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About Coherence

  • Birthday 10/08/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Milford, Delaware
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wagamon's Pond
  • Other Interests
    Washington Capitals and Nationals

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Zoomy Horny Toad - white Siebert Dredge Jig for Cover, Dirty Jigs Swim Jig for open water (read as jig - just specifying what I use when) Senko
  2. Senko - 330, 358, & 912. Zoom Horny Toad 3/8 black blue jig is honorable mention with ultra vibe trailer or grande bass mega claws trailer depending on how much bulk and movement I want
  3. AR - my varmint rifle w/ Timney competition trigger in it. Glock 17 Talo Edition Also have a Mossberg 500 - just didn't have any pictures on my phone of it, and its nothing special.
  4. Just a small snippet of my recent tournament adventures. Up until very recently (the past 2 months to be exact) I have been an annual "donater" in both of the small tournament organizations that I fish in. I'd use the same techniques as all the other guys out on the water, fish the same areas that should hold fish etc etc. Sometimes I'd land a nice fish or two, but would fall short of a limit, or I'd have a limit and not have any big bites. I was starting to think that I would never be able to put it all together on a tournament day (even if I can normally do alright on any regular day of fishing). Combine this with my lack of confidence at most endeavors on a daily basis...yeah, not really a winning combination. My normal co-angler couldn't go to one of the tournaments, and I was asked if I wanted to be a co-angler for someone else who also was short a partner. These are small tournaments, so you can fish with anyone at any particular event, not a regulated partner required for the duration of the season. I agreed, figuring to give my old boat a break, not to mention saving my back from trolling motor duties for a day. The new boater and I got along well and had a decent day of fishing. I busted my a** to the best of my ability, trying to get fish in the boat as hard as I ever had. We ended up finishing third - the lowest spot that still made pay-out that particular day. It was my first time cashing in a tournament. About two weeks later (back with my normal partner) - we fished another tournament at a private pond and just lit the fish up - suddenly fishing felt easy, I wasn't really thinking about what if X or Y, I was just doing. Every cast I was confident there would be a fish on - going so far as to call a few hook-ups before they actually happened. Not that I was feeling cocky or anything of the sort, but on some casts it just...felt right - if that makes sense. Like I knew before the bait hit the water. We finished the tournament without incident (always a good thing) and ended up winning - I couldn't have been more pumped. Finally it had all come together. Last weekend..it happened again - my partner and I didn't quite slay the bass like the previous tournament, but we caught a limit and managed to cull 3 times - lucking out as we only caught 9 bass all day, and we won for the second straight time. During this small win streak, I've done nothing different than I normally do, EXCEPT - I believed I would catch fish. I don't know if this somehow subconsciously made me fish harder, faster, more efficiently or something...but I am certain of one thing - winning made me happy at first...but now I'm bloodthirsty. I don't want to go back to being a "donator" as they used to call us...these few wins have become a catalyst for me. I've always valued soaking up as much information and experience as possible - but now I feel like it is time to shift into high gear, because I want to keep on winning. A few small wins does not a good fisherman make, but hopefully I can continue to hone and improve my skills, and shake any doubt that perhaps all of this was just a fluke. Plus it is kind of nice to see some of those smug grins that used to greet me, turn into more pensive stares when I carry my bag of fish up to the scale. Only time will tell, but I've got new motivation for once, which is refreshing. tl:dr; I managed to win a couple small tourneys; Confidence is some strange fishing enigma that I might have glimpsed briefly; I hope to keep improving. Thanks for reading this meandering post.
  5. I've purchased all kinds of items from Japan, and not even just in the fishing world, my brother and I used to import some Japanese only gaming titles when we were younger. Never had an issue with import taxes. I assume (as stated above) if you keep the order relatively small/reasonable, you will under the radar and just fine.
  6. Hey guys, I am no mechanic or even really mechanically inclined by any means, so I figured I would ask around here and see if anyone can help me identify a strange issue my old 2 Stroke Evinrude is having. Mind you this motor is from 1986, and is a cantankerous little machine - noisy, loud, and ugly as sin. When I shift into forward and am travelling below about 60% throttle the boat intermittently 'kicks' forward almost as if I have bumped the throttle up real quick then it seems to drop out of gear, before catching back up to the set throttle speed. It's definitely a strange action that occurs every 45 seconds or so. When travelling on plane at full speed this issue does not occur at all, and the ride is normal, with no kicking. Any thoughts? I'm not sure if this is a motor issue, a throttle cable issue, or something else entirely.
  7. TW sale got me...my goodies list Lews 7'0 Med Hvy Mag spinning rod Lews Tournament Pro HP 300 Spinning Reel Dobyn's Fury 7'3 Heavy casting rod Lews Tournament MB Speed Spool 7.5:1 I found an amusing trend as I looked at all of my previous TW orders. Anytime there is a 15% off sale...there is a larger than usual order placed
  8. Small TW order....some flipping stuff, going to try this fish friendly cull system to see how it fairs, and some more D&M bladed jigs because they always catch me fish Caught one of my tournament keepers with the Missle Baits D-Bomb the weekend after I got them - decent, but nothing to write home about. Also restocked on siebert jigs 2 weeks back. TW sale will most likely end with me purchasing at least one more rod....the bait monkey gets me almost weekly these days >.>
  9. Bought a 7'0 MH Veritas spinning rod off someone who fishes in my tournament group for $30 today...he decided that he needs all matching gear and is selling his rods and reels off...I'll probably end up with an entire secondary arsenal here shortly. Just put in a restocking order to Siebert that should arrive tomorrow or Friday - and bought some D&M Custom Piranha II Swim Jigs (aka D&M Chatterbaits) in baby bass, bama bug, and bluegill colors. I'll stick pictures on here when the stuff arrives. Nothing overly expensive or fancy, but my boat looks like some kind of demented tackle shop. I'll have to do a tackle organization overhaul this winter.
  10. Koppers hollow body, R2S Spittin' Wa for popping, and Zoom Horny Toads or Strike King Rage Tail Toads for swimming, depending on how much action I want and what speed.
  11. Wish I had the skill to work on lures like that. I can visualize the stuff...just can't get it from the brain, to the finished product haha. Great looking work there!
  12. Only thing I can say is, I can almost always catch a Pickerel, the bass are the tricky ones around here. Takes a bit more effort and usually a bit more subtle of a presentation. I've literally been slapping baits on the water to get plant-life off of it and had Pickerel come investigate.
  13. 2 lbs 1 oz caught on a beetle spin when I was messing around trying to catch perch and crappie one day. Needless to say I was shocked when I pulled that thing out. Haven't seen one even remotely close to that big since.
  14. I throw a white swim jig with a keitech swing impact trailer - oddly enough, the only white jig I use...I think part of it is I just don't have confidence in white /shrug probably a dumb reason, but definitely true.
  15. I like the Cavitrons when I don't want a clacker, and the D&M Hot-Rod when I want a clacker. They are the only two buzzbaits I fish, and I throw at least one of them almost every single time I am out fishing early or late.
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