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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. A bass looks up at the water's surface against the sky which is bright even when cloudy. The contrast of black is undeniable...
  2. Congrats! Yes, sometimes catching largemouth in the salad is more like pulling in "Cousin It !!"
  3. I took a knee on the NFL years ago and you couldn’t pay me to watch a game now. Played baseball through junior college and still enjoy the game a lot. Put me down for a World Series win ?
  4. Dang gravel lizards keep hitting my bass lures..
  5. My favorite lakes here in Minnesota are the ones that have both good largemouth and smallmouth fishing. Today was a good day, especially fishing after last nights electrical storm.… Caught a bunch of fish, most of them small/medium size, but was able to get a 19 inch largemouth and a 20 inch smallmouth. Slow rolling in spinnerbait in 12 feet of water just above the emerging weeds.
  6. It is truly a thing of beauty! No line slap when casting hard, no line twist, and the lure just flies!
  7. Moab when you need something big/loud.
  8. For me, the acid test was finding a BFS rod that could throw a 1/16th oz hair jig, and yet not completely fold around even light cover. The Dobyns BFS rod could throw the hair jig, but I wouldn't want to use it around even the lightest cover. It's not a "bass" BFS rod to me - more of a trout action. It seemed too light to throw a 1/5 oz Ned. The ML Phenix Feather is almost exactly like my old Dobyns 702c. It can bring lures through light cover, but is too stiff to adequately throw a 1/16th oz hair jig. I use mine for heavier Neds (1/5 oz) and lighter Texas-rigs, or jig worms. Sounds like the Goldilocks story, but the Phenix Feather "Light" is best I've found in the middle to do both tasks reasonably well. Sometimes I wished it would load slightly more when casting, but 90% of the time it works great. It can bring a Ned head through some light cover, but I wouldn't want to use it around much more cover than that. A 7'2" to 7'4" version might be perfect to get additional casting distance, and so maybe next I try the Phenix BFS Classic BFS rod, but my concern it is too much like the Dobyns 740 that I returned.
  9. I think the chance of backlash is higher with BFS but I find the casting distance is farther - less line slap. Plus, after 3 wrist surgeries, spinning is out of the equation for me now...
  10. I believe your other Valleyhill is 6'7" - I was thinking something 7'2" to 7'4" to throw the 1/16th hair jigs farther... but maybe the 6'7" loads particularly well?
  11. If I get “Cyphlist” do I need to take Penicillin? Lol… Actually looks like a nice rod - how is it for throwing a 1/16th hair jig? Wondering specifically if the tip loads right to really cast something that light, and if it can pull through a little light cover/weeds without folding? A tough balance to achieve..
  12. Happy 80th Tom!
  13. Consider the "Light" then, its the one I use the most: Phenix Feather Casting Rod 7'1" Light Taper Line Wt. Lure Wt. Guides Handle Type Handle Length Stock Price Qty Fast 4-10lb 1/8-3/8oz 10+Tip Feather A ***/2" In Stock: 5+ $149.00
  14. I have the ML in the Feather line up... use it for heavier Neds, lighter Texas rigs, etc. Works well and I actually prefer the 7'1" length to get longer casting distance when needed.
  15. Goes up to 1/4 oz which is close to 8 grams: Phenix Classic BFS Casting Rod 6'8" Light/X-Fast Action Taper Line Wt. Lure Wt. Guides Handle Type Handle Length Stock Price Qty Extra Fast 4-10lb 3/32-1/4oz 14+Tip Classic BFS Cast A 13" In Stock: 5+ $189.00 Or, this ML from Phenix as well, a little more power (starts at 8 grams), however an inch longer than what you want: Phenix Feather Casting Rod 7'1" Med Lt Taper Line Wt. Lure Wt. Guides Handle Type Handle Length Stock Price Qty Fast 6-12lb 1/4-5/8oz 10+Tip Feather A ***/2" In Stock: 5+ $159.00
  16. I have 2 ALX rods I use for T-rigging… Zolo Dream for 3/16-1/4 oz and ENOX Decoy for 3/8-1/2 oz.
  17. Yes, the original source of Maxscent!
  18. If it’s a 600 yard spool, use the old tennis shoe trick. Works like a charm and no line twist!!
  19. I hear all the elaborate recipes to cook Brussel Sprouts from my friends and family members trying to convince me to try their latest concoction. Basically render it unrecognizable from its original form - with 15 different herbs, spices, garlic, drown in butter, virgin tears, eye of newt, etc. I think to myself - wouldn’t it be the same outcome if you did this to a bunch of cigar butts? Nope, I ain’t changing my position on this one
  20. Brussel Sprouts = Satan's Cabbage... no way to make a neurotoxin taste good IMO. LOL, good luck you might find something to make it palatable ~ ?
  21. Yes tough to skip docks during droughts. They’ll fill in again eventually. I like the floating Neko worms, just skip and either get a reaction bite, or just let the weight sink the worm slowly to the bottom and undulate vertically and soak… until it starts to move?
  22. I still skip some weightless too - although I have switched up pretty much to a weighted Neko these days. The weight helps you stay back farther from the dock and get more casting distance. Just bury the weight all the way into the plastic and super glue the end/opening if you need to. All buttoned up and nothing more than a little "thud" if you klang off a pontoon.
  23. I've been known to call the ones I lose - many multi-syllabic terms that end with "er" ?
  24. Chunk Norris Beefcake Barney Chumley Poomba Honey Boo Boo Orca Chalupa Rambo Beulah Blimpy Big Mac Lardmouth Biggy Smalls (smb) Mrs. Chunkworth Bulldozer Hereford Sumo Thor Michael Phelps
  25. Trade in to ALF. Maybe don't get as much, but so easy/no hassle.
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