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Everything posted by fishballer06

  1. Probably a Cavitron or a DT.
  2. I'm not sure how those will work, but you could always run to your local store and pick up a swimming pool temperature stick. Probably won't cost you more than $5.
  3. Hmm, $190 for the Brenious... Whats the US equivalent of that reel? Is it a 50 size Chronarch with a shallow spool?
  4. I went ahead and bought every color. According to my buddy Phil, I won't be able to fish for 6 more weeks.
  5. Around here, I like craw colors in the spring. Outside of that, I usually like brighter colors because the melting snow usually washes in dirt and makes the water dirtier/muddier than normal, so chartruese, whites, oranges, etc. are usually a good call. That could be different in your part of the country.
  6. I normally tie on a about an arm's length (2-3').
  7. Just went through some old one's of mine this weekend. I had both versions.
  8. This may not apply to your area of the country, but I remember about 15 years ago, a local lake got drawn down for a year, and it left the entire upper end (which is shallow compared to the lower), completely dry. During the time that the upper end was dry, it grew full of weeds. Once the lake was filled back up, it created a breeding haven for the pike with all of that new grass/weeds. The next 5-6 years the pike just took over the entire lake and it was easy to catch 50+ pike an outing. Eventually, the local tackle shop started hosting pike tournaments that didn't promote live release, and the game commission started killing the weeds. In no time, the pike disappeared. I haven't caught or seen a pike in that lake now in probably at least 5 years.
  9. I'd look into the Mann's 1- series, as well as the Strike King Pro series.
  10. I always have a flashlight and/or headlight on me as well.
  11. Probably would be throwing a DT10 in whatever color best matched the natural forage of the lake
  12. I own the Premier 7' M-M and I can definitely say it definitely seems like its on the lighter side of a medium power. Good rod none the less, but I would probably recommend the MH.
  13. I'd use it for plastics. Although I've heard many guys prefer an XF for jerkbaits. Experiment and see what you like it best for.
  14. Went to my local Field and Stream last week and they had 3 different colors of the D-Bombs on clearance for $3.47, with an extra 30% off that price. They also had all Lucky Craft lures for 20% off. Add on my $10 off feedback survey coupon, I made out like a bandit. Went home, thought about it some, and then the next day during my lunch break I ran back to the store and bought all their remaining packages of the clearance D-Bombs. I also noticed on my return trip, that the LC baits were no longer 20% off.
  15. You mean you already own a Cavitron and you're still considering a different brand?!
  16. Their spinnerbaits are great, and are pretty much all I throw. I love that they last forever. Their buzzbaits are absolutely terrible. I bought 4 of them before last season because I always liked their Spinnerbaits. All 4 of them don't run true and cannot get any of them tuned to run properly.
  17. Wiggle Warts to go back to the old mold and rattles.
  18. They say 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water, and the other 10% of the fish are in 90% of the water. If you're still allowed to fish it, get down there and fish it because 100% of the fish are now super concentrated in what remaining water is left. As stated above, this could be done for numerous reasons. I know around here, most of the man made lakes with a dam get drawn down a fair bit every winter so they can maintain the dam. Also, because I live around the mountains, some lakes will get drawn down every so many years so they can dredge out the silt that gets washed into the lake. Over years, you would be surprised how a lake thats 30 feet deep becomes 20 feet deep because of the silt that gets washed in. They do this fairly often around here, and it usually takes the lake a while to get back to normal, but it's usually for the best in the long run. Regardless, even if you're not allowed to fish, head down there. You might discover structure that you never knew was there, or you might see where the DNR is putting in artificial fish structure. Or you might find someone's old rod/reel or lures that can be salvaged.
  19. 10 fish limit per day, no live release. My how times have changed.
  20. It looks like the BX Minnow but with 3 hook hangers.
  21. Thanks for the insight everyone. Looks like I'll likely go the Avid route, unless someone can come in here and convince me otherwise on the LTB.
  22. Not being able to fish the entire season is the big kicker. I pity the local club that Ish joins in order to keep fishing this season!
  23. I would be weary buying used buzzbaits and spinnerbaits, due to the nature of those wires.
  24. Premier gets my vote. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the other two models are made in Mexico.
  25. Would work perfect when the perch bite is on
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