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Everything posted by llPa1nll

  1. Okay, I know where you are putting in. I have fished there before. I always get nervous because of the no trespassing signs. I have called that number numerous times to get written permission to fish it. No one ever responds its a nice spot, though I have a hard time getting bit up river from there by "Shortys".
  2. Nev I had a friend check out the Nashua R. at the launch upriver and on the opposite side from the Mine Falls Dam launch and he stated that the he could see ice as far as he could see. I guess you are talking about a different stretch. My lake Im gonna guess has a solid 18-20" left to go.
  3. Oh Snap! I guess you are doing double duty then. I don't know how you do it. I would be broke if I worked there.
  4. You Sir need to feed the Bait Monkey. It brightens ones day when a UPS truck has been by the house. It also dulls the pain too which you feel. New sparkling baits make it some what palpable to get up in the morning. I hope this helps.
  5. I really don't want my fishing gear to have water front access in the basement.
  6. That lake can be a monster sometimes. I have seen the fog so thick you cant see the other side of the lake. The year before that it was gusty winds and dropping temps. The swells on the lake were over 3ft and that was only with a 3/4 - 1 mile fetch. Out on the main lake it was nasty, for safety sake we skipped going out a day due to the horrible conditions. Memorial day weekend temps in the 40s, rain, winds sustained 25 gusting to 40mph.
  7. Not saying the river isnt opening up but my sweet spot in Windham. I was ice fishing on last weekend. still a long way to go. My Boat launch in November My Boat launch last weekend.
  8. In yesterday's headlines a Russian man was devoured by a bear outside of his home. Reports are that he was rather stupid.
  9. I knew this was coming but Im sad to have such a great store for bass fishing go out of state. Gary and Sandy have always been great to me and I wish them the best. Much love for NBS!
  10. 2.27 here in southern NH.
  11. Sorry for your loss
  12. I usually am able to get out by the 3rd week of March. I am down in Southern NH, not far from Ma border. This is what the boat launch looked like in late November. I went ice fishing on Sunday for a few and took the picture of the boat launch. I personally don't see me getting out until maybe the 1st or 2nd week of April. What the launch looked like yesterday. Even if I could get out this is what my boat looks like at the moment its under the green tarp.
  13. Looking for some input. What is the difference on the Shimano Calcutta Conquest 401TE and 401F? Thanks for any information you provide.
  14. In NH we have received over 7ft of snow in 3.5 weeks. My poor snow blower is no longer above he snow in the middle of my backyard. We always get snow here, we have always received big storms. What I never remember is receiving storm after storm and getting over 1ft each storm.
  15. Meh, this is going to be a real FUBAR kinda of situation.
  16. Artic Sport by Muck Boots, by far the warmest, most comfortable, water proof boot I have had on my feet.
  17. +1
  18. llPa1nll


    Nailed it!
  19. +1
  20. I would have to say that pike is my favorite species to target. The bigger ones hit like a freight train.
  21. Anyone going to try and get out this weekend? I am going to try see what comes of it. My launch is wide open,
  22. I don't think that is an end all problem solver, this country would still be dependent on oil. I'd rather see someone take a stance on using something else (Hydrogen or NG). Granted, I don't have the answers. However looking back, this run on cheaper fuel is going to cost us in the long run.
  23. Ewww, ice. Glad you are already getting them through the ice. I just don't want the season to end
  24. No, Deaknh03 that wasn't me. I unfortunately was working. I don't even use the town launch as my access. If the weather stays decent going to attempt to get out on Sunday again.
  25. I did get out on Cobbetts yesterday. I brought minimal gear 3 rods, and I really only needed 1. The fish as expected were on the deep water drops, near flats and points. Small soft plastics were the ticket on a heavier jig head, as would be expected. No fish on the jig or the blade, which was a little unexpected. I boated 13 LMB and partner boated 17 for total of 30. In recap it was a great day on the water for the second week of December. The weather was actually very nice. Water temps started the day at 37F by the end of the day it warmed upto 39F.
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