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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. Still hard to believe someone doesn’t already make a 1/4 oz screwlock jig with a weedguard. Maybe it’s a new product opportunity to make a million bucks… sounds better than drill baby drill anyway - -
  2. We both actually prefer them. They take 20 seconds to twist on versus 30 seconds for messy super glue to dry. Twistlocks stay on better too. A big factor when you’re tossing jigs into the knees and roots of mangrove trees…
  3. But it’s twice the price, I think he wants to buy a bunch and keep the cost down…
  4. Buddy of mine is looking for a swim jig head (no skirt) and with a brush weed guard AND screwlock type of plastic keeper. The picture is one that would work but smallest size is 3/8 oz and he is looking for 1/4 oz.
  5. It can work, but just easier for me anyway to toss the Elite 90% of the time. Then pick up the Steez SVTW or Zillion to skip a Neko or Caffeine Shad. I don’t mess much with the zero adjuster depends on the lure size weight. I typically set the brakes on 9-11 depending on that lure, wind, etc.
  6. I have both - very easy to decide which to use. Zillion to skip anything because the SV spool is forgiving. Elite for everything else because of better casting distance. In fact, I have three different MGL III spool Shimanos and they cast well, but not quite as far and effortlessly as the Tatula Elite. Honestly, if I’m not skipping something I get very frustrated with any SV reel (even Steez). The spool just holds you back - which can be a good thing to prevent backlashes when you skip, but much more effort to get distance with pretty much anything else.
  7. After my son had tested Negative for Lyme twice in one month, he got a haircut (very short, clippers in the back). It became very apparent - two large bullseyes at the base of his hairline. Went back to the doc and tested negative a 3rd time and they would not put him on Doxycycline. He didn’t get on Doxy until 3 months later (different doc) and it was far too late. Now 5 years later he not only has all the fatigue and joint soreness that he started with, but now chronic infections in his liver and prostate a couple times a year. He’s 27, miserable, unemployable and understandably quite depressed. Prime of his life. Bottom line, if you have symptoms and test negative and your physician will not treat - go to your state Lyme Foundation (many states now have this, including Minnesota) and have them get you in touch with a Lyme doctor that will treat you within the first 2-3 weeks the symptoms start.
  8. The first sign of ANY unusual symptoms, go to a Lyme-friendly doctor that will put you on a preventative dose of Doxycycline without testing. The testing is antiquated CDC technology and only is accurate about 40-50% of the time. If you actually do have Lyme but test negative, and go more than 2-4 weeks without treatment with an antibiotic, Lyme goes systemic and for most people, never really goes away. It’s a horrible life/long affliction for many… If your doc says you don’t need to be tested or treated, go find one that will.
  9. The hooks have worked great for me on smallies, never felt I needed to change them out. The key for me on a jerk bait handle is 13-14 inches in length (if you use Tacklewarehouse measurements). When you get longer than that it becomes a pain IMO. Another $200 rod that looks intriguing is the Megabits Levante 6'11" Jerkbait rod. I haven't fished with it, but the handle is 13-3/4 inches and it fits your price range.
  10. I traded off a 6’10” Expride because the handle is too long. Bangs against your forearm/side all day. Went with a Dobyns 685cb and it Is awesome for smallie jerking. Favorite jerkbait is the Stunna. Go with the 705cb if you want something longer. Buy on sale close to $200.
  11. Consider Hover/Mid/Strolling down to (or just above) the desired depth.
  12. I agree, that’s the MO with St. Croix rods in general - heavy and tip heavy. I ordered 3 rods that I received and fondled before keeping one: •Dobyns 735cb •Alpha Angler Chatterbound •ALX Zolo Rumble The winner was the Chatterbound. I was almost 100% against any kind of glass/composite rod up until now. It’s a great rod for Chatterbaits as well as Spinnerbaits and DT10’s in a pinch. It’s not as thick and cumbersome as the others I tried.
  13. Winner Winner Walleye Dinner… 👍
  14. On the exercise bike today and switched on YouTube. First 2 videos up were on bladed jigs… hadn’t seen any on this in awhile so I hit play. One video was Matt Allen, one was Mark Zona. They both said when bladed jigs first came out, they both struggled with them - until they figured out how to fish them properly. Matt Allen said you don’t just straight retrieve a Chatterbait - you learn to “work it.” Vary the retrieve, change direction, kill it… this gets the bites. Then Zona said - whatever you do - don’t “over work” the bait. It vibrates, let it do its thing on a straight retrieve. What say you??
  15. I’ve been headhunter for almost 40 years. I’m retained by companies to find their next President, CEO, board member. Stuff I’d never be qualified to do…
  16. Yep, but I’ll stick with my yak for now - creature comforts, electronics, etc all good 👍
  17. This would be a faster, portable boat:
  18. I have one Minnesota v4.0 1 maybe 2 Woods/Rainy v4.0 chips one MidSouth states v5.0 All for $45 each shipped to your door. Let me know if interested Thx
  19. I sold my Lund Pro-V Bass 1875 when I moved from Minnesota last Fall. I already had an Autopliot 120 here in Florida and kept that at least for the time being. One of the biggest upgrades I added to the kayak when I moved here is an interstate-grade trailer that I can wet-launch. That way it is easier/faster to launch or pull out and get to the next spot by land if necessary.
  20. I caught a 64 passenger school bus today in 28 fow, not even my 17 pound test Tatsu could hoist it up!
  21. I have both Garmin and Humminbird on my kayak. Helix is definitely better in terms of side imaging and Garmin is far superior in terms of FFS.
  22. Yes, lake requires C&R which is helpful sine I don’t have a livewell and a stringer off the side would attract big Al (gator)!
  23. Ended up AOY for a 4 tournament fishing club in Florida this winter. The unique thing is that I was the only one out of 32 boaters in a kayak. Sometimes the tortoise still beats the hare - and takes their "gas" money (what's that?) in winnings lol...
  24. I had 10 and 12 inchers on my bass boat. When I went to a kayak, I bought 9 inchers and think they are plenty big enough. You're right there and they are front center and easy to see, interpret images, Livescope, etc.
  25. I have a variety of six different Lakemaster chips for various states - most are all version 4 or 5. How do you price them for sale? I have seen some that were new on closeout as low as $100, others higher. Used is another category - thoughts?
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