I posted a line stretch test here a couple years ago... tested several mono, fluorocarbon and co-poly lines. Tested lines dry and after being soaked in water for 24 hours.
Net result was that most fluorocarbon lines stretched more than mono when dry, but after soaking all lines in water, the mono ended up stretching about as much as most of the fluorocarbons.
The line with the least overall stretch was Yo-Zuri Hybrid - it’s marketed as UV and waterproof and didn’t stretch much different after soaking. It stretched less than the other lines either wet or dry.
Since Advance is marketed as “Made from HMPE and hyper co-polymer materials, the Sufix Advanced Monofilament Line Clear offers 50% less stretch and UV absorption than standard monofilament” I’ve thought about buying some, soaking overnight and doing a stretch comparison with YZH.
We’ll see...