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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. Wow, crazy how we all fish differently I guess, but that’s exactly why I went with the center mount - to get the screens out of the way and down lower. The first year I had a side mount on the gunnel, and I would constantly hit it when casting, jerking, skipping, flipping, and netting fish - all the things you do off to the side of the kayak. Plus now the graphs are solidly mounted so they don’t wobble at all. I can leave them on when trailering, one less thing to tear down before transporting. The boat cover fits right over everything..
  2. To Tom's point above - I just sold a 3 year old Helix 7 including side imaging and transducer for $350. You could get without SI for less I'm sure. Great basic unit.
  3. No doubt, like the FG, an incredibly strong knot. But I’ve found when you tie off with hitch knots, that area of the knot is just as thick as an Alberto which is easier to tie and I’ve never had a knot strength issue.
  4. I had 3 ten inch screens on my bass boat, and when I switched to the kayak I went with 2 nine inchers. Seems plenty big to me since it’s right in front of me, but my eyes are still pretty good. Yes, I built an all aluminum center bridge and really like it. I run a Helix with 360 Imaging, and a Garmin 93 with Livescope+ Couldn’t be happier with the whole set up this season 👍
  5. I think your observation is spot on. If the Autopilot could do 6-8 mph in addition to its great fishability, integrated motor, spot-lock, etc. it would be easily the best platform out there. But when you are competing to get to the better locations that other anglers can get to much quicker, it’s tough. Chad Hoover said he plans to pair the Bonafide with the Move motor this Fall and will post his impressions, speed, etc. Will be fun to see results of real world testing.. I’m also moving to about 45 minutes away from Bonafide’s main location and may pay a visit this Fall once I get settled.
  6. I get it, but I’m on the electric all day long, varying speeds, spot lock, holding position, traveling between spots, etc. The TM in a kayak is maybe the most important part of the puzzle for me. And the biggest limitation in a kayak is coverage range which at 6 mph would be a difference maker. Just my .02 based on how/where I fish…
  7. The quintessential swim jig rod to me has always been a Dobyns Champ 734c. Many other options work, but I’ve never felt the reason to change.
  8. Yes, I think it works well in light to moderate weed growth, heavy salad there are others things to use..
  9. Minnesota mostly, but some here in Florida. Caught a couple bigger smallies on gravel ledges in South Dakota too. Trailers include Rage Craw and Adrenaline Craw Jr. I like the heavier 3/4 oz usually, sometimes half ounce. I think it works everywhere ~
  10. There’s quite a history in the Minneapolis airport so it could be something leftover even worse than that.. 😱
  11. Now that’s a funny post… and no you’re not the first one to think about fishing at the wrong times… lol
  12. It happens.. even places like this. Sitting in the Delta Sky Room between flights. You see something on the floor nearby, and could swear it’s a 4 inch Yamasenko color #297. Then it just turns out to be a green bean dropped by another passenger. Alas, Monday morning withdrawals. The struggle is real…
  13. I know this is a list of other jerk baits besides Megabass - but I will say the 110 jr. +1 is still a favorite although only $5.00 less than the regular size. I sure liked it up North in the cold water period… but it works in 90 degree water here in Florida too. I bought several during 20% off sale and worth every penny.
  14. I use Stunnas, Shad Rap Shad, and a few Shimano Zumverno flash... I do enjoy a much wider (and more expensive) variety of jerk baits now that I don't fish Minnesota/pike waters. There, you are just feeding the toothy critters... very few jerk baits last more than a couple hours, a full day is a rarity. I used to just buy the cheapest Berkley Cutters or Husky jerks on sale knowing they won't be around very long... but they still work!
  15. Growing up fishing rivers, I'd like to try it sometime 👍
  16. I think it was mostly a smart-aleck comment, but Autopilots tend to be the butt of jokes from other anglers that drive other faster brands… comes with the territory.. lol. I couldn’t get the link (I’m traveling), but here’s a pic of the podcast you can google. The treacherous nature of the river and motor hazards are between the 42-45 minute mark I believe.
  17. Koz, Interesting side note - I heard a podcast re-cap of the B.A.S.S. kayak tournament on the Susky river... they said the guys in the Autopilots were relegated to the deep pool by the dam and referred to it as the "handicap parking zone" for kayakers. The others with fast stern motors and pedal drives were up in the tributaries catching fish and winning the tournament..
  18. 8-12 pound fluorocarbon mostly. I tended not to use the SV under 1/4 ounce, except my Steez SV TW when skipping weightless wacky worms (although most 5 inch Senkos weigh 1/4-3/8 oz).
  19. I just traded the SV reels in at ALF for Tatula Elites, got new ones that way. The Elites sure are tough, great casting reels. They even cast a little farther than my Shimano MGL and MGL II reels. Yes, SV is still best in terms of skipping - but lighter lures (1/16-3/16 oz) I use BFS and get far easier casting and better distance. To me, casting light lures is where the SV spool struggled most to get any inertia - it was like casting a potato chip at times. I'm no longer on the SV train like I was 5-10 years ago, but they have their place...
  20. Absolutely, I used to have a dozen reels with SV spools. I now only have 2 that I use to skip lures, the others have been replaced by Tatula Elite reels and I get 20-30% more distance.
  21. Great, @JFrancho would be curious how the 18 or 20 foot does in 2-3 foot waves - either straight on or quartering 👍
  22. Catt, how do XPress boats ride in general compared to a traditional mod-V? Are they closer to the ride of a deep-V Pro-V Bass - or somewhere in between? Thx!
  23. He said he is going to put the new Power Pole Move bow mount trolling motor on when he gets his XTR 130. Look for social media posts about the top end speed, but should be much more than the Xi3. I'm hoping 6+ mph but we'll see...
  24. This 7 year old thread sure has legs !
  25. True, but the motorized kayaks have their limitations too, they draft less than a traditional bass boat, but more than a jet boat. If you hit a rock or bottom in an Autopilot, that kill switch and prop will pop up in an instant. They can take a beating, but not repeatedly... Koz, if your rivers are shallow or if there are drought conditions, Keowee might be your best bet. Average fishing there, but beautiful body of water (and plenty deep)!
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