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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. Sucks, they didn’t do a Classic sale as in years past either... are they getting too big, need some more competition maybe? I have started to buy elsewhere as a result..
  2. Are there parts of NC more oriented to where the better fishing waters are located?
  3. My wife loves Nashville, been there once - is the fishing really that good in Tennessee? Or do you have to drive quite a ways to get to the better places/variety?
  4. Agreed good fishing in Minnesota and Florida - but I’ve lived both places and the weather stinks half the year. Possible solution is to own/maintain a home in both states to take advantage of opposite extremes... but after doing that once before, prefer one home if poss.. Looking for more of a moderate/4 season climate... I know, hard to find. Entirely agree Tom, love Cali and lived in NorCal (a very long time ago) but yes the cost of living and politics would be a bit much for me..
  5. I know, I keep checking too. I just hope TW doesn’t do what they did during the Classic and only sale price clearance stuff..
  6. Interested in opinions on best 4 season/moderate climate locations in the US that are excellent for fishing mostly bass - but maybe other fun species too...
  7. My wife and 22 year old son were in the kitchen last winter when I was watching a fishing show in the living room... I heard them whispering, then laughing hysterically... I of course stuck my head around the corner and asked “What?!?” My son had told my wife to close her eyes and listen closely - the fishing episodes sounded like a porn show - “Ooh yeah, that’s the one” “C’mere big girl” ”That’s what we came here for..” ”That was awesome” as he kisses and releases her... “See you again next year babe..” Never thought of it this way before... but they may have a point..
  8. Have only done it once while pulled up on shore for lunch. Threw the worm/float out over reef/dropoff. Seems to work best with just enough ripple/waves to keep the stick bait dancin’ I like the Maxscent too, good idea to cut the tips tube style...
  9. Sage advice!
  10. Here’s the latest in Minnesnowta: Just traded my my old boat in for one that will work year round here:
  11. I was driving by the home just the day before...
  12. Use Fluorocarbon if you want something sensitive and sinks. Don’t use it because it is strong or less stretchy because it’s not. 12-15 Tatsu or Sniper is pretty versatile. If you want something stronger and less stretch than fluorocarbon try 10-12 lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid.
  13. When does TW tax sale usually start? The weekend prior, or not until the 15th, and is it site wide or just select leftover stuff?
  14. Another to check out is the Kistler Helium 3 in 7-0 ML. 21% off right now.
  15. Ever since I had my SL ligament removed from my right wrist ... I’ve had to switch to all baitcaster. I’m mostly a finesse fisherman - wacky rigs, flukes, Ned/Neko, etc. I have been in pursuit of the best baitcasting set ups for 3 years now. The two I have that work the best - sort of - for your definition: •Majorcraft Don Iovino 6’-10” Medium XF Finesse rod (If you ask those that use this rod - it is a Medium-Light action rod) but 2 inches shorter than what you want. $120 •Loomis NRX 7’-1” 852 Medium XF (Rated 1/8-3/8 oz arguably a ML) $500 •Your third option is to take up DVT above and have them make a custom rod for you. Best of luck - Fry
  16. These: https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-VMCTERMINAL.html?from=basres
  17. That being said, my best River Smallmouth in years was caught with the line wrapped around a branch (not that I was trying to fish that way of course..)
  18. Bass - all C&R. Will keep walleyes, perch, crappies and 22-24 inch pike.
  19. Exact same thing with my father-in-law. Love the guy but I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours drowning minnows with him in pursuit of walleyes. Booooooring... A couple years ago when he was visiting and we watched the end of a TV bass fishing show he said “hey that looks fun, let’s try that sometime.” Next time he visited and I took him out “bass” fishing. After about 20 minutes we had both caught a Smallmouth and I think he felt he fulfilled his commitment and said “Well, you suppose the walleyes are biting too..?” Off we went - -
  20. ”Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fillets they are after...”
  21. Huk shirts have been claimed. A couple MN-BR hats are left, send me a PM if you want one. Those of you that have already claimed one, I will mail out in the next couple days..
  22. Thanks all - Huk shirts are “sold”
  23. No charge, just the cost of shipping - maybe $8 or so? One of the shirts is spoken for but happy to send you the other.
  24. I have a couple of Huk shirts to give away too if anyone wants them. I bought a bunch Daiwa equipment recently and got the promo shirts... more than I can ever wear. With my massive pipes I usually wear a size Large, but Huk fits big so these are Mediums that fit like a Large. Happy to drop off if I’m in your area or can mail for the cost of shipping. PS - the green logo shirt looks rather fetching with the MN-BR hats if you want me to throw one of those in too
  25. I have a couple extra ones - never worn if someone wants to pay the shipping. Size Medium, I usually wear size Large but with Huk they fit a size bigger... my shipping is usually less than 8-12 weeks
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