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Everything posted by GreenCarp

  1. What would you suggest a fisherman new to bass fishing ( always fished for sunfish, catfish, trout) use for shore bass fishing? What kind of setups would you use if you were limited to fishing from the shore?
  2. Which lakes should I check out for shore bass fishing? A lot of the lakes that are highly regarded appear ( to me) to be primarily boat lakes.
  3. Any bass is good with me. I didn't even realize we had walleye in Kansas, honestly.
  4. What's the best spot to go to within an hour of Lawrence? From perusing the thread, seems Lake Olathe or Perry is my best bet. Thoughts?
  5. Yeah been reading through that thread, made the post assuming there wasn't a lot here ( was that way on some other forum I was asking about another fish species). Thanks!
  6. Recently started fishing again after a good decade since my last serious endeauvor as a kid. I live near Kansas City. I've been fishing a few community lakes, and getting bored with catching sunfish and stocked channel cats. Where should I go for decent bass fishing within an hour of Kansas City/ Lawrence Kansas? What works around here? What lakes are dinkville? Thanks for any help!
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