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Everything posted by fishballer06

  1. Thank you. I believe that the antler restrictions are having a positive affect, and I believe more guys are passing up on legal "scrub" bucks and holding out for bigger bucks.
  2. I'll second Google Earth, and make sure you're not trespassing whenever you physically go to any of the ponds you find.
  3. Umm.. yeah... I'll be generous and give that one a 5... I'll take my turn here.
  4. This whole story has everything it takes to write a hit country song. Step 1. Get in a fight with your ole lady. Step 2. Drink beer. Step 3. Drive around in a truck.
  5. Changing out hooks can affect more than you think. For example, take a slow floating crankbait and put some heavier hooks on them and you'll likely have yourself a suspending crankbait. Also, using a lighter/heavier wire hook can slightly affect how deep a bait dives. Maybe not by a drastic amount, but it may add/subtract 6-12", which can sometimes make a difference. The most important thing to consider whenever choosing crankbait hooks is going as big as you can without the hooks being able to foul up on one other. The bigger those hooks can be, the better chance you have at hooking into that fish whenever it bites.
  6. Water clarity is water clarity. Whether that water is blue, green, yellow, etc. If you can see 6 feet, you can see 6 feet. If you're asking what baits to use for deeper fish (20-30 feet), you can never go wrong with a drop shot, carolina rig, or football jig.
  7. Both hard and soft body jerkbaits can produce in cold water. Both have their advantages though. Hard bodies can suspend/sink/float depending on model/hooks/line/etc, they also have multiple treble hooks to help with short strikes. Soft bodies are nice because they will sink, and they have action even whenever you're not doing anything. The soft body also feels more realistic in a fishes mouth whenever they grab it, so the fish should hold onto it longer, however the downside is you only have a single hook. My advice is try both and see which produces better on that particular day, but certainly don't ever leave you flukes at home, regardless of the time of year.
  8. Fish both and see which produces best. Chances are both will produce, but one will be better than the other. One thing to keep in mind, one has loud rattles and the other doesn't.
  9. Wow. Those fish make those 7" senko's look like a 4" senko.
  10. It takes 18-22 pounds to win any bass tournament on Raystown... Maybe it's a little tough to fish from a kayak because of it's size and the pleasure boats, but it's a solid bass fishery.
  11. Some NFL funnies for you guys this morning.
  12. Enjoy the snow, guys. Here in western PA we only have a 1/2" this morning. You can all think of me while you're shoveling snow today!
  13. One of the bucks I passed on this season. He was nice on the one side, but his main beam was broken off on the other right beside his brow tine. Sorry for the poor quality, but this was taken with my phone, through my scope, at a deer about 200 yards away.
  14. Finally dipping my toes into the JDM rod world. Extreme Mission Type F.
  15. I own the IMX 803C, so it's not quite the same as far as sensitivity, but it's close in every other aspect. I use mine mostly for weightless Senko's, Neko rigs, and light texas rigs (1/8-1/4). I would never go up to a 1/2oz. jig or t-rig with it. It would be overpowered, for sure. As far as skipping, I skip Senko's under docks just fine with it and the shorter length is nice for that. It doesn't have a lot of power, so if I was skipping a 3/8 or 1/2oz jig under docks, I'd want a 4 power.
  16. Aaron Martens uses braid backing on some of his reels because braid is lighter than mono.
  17. The neck was 24". My taxidermist said it's the biggest neck he's seen from this area. He said he's seen some 26" necks on deer from Canada, but never anything 24" around our area. It was the biggest bodied deer my father and I have ever seen. I don't know what the deer weighed, but we (father and I) were unable to lift this buck by ourselves up onto the back of our Kubota buggy.
  18. Picked up a 9" curly tail worm and started pitching it up under some overhanging tree's this summer. Be advised. Results may vary.
  19. I finally got my opportunity at a big whitetail buck and I made the most of it. He green scored at 147-3/8" and according to the PA record, book, would put me at 15th in my county (of all time) for a typical buck during rifle season. The rack is almost perfectly symmetrical with only 1.5" of deductions.
  20. If only the deer were as tame as the squirrels are...
  21. Website has been slow for me on my desktop with Chrome for the past week or so. Some pages fail to load whenever I click them and then load properly once I hit refresh. Give Glenn time. He runs a great operation here.
  22. Glad I'm not the only one still using jelly worms!
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