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Everything posted by Roadblock

  1. I was asking from a cost standpoint. Wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the extra money but it looks like it's only $20 dollars or so.
  2. Can someone tell me the difference between the Curado 200I and the new Citica 200I? They look like the SAME exact reel but different color spools etc. Talking about these two: http://fish.shimano.com/content/sac-fish/en/home/products/fishing-reels/baitcast/citica.html http://fish.shimano.com/content/sac-fish/en/home/products/fishing-reels/baitcast/curado.html When you read on Shimano's page they sound slightly different but the more I read it sounds like they both have the stable spool design, the x-ship etc.
  3. I had a St. Croix in MHM and I recently bought the Avid X in MF (AXC70MF) and find I can cast lighter cranks much farther with the MF than the MHM. Seems to be an all around better general purpose rod for me. Absolutely love the AXC70MF!
  4. I really like this second photo. I really wanted cork knobs to match the cork on my St. Croix Avid X but um, that really doesn't look bad blacked out like that.
  5. Other that things like the Hawgtech cranks and cork knobs? I like to tinker with customizing stuff and I'm not seeing much out there for Curado I series reels. If there a Japanese equivalent to this reel that maybe had some mods? I actually bought a Chronarch Ci4+ 150 today just because there is a ton of dress up parts out there for it.
  6. This is my first year with my 1970 Mercury Thunderbolt 500 motor. What do I need to do with it to winterize it? The boat and motor will be stored in my unheated garage. Do I need to remove the motor from the boat or should I anyway? What do I need to do to make sure the inside of the motor doesn't rust? For a 1970 its in GREAT shape. Fires right over and has 140 psi across all 4 cylinders and I would like it to keep it that way!
  7. I do have one thing to add after reading all the comments. So as I said I run 20 pound Power Pro Slick 8. I've gotten my casts down to almost NO backlash or birds nests. However I've had some nasty line dig-in's lately. I wouldn't say they are any better or worse right now, I've always had them and that it one thing I've never really improved on. I normally get one or two per trip that renders my reel DOA. I mean as soon as they happen its down for a good 30~45 minutes while I pick at it. I noticed if I cast too hard the baits will get out there about 20~30 feet and the line will dig in and bite HARD bringing my cranks to almost a stop mid-air. When I say cast "hard" I don't mean that it's super hard or anything that I would think cause this but it seems to. I just assumed it was because the line was getting too loose on the spool. I friend of mine had mentioned he has no luck with Power Pro Slick 8 and was getting line dig-ins too and suggested that I try Seaguar Smackdown. I happened to read a review of it then other day on ***, like an actual review, not a forum user post or anything. Anyway the person who wrote it said that he experienced far LESS dig-ins with Smackdown Vs. another major brand line and hinted that it was Power Pro Slick 8. I actually made a post on here asking for opinions on that and got mixed thoughts but some people felt it dug in less. This got me to wondering if it was possible the Slick 8 might be TOO thin and that was why it was digging? I see that theory is coming up here too now.
  8. Yeah I'm guessing between 50 and 60 feet, roughly 20 yards. I would say my spinning reel is more like 35+ yards? I have done everything you mentioned. I have 2 on, 2 off, I'm set right around 2 and I've also tried 1. I re-adjust the spool tension so the baits drop under there own weight. The ONLY thing I've not done it try heavier braid. Side note the rod is rated for 1/4 ~ 5/8.
  9. Would upgrading bearings in a baitcaster help cast farther? Setup in question is as follows. Reel: 2014 Shimano Curado 200I Rod: 2015 St. Croix Avid X Medium-Fast 7' Line: Power Pro Slick 8, 20 LBS Bait: Normally 5/8 cranks or 1/2 jigs with plastic of some type on them. I can cast over twice as far with my old 1985 Shimano TX-110Q on a Ugly Stick as I ever have with this Curado. I've cleaned the bearings, oiled per instructions. Cleaned the drum/brake thingy. Was watching a video on Hawg Tech's bearing and wondered if the extra free spool ability would help casting? I had sort of asked this question before but it turned out I had a bad bearing (was REALLY loud when casting) so I replaced the reel and the noise is gone, casts much better but still not getting good distance. I would say normally I cast about 20 or so yards? I can clear 30~40 on my spinning reel/rod from 1985. Makes me not really want to use my baitcaster when I'm on a boat, I just can't get the baits out there. Who knows, maybe I'm not suppose to be casting that far? Maybe I have the wrong rod power? Maybe I should stick to using spinning rigs and not own a baitcaster?! Probably just user error! School me boys and girls!
  10. Stopped at one of my local shops to handle both reels tonight side by side. I played with both the Stradic Ci4+ 2500 and Saros 2500. I can't feel the 2.4oz weight difference between the two but I know there is a difference. I definitely prefer the color scheme of the Saros over the Stradic Ci4+ but I do like the crank on the Stradic much more than the Saros. Cranking them over without line or a lure dragging, I feel no difference in the cranking action, bearings etc. I guess I'm still not sure.
