Interesting topic, am considering adding Talon(s) myself. I have Panoptix Livescope in the bow, but also have Humminbird Helix in the bow and at the console. I also have an Ultrex with Spot-Lock.
But to A-Jay’s point, sometimes holding in shallow water with just Spot-Lock isn’t ideal. You can kick up silt or just the vibration of the prop when I’m sneaking up on spots, skipping under docks, etc.
To me, it’s an easy decision for Talon over Power Poles. But the one knock against Talons IMO is they weigh more than the PP, about twice as much.
I already have a jack plate so I’m used to some extra weight in the back and have no issues with power or getting up on plane. A-Jay have you noticed any balance/weight issues with 2 Talons in the back? Probably not with your 200 ponies...
Another thought I had was adding only one Talon. Less expense and less weight. I get the spinning around in the wind/current issue, but my thought is in those conditions, I put the Talon down but can also hit Spot-Lock in the bow if needed to stay in position. The Ultrex prop shouldn’t spin as much if the rear Talon holds like it should and only engages if the bow drifts (would engage the Ultrex less often I would think given the Talon doing its job?). But then, I would have two buttons to push at times (I know, I sound a bit spoiled to have to hit 2 buttons instead one one - lol).