Over the weekend I went to the local Field and Stream store (Dick's newest outdoor sporting goods line of stores) to get some line put on 3 of my baitcasting reels since it's easier to have them do it for me, than trying to beg my girlfriend to help me do it at home. The gentlemen who works the fishing section is a local tournament fishermen who is very friendly and I've spoke to on many occasions. Once my reels were done, I was leaving the store whenever I glanced over at a rack of clearance rods. That's when I noticed a few G Loomis rods on the clearance rack. Upon checking them out, I found a TWR 773C for $145. I knew that I had a rewards certificate for $30, and a $10 off a $50+ purchase coupon. So in the end, this brought the total for my new rod down to $105.
Overall, it's a very nice rod and I can see why guys are so loyal to G Loomis. I didn't need this rod at all, but for the price, I couldn't turn it down.