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Everything posted by fishballer06

  1. Well, another season of Fantasy Fishing has come and gone and I think everyone had fun. This season was a lot more "interesting" to say the least. This season we had 75 participants, of which 40 played every event. Here's how our top performers did for the year. Top 5 is: Logan - 11,649 ratman46 - 11,600 tmr624 - 11,575 worminken - 11,467 fishballer06 - 11,269 I finished this season in the 97.7th percentile, so I would imagine that Logan and Ratman were easily in the 99th percentile. The competition here has always been fierce, but I think this is the best finish that we've ever seen by a board member here. The 2021 season should start up in late January. I will post up a thread to get that going once it's available. Thanks again to everyone who participated this season!
  2. Final day to get your picks in. Who does everyone have?
  3. Certainly seems like a Speed Worm copy. I personally have no experience with them, but I will say this... With this style of worm, would you rather have durability or action? Me personally, I prefer the later of the two.
  4. Finally something to replace the old Chronarch E's.
  5. Deak is on the ball! I'm in.
  6. I had this swap done by a professional and I remember him saying he had to swap something with the drag as well in order to make it work.
  7. 3 to 5 is the magic window for bass spinnerbaits. Experiment around with different combinations and see what works each day you're on the water.
  8. What length is this handle?
  9. @BlakeMolone you can buy these frames. PM me.
  10. Weights are low and everyone is struggling to get a limit. This is going to be a grinder for everyone.
  11. Send them to me. That offset weight design keeps them from rolling over when you burn them. And it works like a charm too. To the OP, I build my own spinnerbaits and I take pride in fishing my own baits and I know for a fact that my spinnerbaits are superior to 90% of the baits on the market. With that being said, the Covert spinnerbaits are the best production spinnerbait I have EVER seen. They went on sale at one point this spring and I bought about 20 of them. The Hilldebrant blades and hardware alone on these things are worth the sale price. I will be putting my own skirts on these frames and switch around some blade configurations. They're that good.
  12. I use KVD line and lure. I try to put it on the night before a trip, but if I don't, I put it on right before I head out. On hot sunny days, I may have to apply it again mid day.
  13. Another event with less than 1,000 points for me. Finished with 999 points lol. Congrats to BP for the W! No rest for the wicked though. Chickamauga is this weekend. 3rd weekend in a row for these guys. Will exhaustion play into it???
  14. 26 guys today didn't have a full limit, including 11th place Chad Morganthaler. 6 of those didn't weigh in a single fish.
  15. Well, GVille was a bust for me. In fact, my past two tournaments have been a bust and I've slipped a good bit. Don't rest though, Santee Cooper starts Thursday. So get your picks in!
  16. My B, C, and D bucket guys caught a total of 8 fish yesterday... My D bucket pick was Gerald Swindle, who lives on this lake...
  17. Sorry I forgot to post about this. I have been away on a trip in Indianapolis since Thursday. I hope everyone got their picks in!
  18. Having owned numers Avid's, Avid X's, and LTB's, as well as numerous Champions and Extreme's, I'll say this - The Champion lineup is probably a touch above the Avid/Avid X line, probably about on par with the LTB, and then the Extreme line would certainly be the nicest of them all (which I would expect).
  19. As deadly as a Torpedo is, it's still the same bait that it was 50 years ago. There's so many better, more modern, topwater prop baits these days. They may cost a little more, but they have the components that you expect from a modern bait. The Lucky Craft Kelly J comes to mind. Black Label and PH Custom also make a very high quality balsa bait as well.
  20. If I'm fishing 10-20 feet, I'm using at least 3/8oz. Maintaining bottom contact is crucial at those depths. If it's windy enough to put slack in my line, I'm using 3/4oz most likely.
  21. Friendly bump. 20 days until Gville.
  22. This. Amazing rod for the money. You won't regret a PA.
  23. I've never really thrown Chartreuse on a flipping style jig, but on swim jigs and spinnerbaits definitely. My best producing spinnerbait this spring was black/white/chartreuse (hand made).
  24. I could always remove the group name/password from the first post of this thread, but I'd rather have as many people playing along here as possible. After all, this group is entirely for fun and it gets people talking on the forum. All that aside, I absolutely tanked this event. I fell from the 98.9 percentile, to the 96.9 percentile and my picks for this event only landed me in the 71st percentile. I racked up 925 points, while our group leader Logan (who was in the 99.9th percentile) only managed to land himself 855 points total. Lots of popular picks at this tournament who didn't fair well. I personally took Seth Feider (who finished 25th) and I debated not taking him since his wife just had a baby a week and a half before the event and I felt like his head just wouldn't be on the water. And from the looks of it, it wasn't, but the guy knows enough about that lake and smallmouths to still land himself in the top 25. I should have trusted my gut and went with a Johnston brother. Oh well, live and learn.
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