  11. Well my current baitcaster is a 2014 Shimano Curado 200I on a 2015 St. Croix Avid X and it's the lightest rod and reel combo I've ever held. I definately like the super lightweight feel. Looks like I might just spend the extra coin on the Stradic CI4+ Now the question is, do I want the 1000 or the 2500? My curent Shimano is a 1985 TX-110Q and the size is good enough for what I use it for. I think it would be roughly the same as the 1000? BUT since I have the TX-110Q and it runs, I'm wondering if I should get the 2500? My wife has a Quantum Smoke SL40PTI so if I NEED a bigger spinning reel, we have one.
  12. In 1985 roughly my father bought two 1985 Shimano TX-110Q spinning reels and two Berkley rods. I don't remember what series the rods were but they were the same, one has red eyelet inserts and the other had yellow eyelet inserts though. I think the color difference may have represented the action? My father has since passed and both rods have broken but I do currently have my fathers TX-110Q on a Shakespeare Ugly Stick. It is actually my most used rod for panfish and small large-mouth Bass. Sitting in my boat now waiting for a sunny Michigan fall day! I've been meaning to pickup a Berkley 6'6" Lightening Rod just so I could have the Berkley/Shimano combo back I had as I kid. I actually still have my Shimano TX-110Q too but I've lost the crank and spool. If I can track down a crank and spool, it will be my daughters reel next year or so. Going to put that one on a Berkley Lightening Rod too. The Berkley/Shimano combo caught me LOADS of fish growing up, it will for my daughter too! I started on worms but I remember a Perch Rapela as being my first lure. I've also own a 2014 Shimano Curado 200I on a 2015 St. Croix Avid X 7'0" Medium-Fast and a Quantum Smoke SL40PTI series spinning reel on some cheap 6'6" Medium-Heavy rod, I can't remember what brand but I know it's an IM8.
  13. I'm just looking for a daily use spinning reel. A spare reel and rod if you will. I'd be using it for panfish, pike, bass, anything that bites really. My main go to rod and reel right now is a Shimano Curado 200I on a St. Croix Avid X Medium-Fast rod. Sometimes I just want to fish though and I don't want to have to deal with using a baitcaster or worrying about the reel going down due backlash etc. I don't want to deal with fixing it on the spot so a decent daily usage setup would be nice. Side note, I'll mostlikely be putting whatever new spinning reel I get on either a St. Croix Avid X or a St. Croix Eyecon Medium-Fast or Medium-Moderate.
  14. Just like the topic asks... I was thinking about getting the Stradic CI4+ but do I really need it? Does it offer anything really above and beyond say the Symetre or maybe even the Saros? I have a 1985 Shimano TX-110Q for a spinning reel so most anything would be an upgrade!
  15. Should I have mentioned what type of reel and rod I'm using? Maybe it doesn't matter? I'm running a 2014 Shimano Curado 200I on a 7" St Croix Avid X Medium Fast and a Curado 201I on a St. Croix 7" Eyecon Medium-Heavy Moderate. I switch hands sometimes depending on what I'm fishing for. I'm right handed and I feel like I had more cranking control with the right hand reel and more rod control with the left hand reel so I run both depending my mood. Same issue on both rigs. Sometimes when I cast it just wants to bite in. Thanks for the suggestions. I will play around.
  16. I'm somewhat new to using braid. I just got my first baitcaster this year and I started with Power Pro Slick 8 in 20 pound. I've gotten casting down (I think anyway) to a point where I can go out for a day, cast a couple hundred times and either get no backlash OR maybe only it one or two in a fishing trip. I know it's going to happen sometimes but I'm getting the hang of these bait-casters and braid! The big issue I still seem to have is line dig in. I get this A LOT! I cast and my line digs in bring my cast to an instant halt sometimes! I guess I just figured it was a result of the line getting loose so I find myself pulling all of the line off my spool, holding it tight and re-winding it often. Someone suggested that I try Seagaur Smackdown braid instead of Slick 8. I was told that his line has almost completely eliminated their dig in and it seem to almost eliminate backlash too. I did a quick Google search and found a review that also suggests that this line almost never digs in. Anyone use this line that can agree with this? Are there any other lines anyone would recommend? I like the way the Slick 8 feels but this dig in crap is annoying!
  17. I've been fishing for over 30 years. Started when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old with my father. I still have the main two reels we had from back then. My father bought two Shimano TX-110Q's in roughly 1985. He has since passed and really the ONLY things I have left from him are these reels. I still fish with his Shimano TX-110Q on a regular basis. In fact it was my ONLY reel until this year. I finally broke down and bought myself a new reel and rod combo. Bought a Shimano Curado 200I and a St. Croix Mojo Bass. I've always wanted a baitcaster! Anyway back to the TX-110Q spinning reels. I've lost the crank and both spools from my reel. My fathers reel is still 100%, obviously as I still use it. Lost is spare spool somewhere though over the years. My daughter is almost 5 and she is starting to fish. She already has her own Barbie rod and reel but I would like to fix up the other TX-110Q for her to use. I would like to find an acceptable crank for it and I need at least one spool but a couple spares would be nice. Looks like the spool is marked R1. I believe R1 is the size and type? SO! Does anyone know where I might FIND parts to get this reel up and running? I need a crank and a couple spare R1 spools would be nice. Anyone have anything laying around or know of a source?
