Mosquito Bay - a large bay in a lake we fish in Canada that is full of stumps, and is also full of mosquitos and largemouth that are always biting 24/7/365
Perch Haven - a large inlet in that same Canadian lake that is shallow and full of timber and weeds, and is chock full of some of the biggest perch you'll ever see in your life
Stanleys Cut - an inlet where the river flows into a large lake. My family was good friends with this old man named Stanley who lived on the lake, right beside this inlet. Stanley lived to be 95 years old, and he would fish and cut firewood every single day up until the day he died. You can troll that little cut and pull out more walleyes than the livewell will hold.
The Honey Hole - a little hole we discovered on some private property this fall up in New York for salmon
The Bridge and Dales Willow Tree - there was a stream not far from my parents house. This stream was fed by a freshwater spring that pumped out water year round, even in the dead of winter, and it was full of native and stocked trout, as well as some big suckers. My friend and I would fish it almost every day in the spring all throughout middle and high school. There was a open grate singing bridge on my friends Grandparents farm that was always full of beautiful trout. Further down the stream, there was a large willow tree on the waters edge at a man named Dale's property. This tree was over a large hole that was always full of trout. We still joke to this day about that spot, because one night while fishing, I caught a nice Rainbow on a rooster tail. I removed the hooks from the fish and walked to the water to release the fish. When I had turned around, my friends dog (with very long,shaggy hair) had laid down on my rooster tail and gotten the lure completely tangled up and buried in his fur. We didn't have any scissors on us that night, so we had to walk up to Dale's house and ask to borrow his scissors so we could cut the lure out of the dogs fur. That story is still an ongoing joke between my friend and I about the night I "caught Coco".