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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. I have a couple leftover MN-BR hats from the get together. Free, if you PM me your address. Thx, -Fry
  2. I have a 10 inch screen but think a 9 inch would be adequate. I’m also switching from Panoptix to LiveScope this year. I thought Panoptix was very good looking straight down (i.e. drop-shotting) but looking forward was just so-so. Am hoping LiveScope is good in both directions. We’ll see...
  3. Not sure it’s the shimmy you’re looking for, but a 5 inch Caffeine Shad (the fluke style, not swimming paddle tail) on an Owner 4/0 Twistlock Light 3/32 oz has its own movement. This particular fluke has a small air bubble in the tip of the tail - on the fall it shimmies some horizontally since its belly-weighted, sinks about a foot, then turns, wiggles the tail and sinks/swims again on its own in a different direction. Much more natural movement than a standard style fluke. Deadly, but again don’t know if that’s the shimmy movement you’re looking for.
  4. Steez SV TW, but Tatula is not that far behind for a fraction of the cost. Above 1/4 oz Tat, below Steez. If skipping a lure is never an option Curado 70.
  5. Shadow Rap is my top choice, although I like the Vision 110 as a close #2.
  6. Just a reminder MN-BR get together this week: •Weds, April 3 at 5:00 •”The Local” at West End (St. Louis Park near 394/100) •Table reserved under “Fry” Hope to see you then...
  7. I fish a river up North for smallies... beautiful stretch of water. Lots of chunk rock, lay downs, etc... so many places for the typical angler to pick out to fish, and do fairly well. But the best spot I have found is an old cement bridge piling on a heavily traveled part of the river everyone goes by. Kinda ugly piling too, doesn’t fit the scenery. But it creates a perfect current break and seam the smallies sit in. It’s a smaller area and I don't usually get more than 1-2 fish off of it, but it’s always a sure bet for at least one, and tends to be the bigger, territorial type that enjoys relaxing in low current, waiting to ambush an unsuspecting (wacky worm) baitfish.
  8. We need a chemist to analyze the specific makeup and tell us if it’s the same as KVD
  9. Everts Resort/Pool 4 (715) 792-2333
  10. Smart move... because here in the North - this could happen in late April like it did last year... Half the year Minnesota is a write-off... and the other 6 months aren’t a guarantee of good weather either... many years, we spend 275-300 days a year wondering why we live here ?
  11. Like bluebasser above, I like the 120 Choppo size... just right. And a 1/3 less in price makes it a good deal. I do prefer the 75 size Plopper for Smallmouth though... dam good ler - The 75 WP prop has more of a low pitch than the 90 Choppo. Have to experiment with the pitch that ticks off smallies most in your area
  12. Days on the water... ...like these coming up
  13. Do you throw lizards for Smallmouth..? I’ve only tried it once..
  14. Is anyone’s answer different for SMB... or the same?
  15. I remember the first time years ago that I skipped a weightless worm with a baitcaster... well sort of.. I had cast to shore and wrapped around a small overhang. I gaver hel! and it flew back 30 yards to the boat like a flat rock, skipping 15 times and then sliding smoothly the last 10 yards to “thud” gently into the side of my boat... I thought to myself - well obviously it can be done, now can I do that the other direction with my rod?! I’ve spent the past 5 years or so (and plenty of backlashes) trying to master weightless plastics skipping with a baitcaster. Lot of work but think I’m there. Braided line and a Daiwa SV spool have helped a lot.. Maybe trying to skip a squarebill is next!!
  16. 30% off. I saw some other things like rod/reel combos (mid-priced stuff) for as much as 50% off.
  17. Just left there, saw some seminars Fri and today. Picked up another Tatula SV is all, they were dropping prices at the end...
  18. Hardest technique for me was learning how to do all the finesse techniques with a baitcaster after fishing for years with a spinning rig. But after having my SL ligament surgically removed from my right wrist, I had no choice. But adaptability is the key...
  19. I use shrink tubing now because it’s easier/quicker to put on than O-rings, and it keeps the worm intact longer. No need to glue it in place, hook should go right through the tube and middle of the worm and stay put..
  20. MN-BR get together is now confirmed with a date, time and location: •Weds, April 3 at 5:00 •”The Local” at West End (St. Louis Park near 394/100) •Table reserved under “Fry” A few free hats to be given away - hope to see you there to get the new season kicked off..
  21. I have a wacky worm and Caffeine Shad on 2 different rods at all times. It’s the 3rd skipping rod that I want to have a creature bait on more this year. Good suggestions above.. Ever try to skip a Keitech Salty Core Tube? Maybe more similar to a Fat Ika, but appear more tube shaped. I hear they are dynamite to skip..
  22. Thanks, how do you rig them for skipping?
  23. I’m planning on a sizable tackle order this Spring - always like trying something new. Wondering which creature baits you like best for skipping (not as a jig trailer) and how you rig it? I’ve skipped a lot of Fat Ikas on wide gap hooks, tubes on an Owner Phantom hook, Rage Bugs on a Fin-tech Title Shot Skip Jig... curious what others are having success with?
  24. I sold my St. Croix LTB for a Zolo Dragger... lighter and much less tip heavy. Ordering a Toadface next...
  25. SC is very tip heavy IMO... Dobyns is great for balance... I have Orochi, Helium 3, Tatula Elite, ALX Zolo, NRX and they are all superb in my book from a balance standpoint. Best balance/lightness under $200 I’ve found are any of the Duckett’s, and Daiwa Tatula. After 6 hand/wrist surgeries, weight and balance are pretty important to me...
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