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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. I also think this is true, but I do see guys go overboard on the hitch knots at the end... and you then hear the FG ticking through the guides like any other knot IMO. I don't have a micrometer, but if you look closely at most FG knots, the thickest area of the entire knot is where the hitch knots are tied at the end, thus kind of defeating a major intended purpose of this knot. If you pile up 3, 4, 5 hitches it becomes just as thick (or thicker) than an Alberto Knot and rubs through the guides like most any other knot. Again, I think its critical to "lock" the FG knot early on like Crews does in his video, so you don't have to overkill the hitch knots at the end as an added safeguard. Just my .02 anyway ~
  2. He does a good job, the two things I would do different than him are: 1) I tie the braid from the rod to my belt loop instead of the reel knob. Reason is sometimes when you cut the braid off when you’re done it gets caught in the “joint” between the knob and handle. If you snip at the belt loop it just falls off. 2) The reason the FG knot fails is because people don’t keep the weave tight. If you google John Crews and FG Knot, he is very specific about the 4th or 5th weave that you pull it so that the line does a small “snap” and locks the initial part of the knot into place. This is key, and all the weaves after that fall into place and it won’t slip out later.
  3. That's another reason I like the VMC Neko hook - I don't know if its the hook bend or longer shank but I can't remember ever gut-hooking a fish with them... almost always hook them in the roof of the mouth. Traditional wacky hooks, I was doing "surgery" too often on fish to remove deep hooking.
  4. What you’re describing is very close to how I fish. 1/16th the lightest (hair jig) and Neds 1/10-1/8 oz, etc. pretty much cover the range - Although I do cast occasional heavier lures on the Feather up to 1/4 oz like Mimic Minnows, Micro/Mini Chatterbaits. I haven’t thrown small cranks on it but I think it could work for that too. Cranks would be better with fluorocarbon than braid IMO but that’s any rod. If I’m throwing 1/16th oz lures with no cover for smaller fish/trout then I think the Sierra Ultra Finesse is a pretty cool rod. But that tip is so thin and soft I would have a hard time bass fishing with it - especially If working a dense 1/8 oz Ned... or pulling anything through even light cover. The Feather handles all that very well and with the right reel will cast even the super light 1/16th oz hair jigs really well too.
  5. I’ve used straight fluoro, YZH, braid + leader, etc. However, once I switched to a #2 Neko hook the hooking/landing percentage has been near 100%. The hook can make a big difference ?
  6. I caught a DNR tagged largemouth in Northern Minnesota a couple years ago. So I recorded the length/weight and forwarded to the local DNR office. I received a lengthy email back from the fisheries biologist who said the fish had been caught before and had quite a history. The fish had previously been caught in 2011 and was 16.5 inches, and again in 2015 and had grown to 17.75 inches. I caught the fish in 2018 at 19.25 inches - and the DNR said it was most likely part of a major re-stocking program and year class in 1999 - and was now 19 years old!!
  7. Like bass, us humans go dormant for about 2/3 of the year here in Minnesota. So technically, I’m only about 19 years old now... Not sure I’ll ever make it to 6 feet tall, but I should live until I’m about 240 or so I hope!
  8. They should all be out this week. The big winds tomorrow and Tuesday oughta get it done..
  9. Trick worms work great, have worked for years. Although I find inconsistency with them, sometimes they float, other times not. Switched to Net Bait T-Mac straight tail worms. Look identical but float is much more consistent. Inexpensive too.. $4 for bag of 20 ?
  10. I think most times, current is a bigger factor than anything - but rocks are very important... more so than wood on the rivers I fish. Best rocks are gravel, pea-size up to about the size of a beach ball. Huge boulders and granite out-croppings less so IMO.
  11. *Loomis 852c + Steez SV TW = 9.2 oz *Phenix Feather 7'1" Light + Daiwa Air TW = 8.5 oz With the Air TW reel, can throw easily down to 1/16th oz with 7 lb Sniper.
  12. I think it will be a very good pond/stream rod. If I trout fished more it’d be a winner for me. Yes, the rod can cast a variety of lures. However, the tip is extremely thin and soft. It doesn’t have the power in the tip to drag a 1/8 oz Ned effectively - and if you encounter even light weeds not sure how you’d pull it through. The rod does have backbone once fully loaded and I think once you’ve hooked a fish it would be adequate in most situations. But the tip is too soft for most bass fishing applications (Ned, drop-shot, etc.) IMO. Great with 1/16 oz hair jig provided no cover to contend with. Probably a great trout stream rod.
  13. I did end up getting the Phenix Feather Light... I also tried the Dobyns Sierra Ultra Light but sent it back. I think the Sierra would be very good for the lightest 1/16th oz lures. However, I was surprised I could cast a 1/16th oz hair jig on the Feather just as far... So to answer your question - yes, it can cast lighter lures. The difference is I can also cast a 1/8 oz Ned on the Feather where I would not with the Sierra. Worth noting the reel I used is a Daiwa Air TW and it can cast super light stuff on about anything. But bottom line I think the Feather Light is more versatile for bass finesse fishing than the Sierra.
