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Everything posted by fishballer06

  1. I know I've caught some 23-24" pickeral around PA and in Canada before. It's amazing that the record is only 24.4".
  2. Finally got my hands on some new Slammers.
  3. I'm not a big believer in color whenever it comes to topwater baits. Especially moving one's like a Buzzbait. Think about it. A fish is looking up into the light (sun) and is seeing something swimming along the surface very quickly. All of my topwater baits are black or white.
  4. As stated, its against the website rules and I feel it would add too much competition. There's a reason why we have 65 members and growing in this group and I feel it's because everyone likes the laid back atmosphere and shooting the bull with everyone on here. I'm still working with the moderators trying to get them to kick in some gift cards. We've been discussing places like Circuit City, Ames, Blockbuster, and HH Gregg.
  5. I joined up. I'll try to remember to fill this one out on top of my Bassmaster league.
  6. Clutch bar - I've heard of this on two cases. God only knows how many thousands of these reels they've already sold. If you were unlucky and got a dud, guess what? Shimano's customer service will replace it for you. I don't have a doubt in my mind about this. Cast control dial - If it's an issue for you, open up your side plate, take your phillips head screwdriver, and back the screw out an 1/8th turn. Problem solved. Drop the ball? I think the sales of this reel and the dozens (hundereds?) of positive reviews speak for itself. Rare? Yes, they're very rare. We live in a day and age where people can make any issue publicly known to the entire world. That said, I don't know that I've seen one person on this website post anything negative about their K series yet. Worth it? Oh my yes. The K series is way better than the I series. Smaller profile, better casting/braking, better handle, and it doesn't need oiled every 10 hours of fishing. Worth the risk? That's for you to decide. I pre-ordered two of them upon the announcement and I've been using them ever since and I've had zero issues. Just like the thousands of others out there who have bought this reel.
  7. Another interesting factoid about this reel that hasn't been brought up here yet is the fact that the palm side no longer has a side plate. It is threaded directly into the body, giving the frame a much more rigid design than previous designs.
  8. Yes, but you'll need to have two different log in accounts. I have one Bassmaster FF account, and I play two leagues with my lineup.
  9. The joy of the fantasy fishing is you can pick whoever you want. It's your fantasy. Live it. If you want to pick your favorite angler from each bucket because you like their personality or sponsors, do it. If you want to research articles on Bassmaster.com, do it. If you want to research past tournaments on the lake and how anglers did, do it. If you want to research the type of lake/river, water clarity, what stage the fish are in, how they're caught, etc. then pick the anglers who excel in those situations, do it. So many things can happen on any given weekend on the water. Some lakes cater to shallow water fishermen, others to deep water, some to sight fishing, some to graph reading, some to docks, some to open water, some to flipping, some to cranking. Some guys have won a tournament on a lake last time there, and don't even make the cut the next time around. Last year a certain someone didn't even finish top 100 on Okeechobee and he went on to win AOY.
  10. I heard that King James used the original Megastrike to bring back his receding hairline. True story.
  11. I know a few of the guys play FLW, but we don't have a group on there. I know they run their league a little different. Giving users "fake money" and putting a price tag on each angler.
  12. Is that Dottie?! That fish has the same markings!
  13. You're catching 29-32" pickerel? Why aren't you submitting those fish to IGFA?! The record is only 62cm (24.4"). http://wrec.igfa.org/WRecordsList.aspx?lc=AllTackleLength&cn=Pickerel, chain
  14. Dirty Jigs swim jig in Okeechobee 420 color, with a Rage Menace Grub in watermelon seed color on the back. Caught on the 4th of July.
  15. Bassmaster.com
  16. When the Megabass S Crank squarebaills came out I went out and bought one. Tied it on and started casting. About the fourth or fifth cast I hung it up on a wooden fish cage and lost it. That one hurt, but I still throw my expensive Megabass, Lucky Craft, pre-Rap warts, Rick Clunn squarebills, etc. because if you don't throw them in areas where they'll get hung, you're not going to catch nearly as many fish.
  17. Guys, the response for this has been great this year. We're up to 46 guys so far and still a few weeks to go. I look forward to everything this season will bring.
  18. I'm sorry you feel that way. Let me know if I'm understanding this all correctly. 1. It sounds like you sent an old discontinued reel into them. 2. Shimano saw it was a reel that they no longer had parts for. 3. Shimano decided to just send it back to you (at no charge) rather than bother ripping it apart, knowing they wouldn't be able to replace anything if it was needed. 4. You got your reel back and took it to another shop and found out that you made a rookie mistake with using braided line. 5. You're mad at Shimano and you're going to bad mouth them online and harass their representatives at trade shows because they wouldn't service an old reel that they no longer carry parts for. If this is correct, it sounds like you're getting mad at a company that has designed many high quality reels that you have enjoyed for many years and now you're mad that at them that its difficult to get replacement parts for your discontinued reels.
  19. A tournament on a 50 acre pond?
  20. 52* water? I wouldn't be throwing topwater.
  21. Your 852S is only going to be good for 1/8 - 3/16oz. jigs (once trailer is added) and you're going to be limited to pretty open water. Step up to the 3 or 4 power in a casting rod to use heavier jigs in heavier cover. Then choose the 85" or 89" model depending on how long of a rod you prefer.
  22. For an all purpose rod, I wouldn't spend the money on an NRX. I'd drop down to the IMX Pro or the GLX. The NRX shines in terms of sensitivity and weight. They also have an extra fast action to them, making it great for bottom contact type presentations. If you want an "all purpose" type action in a premium rod, I'd go with an MBR 843 or 844 in the IMX or GLX line.
  23. If you do some research, you'll see that a northern strain largemouth might take 8-10 years to reach 5 pounds. However, a Florida strain largemouth can grow to be 5 pounds (or more) in just 3-4 years. Here's an interesting article that Bassmaster published. https://www.bassmaster.com/news/big-old-bass A few different clips from it for those who don't want to open the article And here's an interesting article I found on northern strain Largemouth. https://fishinpedia.com/age-and-growth-of-largemouth-bass/
  24. We're glad to have you. Hopefully you're not a ringer!
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