I'm not saying MLF should change their format, because I know it's been very successful, and I know I'm in the minority, but I'm not really a huge fan. I'd love to see a tournament where they used the same catch/release, live scoring system, yet used a five fish limit. It would be just like a regular tournament except we would get a running bag total, and the other competitors would know what their opponents had. This would also make for the possibility of some pretty dramatic finishes, as someone who was trailing could catch a couple big ones and vault into the top (you know, like in an actual tournament except no one knows it just happened), whereas in the MLF format, half the guys are often totally out of it by the third period. You could even continue to use the 12 inch limit since you are releasing the fish. As for the potential for guys going an hour without catching a fish, that's why these shows are edited. And even if they were focusing on catching bigger fish and there was more time between catches, would that be the end of the world? Maybe we could actually watch a guy's fish catch from beginning to end and get an idea of what he was doing instead of just seeing guys land fish over and over again? And in my format, you'd have slightly larger field fishing lakes where you know they are likely to catch them.
There are probably guys on the outside looking in of MLF who would love to get involved and there is a market out there for this kind of programming, so I might just start this thing myself (What's to stop me beside a bunch of high priced lawyers?). I just need some significant financial backing and a team of people who know how to do stuff.
Luckily, with Bass Live and FLW Live, we get a taste of this, but we don't get to see it come to it's dramatic conclusion and it is not tightly packaged like MLF. Here's hoping that BASS and FLW are able to expand of their live coverage as money and technology allow.