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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. We cold weather fish in Minnesota much of the year - spring/fall. I use these any time its in the 30's-40's air temps. Waterproof, with a little bit of Thinsulate. Can do most anything in them - cast, thumb the spool, lip fish, even type a little on your iPhone. Only thing I can't do is tie a knot, so I take them off for that. I HATE the cold and these have extended my season for 3 years now, still in good shape ~ https://www.fishmonkeygloves.com/product/stealth-dry-tec/
  2. Unless I'm skipping a lure I don't prefer the Tatula SV TW either. Once you switch to something like the Tatula Elite, you realize how much effortless distance you have been missing out on with the SV spool. It has its place, but I only skip with a couple rods. Elite casts easily 20-30% farther and I don't backlash it any more than I do the SV TW.
  3. I have a Decoy as well and its awesome. I use it primarily for 3/8 oz jigs, sometimes up to 1/2 oz footballs, and anything Texas-rigged. Sensitive, great action to keep fish pinned. Really would like to try the new Enox Aura BFS rod, but not sure Santa has my new address...
  4. The two longest distance reels I have ever flung are a Daiwa Tatula Elite and Shimano Antares. Distance is key when trying to get a Carolina Rig in the right position across a long submerged point or shoreline. Gear ratio does matter when setting the hook at the end of a long cast to pick up line quickly and keep the fish pinned. I use 8.1:1. I got frustrated at times with even a 7.1:1 and 7.3:1.
  5. I use a Zolo Dragger pretty extensively for football jigs and Carolina rigs. Excellent rod for both. It’s 7’4” which I like, although if you get bit at the very end of a long cast, sometime a few extra inches of length/leverage could help getting a good hook set. But then again, a longer rod when throwing a ball and chain can be cumbersome too, so it’s about right for length. The solution for me has been switching out to a 8.1:1 reel to help pick up line with bites at the end of a long casts.. I have an Enox but not LSB so I can’t comment there other than the Enox is a great rod to fish with.
  6. The story I've been told is that there was never was an age limit where you didn't need to buy a fishing license in Minnesota - whether you were 18 or 118 - you had to buy. Then a few years back apparently there was a WW2 vet (who was 90 at the time) that said the hell with the rule - I served my country and if I want to fish, I'll fish whether I have a license or not. The guy was a well known local and the DNR knew his story and refused to write him citation. He'd done his service and was at an age that it was just a blessing to still be able to fish. That story had legs and word spread, and before you knew it, a bill was passed in the state legislature that said if you were 90 or older (need not be a vet) that you didn't have to buy a license anymore. Although anglers are still subject to daily catch/possession limits (reportedly something that particular 90 year old WW2 never did adhere to).
  7. Are there many (any) lakes in TN that a 25 pound bag is still somewhat common? I've only heard from a few guys I know who say with all the pressure its getting very rare. Still sounds like a lot of good water there to me...
  8. WInd knots are bite too... I launched my first Vision 110 a couple years ago. It got about 20 yards out and SNAP! Not sure its landed yet or just orbiting around the ozone layer somewhere ~
  9. The key is moderate stretch and at long casting distance...will not weaken the line. Versus a short distance and pull so hard you deform the line, that will!
  10. I noted the same thing in a post a few years ago ~
  11. I pre-stretch my fluorocarbon main line early every season... or if a reel sits for an extended period of time. Tie a swivel snap to the end of the line, affix to a fence or similar, walk back a full casting distance, pull line moderately tight for 1-2 minutes. The swivel gets any twist out, the stretch reduces coils, then coat with KVD once reeled back in. I would think that would work to cut up leader lengths too, although maybe overkill.
  12. I've had several "fluke" set ups over the years, but believe I have my best yet. I use for flukes and also Caffeine Shads, always on my deck and #1 fish catcher for me the past 5 years: Daiwa Tatula Elite Ehrler 7'0" Medium-MH with extra fast tip. Taula SV TW. The SV spool because its such a good presentation to skip under docks 12 lb Sniper
  13. I have both those rods and when you get into the 1/4-3/8 oz range you go with ML. It fishes like a lot of medium power spinning rods IMO. When you want to throw 1/16th oz hair jigs, 3/32 oz Neds... go with the Light. Anything in between like 1/8 oz would work on either rod...
  14. Fake news - they found a couple Volkswagons stuffed in its belly ~
  15. Certain online retailers if you sign up for their newsletter you get 10% off at purchase. Not TW, but there are some that do that for Toadface ~
  16. My project this Dec/Jan is to transfer Livescope from my bass boat to the Kayak for winter fishing down south. I fished with the yak last year with only a Helix 7 and its incredible after you get used to FFS to go without it even on smaller waters. Whether you see fish or structure, you just understand the body of water better.
  17. My mom got together with a bunch of the other 1st grade moms when I was a kid... as soon as one guy got chicken pox - they would have a get together with all the boys at that kid's house. That way we'd all get it and be done with it... Now we'll probably all get Shingles together too ~
  18. Anyone used these angled crates from yak gadget? Curious how many 3700 boxes the size large or small actually hold? Looks like easy access when you turn around to grab things. https://yakgadget.com/collections/storage-accesories/products/lowpro-crate-xd
  19. My wife just recovered from Shingles last month and it was not pleasant. She was unvaccinated. However, when she got it, her doctor put her on an Anti-viral med and she was over it in a week. A couple friends of mine had the Shingles vaccination and the side effects were almost as bad as what my wife had for only slightly lesser duration. I was set on getting the vaccination, but her experience has given me pause if an Anti-viral can clear you up IF and when you get Shingles. If I knew I was going to get it then yes get the shot, but I might not either and/or can treat it then. Hard to know ~
  20. Zolo Dragger dug up a good one out of 18 feet yesterday on a 3/4 oz football jig. WRB/Tom directed me to ALX years ago - and I called Alex. Might be my favorite rod brand now. Thx Tom... SproDD79 call Alex ?
  21. I have the Decoy as well. In the Zolo line to Toadface and Dragger. In the IKOS line the Buzz rod. All outstanding sticks. Call Alex -
  22. Until it gets a motor, gps and good storage its not a viable option as a fishing kayak for me despite how light it is...
  23. If in your pursuit to find variations of the Autopilot - if you come across a hull only (either 120 or 136) I may be interested... I already have an Autopilot and store the hull in Florida in the summer, but take the motor, batteries, GPS home with me to Minnesota. Ideally, I would like a hull in both locations to use and transport the accessories when I drive to/from. TIA
  24. Yes it’s dry here, but... I remember seeing a letter my grandmother wrote to my dad before he came back from the Korean War. Trying to organize a welcoming home party for him, saying she hoped the weather improved in time. Then she said, well this is Minnesota, if you don’t like the weather just wait 10 minutes. That was 70 years ago. We’re due to be wetter than average here in Minnesota in the next year or two and chances are we will. The climate has always changed and it always will. Every day somewhere on this planet there is a new record high temp and a record low, drought and floods... always been this way. I have seen data presented that our cycles follow El Niño/La Nina closer than you’d think. Those cycles are dependent on the sun, not influenced by our activities. I’m not saying the climate doesn’t evolve over time, but there are a lot more pressing issues facing this world.
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