then I'll cheers a beer to you Skeeter. To getting back into it and keeping our heads up until we get that one fish that triggers our good ol memories of late.
  3. Thanks guys for the responses. To respond, one of the issues I always have is the cast just seems it never goes far enough. I'm using Berckley fireline 8lb line. Just doesn't seem to cast well unless I have a pretty good sized weight. It never tangles which I do like just wish I could get some good distance. So for now I have been casting along the banks off about 8 feet then reeling in. I am fishing those little trees and vegetation as well. Makes sense to me if I can get out further I should have some better luck. I can see clusters of pops in a line down the center of the lake but even a bullet weight and worm won't go far enough. I used weights and a bobber with a worm but that just made the gator come out every time. I got some top water ultralights, stopped using those because I can only cast out maybe 10 feet with them. I just got a black jitterbug and a few other goodies so hopefully tomorrow I can have some fun. I will definitely have a good detailed report on techniques and such. I think I may change up my line though.
  4. I live in Lake Wales. Just wondering if there are any people out there fishing shores in Polk County. Lakeland, Winter Haven, Lake Wales or wherever. I need some fishing buddies. Fishing is fun but its always nice to have some company around.
  5. Thanks all of u guys for the welcomes. This forum is awesome.
  6. I had some luck with some bluegill. None with bass so far, Just wen to worms, and a 4lb test line. Caught some catfish as well. I know there are definitely bigger better fish. but as was stated earlier its just been fished to death. I keep at it though. Its a fun little pond. The gator that's been in it I believe is either scaring the big guys or keeping them in hiding. There's not much of trees or any "hiding" spots I can see. there is one underwater tree I saw poking out Just gonna wait for the right way to fish it and sink my worm around. They are definitely there and I'm not giving up on this spot. Thank all of u guys for ur info.
  7. Looks like someone is fishing Carlton Arms Orlando?
  8. Allright. I'm new here. And just got back into fishing. Gave an intro earlier. Got back into fishing just as something more relaxing to my daily hustle and bustle with tattooing. You know. Fun. I have a pond behind my apartment. And I've lived there a few months. Always literally at almost all times of the day. So I figured I'd get back and do something I enjoy more. Little did I realize I had a pond of some smart ***** lol. So here are some details. I can see pops from blue gill towards the edges. Only 12-4PM do I see these pops go towards the middle of the lake. There is pretty much nowhere to hide. A small bush of cat-tail. 2 small trees. That's all. I do not think it's any deeper than 10 feet. It takes about 5 minutes to walk the lake. There is a pipe inlet from some lakes beyond my apartment in a cow pasture. I KNOW there are bass. There is a lot of vegetation. I don't know exactly what. But enough to where you can get caught up pretty quick. I have used texas rigged worms, spinnerbait, jigheads on my worms, a rooster tail, crank bait. Nothing. Got a bite one time. But may have just hit more grass. I've tried going fast, along the edge, in the trees, around the pipe (as long as the gator isn't around it). Nothing. Just pops and swipes around but not at the bait. At this point. I dunno what else to do. Won't let this pond beat me though. I'm enjoying this challenge. I know for sure there are bass. A neighbor caught a 5 pounder there right along the shore. But took him forever to get that. Any one have any ideas on what I could do feel free to shoot. If you nee more info let me know. I have pics as well. I tried to be a little more detailed.
  9. May as well introduce myself. I recently got back into fishing again to get away from the hustle and bustle of the tattoo industry. It's been working well.... would work better if I could catch something lol. When I was younger my family always took me fishing. Bluegill, bass, catfish, snook, snapper, grouper. All kinds. Now I'm in the bass fishing capital of the U.S. (just found that out) 15 years later and can't get anything lol. But. It's cool and it is fun and relaxing like I remember. Just back to the basics for me.
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