Being that I also live in PA, I think it's important that you realize a few things about hunting in PA.
1. You want to stalk hunt on PA state game lands. That's fine and dandy and all, but the PA woods are FILLED with hunters during deer season. Most of which who use the state game lands aren't always the wisest/brightest/safest of hunters. So walking around in those woods is likely going to lead to you walking in front of/around other hunters who are in stands or blinds. So walk with extreme caution, and be extra careful on where you are shooting whenever you finally get a shot. You never know who else is around you that could be within range.
2. A 300 Mag is going to be total overkill hunting in the woods where your range in limited to under 70 yards usually. Unless you are hunting fields and shooting 2-600 yards, there's no need for that rifle. The 308 is going to be the best all around caliber you can get. It's cheap to shoot, readily available, and it's very trustworthy in the woods, and even out to 300-ish yards in the fields.
3. Semi auto rifles like an AR are not legal to hunt with in PA. So do not buy one. Bolt action is the way to go in PA.
4. Obtaining an FFL license in order to purchase 2 rifles? That sounds like a lot of headache whenever a trusty 308 can be purchased for roughly $500.
5. A 3-9x40mm scope is perfect for hunting around here. The adjustable zoom is good for short or long range and the 40mm bell is good for collecting light in the early morning or late evening.
6. There's really no sense in buying camo either, since PA requires 150 square inches of florescent orange to be worn and visible in 360* on your entire upper body and head. So invest in a good warm orange jacket that is also resistant to snagging when walking through the brush, as well as a good orange hat. An orange beanie is a good investment too for those super cold days.
7. Most of all, learn to shoot and be accurate so you can comfortably make a kill shot. No body wants to see a wounded animal running around the woods and not being recovered. Luckily, shooting is the most fun part, so shoot as much as you want and enjoy!
Sorry if I'm being a Debbie Downer, but as another PA resident, I thought is would be wise to help bring you up to snuff on what is required in PA. When you buy your license, read the manual well and know all of the laws. I'm not sure about an 18 year old, but you may be required to take a Hunters Safety course. And if you aren't required to take one, I recommend you do take it since you have never hunted before.