  18. Yeah I don't know either. Sometimes I'll be reeling in my bait and all the sudden I'll notice my line just got tight. I won't really feel a strike, it just gets tight. Sometimes I'm snagged in weeds or on something and other times it's a fish!
  19. So for those of you who use St. Croix rods and know them, what do you guys think of the new 2015 Avid X rods from St. Croix? They are made from SCIII blanks. I just blindly bought the AXC70MF at Cabela's as I had a $125.00 dollars gift card, a $20.00 dollar off coupon etc. Paid $65.00 out of pocket with a round up. The AXC70MF is a 7 feet long and medium fast action. I normally run cranks that are 1/2 to 5/8 which is within the rating. Sometimes I run 3/4 jigs which I'm sure it will handle fine. I have have a medium-heavy moderate action St. Croix Eyecon and Mojo Bass and I have a hard time feeling strikes on it so I'm hoping the medium will be a little more sensitive. Also I've read that the SCIII is a huge upgrade from the SCII in terms of sensitivity.
  20. Granted my collection is not big! I own two rigs. I've got a 1985 Shimano TX-110Q spinning reel that is still running strong! I've got it on a older 6 foot Ugly Stick that I bought not knowing it should have been longer! Then I've also got a 2014 Shimano Curado 200I on a St. Croix 7 foot Medium/Heavy Eyecon rod. I've been so impressed with the smoothness of my new baitcaster that now I want a newer spinning reel and rod. I'll probably just pick up a St. Croix Eyecon Medium-Light Eyecon as I already know the SCII rods work fine for me. Thinking about a Shimano Stradic CI4+ or the standard CI4 if I can fine a good deal on one. I like the look of the older CI4 and I'm trying to pickup a used one right now as I really do not want to spend another $220+ on a new reel. That said is there any reason I would really want the CI4+ over the CI4? Any features that just stick out on the newer + model? Are there any cheaper Shimano reels I should look at? This will just be for smaller pan fish and small bass and more of a backup for when I birds-nest my Curado and I don't feel like fixing it on the spot! =D Like I said, I've been using a 1985 Shimano spinning reel that cost like $50+ dollars in 1985 and it's still working well!
  21. Holy CRAP I had two epic birds nets happen today. Unfortunately I did not bring a spare rod and reel AND I forgot to bring spare line! I spent about 30 minutes getting the first one out and about 15 on the second one, seriously. I guess it wasn't too bad though, I had to have over 200 casts easy today. Really sucky part was I had TWO large mouth Bass on the line today, I got both of them almost in and one jumped and spit the bait out. The other rolled over on top of the water and spit the bait out. I've had this happen a couple times now on a single hook style baits but never on anything with treble hooks. I've literally never lost anything that was on a crankbait with treble hooks in my life. I seem to have bad luck with plastics, spinners, chatters etc and other single hook style baits. SIGH!
  22. So let me ask you guys this. I know it's really a whatever works best for you type of thing but what would you say it more important with a baitcaster? Rod control or reel control? I ask because like myself for example. I'm completely new to baitcasters. I'm right handed and I've come over from right handed spinning reels. I bought a 2014 Curadio 200I a couple months ago. I definitely can crank good with my right hand but I can NOT control the rod with my left hand. I mean obviously I cast with my right hand but when I switch the rod over to my left hand I just can't pop and snap my top waters the way I would on a right hand held rod. Same with any plastics or any cranks for that matter. I just can't move them with my left hand the way I would with my right hand. So yesterday I picked up a 2014 Curado 201I (left hand model) to test with.bI definitely have way better control over my rod holding it in my right hand but I can't crank the thing very well at all. I think a longer crank such at the Hawgtech MIGHT help but I don't know. I definitely wore my wrist out winding the left hand reel with my left hand but I do NOT do that with say my Shimano or Quantum spinning reels but the crank turning radius is larger on those spinning reels than this Curado. Which seems more important? Rod control or cranking control?
  23. Here was the page I was looking at. You can count on one hand the amount of right handed baitcasters in the photo's. Everything is what we could call "left" handed. https://www.facebook.com/groups/753853527990078/
  24. This was just an observation. So I was trying to look up some info on Shimano Curado 200I and I happened upon a Facebook page for Shimano Malaysia and I was looking threw all the cool fishing photo's which are mostly from Malaysia. There are tons of photo's and one thing I noticed almost ALL of them had in common was that all of the baitcasters are LEFT handed. I literally could hardly find anyone fishing with a right handed caster. To me the right handed caster seems backwards as I've just come from right handed spinning reel. I would have bought a left hand caster if I could have found one in-stock somewhere locally. NO ONE has 2014 Shimano Curado 201I's around here. I've been on a waiting list for a month and I finally ended up buying a right hand model. Anyway I just found it interesting that all of these guys and gals in Malaysia seem to be rocking left hand casters. Are right hand casters more of an American thing?
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