  14. Had a chance to get both the Sierra Ultra Finesse 7'4" and Phenix Feather 7'1" Light (As a reference point, I previously had/have a Dobyns 702c and Phenix Feather 7'1" ML) . My take is the Ultra Finesse is great if you are just throwing a 1/16th oz hair jig or 1/16 oz trout crank like a Lucky Craft Snacky. I would really like this as a stream rod for trout... However, if I'm throwing both 1/16th oz hair jigs and also a 1/8 oz Ned jig + plastic, or drop-shotting - I'd go with the the Feather "Light." It bombs the hair jig just as far as the Sierra UF and it also fishes the Ned very well - where I would NOT use the Sierra UF for that. It just loads the tip too much, not enough power for Neds, drop-shots, etc and can’t imagine pulling through even light cover. The secret sauce here is the Air TW reel - it will wing light lures better than anything else and even make a slightly too powerful rod (i.e. my other Phenix Medium-Light) work relatively well with 1/16 oz lures, although I much prefer the Phenix Light. Another great all round rod I think for both hair jigs and Neds would be the Dobyns 701c but is no longer made unfortunately. That and the Phenix Light would be my two choices for baitcasting finesse for Bass... but with that Air TW makes everything work so well!
  15. It says it’s due to AIS - must be some zebra mussels in its bait well ... ?
  16. My use of Shaky heads has evolved over the years... Originally, I used them more like a jig worm when you wanted a slower presentation with a little jiggle down towards the bottom. If I wanted to swim something a little faster retrieve I'd switch over to a ribbon tail worm. Around cover I gravitated more and more to Texas Rigging. ... So I really stopped doing the traditional Shaky Head thing around 10 years ago. The last couple years I have started to use the "Stand Up" shaky heads with floating worms. Partly because they are a different technique than above. I also think the undulating tail gets noticed more at times. It doesn't always stick straight up, and when its moving even slightly its more like 45 degrees. To me thats more similar to a a worm/creature rooting around on the bottom feeding and an easy target for prey. I either get more strikes this way, or its just more confidence for me... but either way shaky head fishing has made a comeback for me anyway with the stand up/floating approach. The two biggest largemouth I caught last year were skipped way under a dock and left to float up in place for 15-20 seconds. Both times it was a floating worm that just stood there straight up until it got chomped.
  17. Great fit! Yes, overhead storage is helpful - I also put in a big LED light so I can string up rods the night before a trip without getting eaten by mosquitoes ?
  18. Actually this one doesn’t have the molded lead baitkeeper the “Snakelockz” has. That extra lead bait keeper seems to be what pinched and tore the plastic. This could work, just wish it had the 3/0 but 4/0 may work just fine. Thx for the find...
  19. I just ordered some but sent back. Must only work for Elaztech baits. I tried to thread a regular plastic on there but it tore out. The top gap is very narrow and you can only get a little plastic in there... I think a Z-man product holds but not much else..
  20. Any 1/8 oz 3/0 for sale?
  21. Can anyone identify the lure company that makes this? Have looked them up but no web site and number just rings. Or is anyone aware of a pre-rigged, bullet-shaped swinging head jig like this by another co? Owner makes a Sled Head but it’s a fixed head.
  22. I know that I cast over 100 yards last year when I got my new Tatula Elite. I was blown away at how far it cast lighter, high profile lures like a Buzzbait or jerkbait! So, being a guy with aging and waning levels of testosterone, I thought - hey what if I tied a heavy lure on and tried to see how far I could actually cast - you know, best case scenario? So I tied on the heaviest, compact, Little Cleo Spoon I had and gaver Hell! Serves me right - about the first 20 feet out, one of those ill-timed wind knots did its thing and “SNAP!” The lure was now free... free at last to soar - and as far as I know still hasn’t landed yet...
  23. Curious if they will be offering a similar priced BFS casting rod? (Like what Dobyns is doing). Right now Shimano offers a 7’2” Expride ML+ “BFS” that is both expensive and I hear fishes more like a Medium-Fast, not really BFS. The Dobyns rods are true BFS and are about 2-3 power levels below the current Expride. Am thinking Shimano could offer a rod power in between and at a similar price point as the new Curado reel and really get BFS noticed here in the US. Maybe something is in the works?
  24. Yep, I mentioned at the end of my post that I'd like to try the 7'1" Light Fast... and if my other BFS rod doesn't arrive soon I may buy the Phenix and give you a review
  25. I agree that in general, Phenix Feathers fish about a half power less than their stated rating. However, the 7’1” MLF Feather is rated at 1/4-5/8. I know all manufacturer’s ratings vary, but that weight is closer to many Medium rods... and having used mine for 3 years now, I think the MLF fishes more like a Medium. I have actually thrown a 1/16 oz Hair Jig with a Daiwa Air TW BFS reel on the Feather MLF and it’s ok but again more like a Medium. If the BFS rod I ordered doesn’t arrive soon, I may instead order a 7’1” LF Feather to see if it is on par with rods specifically meant for BFS. I think it may work well for what I need and the price point is pretty good.
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