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Everything posted by fishballer06

  1. Sold both of my Met MGL's, still have 2 of my 13 Met's, and I have 4 of the Chronarch MGL's. For an all around reel, Chronarch MGL is the best all around reel I have ever used. Shimano has a real winner in this platform.
  2. I'm really curious how the KY lake tournament is going to go. It's such a popular ledge lake with a strong offshore bite. However with the spawn in effect, it could be a totally different ball game. Roy Defoe Lefebre Kennedy Horton
  3. I went with some of the favorites this event. I need to pick up some points to stay competitive, so I needed some sure picks. I hate going with the heavy favorite/locals pick, but it is what it is. My picks and their estimated ranking as of 12:30 on day one. Elam - 88 (only 3 fish) Christie - 71 Evers - 62 Palaniuk - 41 Feider - 13
  4. Start fishing in areas with no fish in them. Your baits will last much longer.
  5. Don't be telling everyone about the most effective shallow water crankbait ever, please? I need to win some money in these local tournaments somehow.
  6. If the water is soft, the wiggle wart is in play.
  7. 35's make for a great front hook, because of how spread apart the two points are that face the body. Plus they don't foul up on the back hook or bill as much because of the short shank. The 36 is a great back hook and all around hook. My absolute favorite treble out there. The 41 is the 36, but it's a beefier 2x strong version.
  8. This. They're like $5 at your local sporting goods store too.
  9. It will handle the two baits you mention. But I would want something a hair longer, like at least a 7'6".
  10. Sounds like multiple things are wrong. You likely put the handle assembly/drag stack together improperly to cause the drag issue. And if your clutch isn't working, you definitely did something wrong. I'd find the manual schematic and take it apart again. Or if you're not comfortable, send it to a professional like DVT.
  11. You're fishing it exactly right. It's not a bait that's going to get you a dozen bites a day, but when you do get bit, hold on, because it'll be a good'un.
  12. Day one is in the books. Here's how my guys did: Ashley - 14th Defoe - 5th Crews - 22nd Cherry - 32nd Hartman - 10th
  13. Ok, here's my picks and their current estimates as of 2 PM on day 1. Ashley - 24 Defoe - 11 Crews - 39 Cherry - 27 Hartman - 10
  14. After being spooled on a spinning year for a year, it's most likely got a good bit of memory. You can try giving it a good shot of KVD L&L and see how it goes, but don't be surprised if it's very coily.
  15. I have a few local ponds within a 5-10 minute drive. However, when I'm lake/river fishing, I'm driving 20-160 miles depending on the lake.
  16. Green Pumpkin Bama Craw Texas rig and hold on tight.
  17. Welcome! I'm from the yinzer side of PA.
  18. The Scorpion 70 isn't a true JDM reel because it's made in Malaysia and it's not a true BFS reel either. Websites to use - Japan Lure Shop and Japan Tackle.
  19. Curado K, and if you can afford, the Chronarch MGL. Both are best in class in my opinion.
  20. I'm glad you took my advice. I'm sure you will not be disappointed.
  21. There's a little bit of a learning curve for the feel of a cranking rod, but once you get used to it, it is a nice thing to have. If you want to stay graphite but have a moderate action, the Dobyns Champion CB rods are the way to go. I'm a graphite cranking guy myself and these rods are my favorites.
  22. It's been a tough winter up north here, but my local pond is finally free of ice! Well, 3/4 of it is ice free. And guess what?! They're biting! Very first cast: First of the year:
  23. Then I wouldn't put much faith in what that shop ever tells me ever again... It sounds to me that they're just trying to sell you on old inventory so they can get rid it. You're talking about a reel that's already 4 years old, so replacement parts will be disappearing sooner. And in comparison, the Curado K is better in the following categories: More bearings (and better bearings at that) Micro modular brass gearing (much smoother retrieve) Better braking system More available gear ratio's Longer handles Smaller body/better palming in the hand Essentially, the only categories that the Citica wins out in would be : $30 cheaper 0.2oz lighter
  24. I would go with the Citica I out of those three you mentioned. However, with your price range, why not get the Curado K? It's a significantly better reel than those 3, and it's only $10 more than the Smoke and $20 more than the SX.
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