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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. I actually prefer Ghost (white) over high viz yellow. In bright sun especially I think Ghost is easier to see...
  2. Yes, I would definitely add Recon to the list... from what I have seen anyway. I've seen JB on his TV show and like the looks of that boat. What I'm not sure I like is the fixed passenger seat. I'm not sure that would fly (especially in the smaller 17 footer, could be a bit cramped) otherwise really like the boat. I'm in Minneapolis and have yet to see one in a show room or on the water. Wish Recon would attend our Boat/Sport Show in the winter... I think they could actually build a following in this area.
  3. Bay boats are awesome and if I fished big water mostly I might consider. I'm in the land of 10,000 lakes and most are medium sized...and I fish rivers a ton because they get much less pressure. So, for me a 17-19 foot multi-species would get into shallower rivers well and out on a much bigger body of water like Mille Lacs or Rainy Lake occasionally. Wish they still made the Ranger 618 VS !! Hard to believe no other boat maker has a boat like that any more
  4. I measured the broken tip and its closer to 7 inches... is it really possible to splice that tip back together like new?
  5. Very nice Ranger... a guide I went out with just ordered one... great bass platform but I'm not sure it will be good trolling for walleyes or muskies, unless the additional length keeps it from spearing. Then, there's the price tag too (ouch)!
  6. I thought about that too - or, do you think St. Croix would take my Legend Bass back + $75 and in exchange send me the slightly less expensive AvidX back. It has a much better grip...
  7. I also like the Alumacraft competitor but not sure the front deck is big enough like the x-190 or ProV Bass..
  8. Best out here IMHO are the new Lund ProV Bass and the Tuffy x-190. One aluminum option, one fiberglass. What other models have layouts like this that are good for bass but also other species - walleye, muskie, trolling, etc?
  9. Here's another option to consider if you want to try a braided line that sinks - Sufix Gravity2. 12-15 lb test is similar in diameter to the regular Sufix 832 at 30-40 lb. I picked some up this Fall in 12 lb and only used it a couple times but seemed to work well enough. Time will tell if it holds up as well as regular 832 over time. But if you want some sink... may be another option to consider..
  10. Thanks, makes me feel a little better when maybe the best finesse fishing pro on the circuit doesn't like these "feel the blank thread" and "crush your fingers on hook set" rod grips either...
  11. Ok, a bit of a rant on an otherwise awesome product - St. Croix Legend Tournament Bass spinning rod. Love the blank, guides, etc... but I am not a fan at all of the grip. It's minimalist, thin ... and your fingers are all basically on graphite, threads, etc. Not comfortable at rest and much worse when you set the hook or fight a decent fish in current. Best spinning rod grips IMO are either Fenwick Elite Bass, or second - St. Croix AvidX. So, when I bought my Legend Bass, I spent the extra $75 to have a custom handle/grip put on. Was great for the two years I had it then my father-in-law stepped on it this Fall and broke the top 10 inches off. So I'm going to send the broken rod back to St. Croix and pay the $75 to get a replacement. But then I have the skimpy grip again. I guess I could have another custom grip put on but don't want to spend yet another $75 if I don't have to. Have thought about wrapping the lacking grip area with some really good tape - like Lizard Skin or something like that. Lizard Skin is for baseball bats so I'm not sure it would work for the rod. Does anyone have any quality tape recommendation that I might want to try? Open to any/all suggestions - thanks!
  12. I fished Lake Sharpe once and yes we were targeting walleyes but spent an afternoon/evening fishing smallies. I think it was good and we caught a decent amount. My impression (based on one day) was that the average size was like you said 2-3 pounds. Nothing wrong with that... but I've actually had better luck and bigger fish in the Glacial Lakes area (Webster, SD) for smallies. I would think a closer drive for you from Omaha. Average size there seemed bigger and have caught a few 20 inchers. If you've ever seen the Lindner's shows, they do 1-2 episodes every year there for a reason.
  13. I would love to throw some A-rigs for fun, but alas they are illegal here in Minnesota. DNR is probably too afraid we'll catch too many priceless walleyes !!
  14. Funny, I switch off constantly between black/blue and pumpkin... maybe the combo is the trick. Good looking lure, hey if you sell them let me know. I enjoy trying out custom lures...
  15. Blue, what are some of your preferred bladed jigs... brand color, size, etc...?
  16. I think is true. I try to keep catching bass down to about 48 degrees. I have found if there are really BIG pike present, at about 45-47 degrees they can get extremely active. May have to start throwing BullDawgs and Buchertails
  17. What do people think of a wacky worm thrown into high percentage spots?
  18. Wish we could throw an umbrella rig up here in Minnesota - at least for a week each year or something to see what it would catch. Maybe I'll try a Boo Rig ~
  19. I used a Shadow Rap last week.. Second cast a 15 inch largemouth ... and then 150,000 1 pound snot-rocket pike after that. Ugh. Will try some of the others mentioned above if I get out one more time before ice up. Thx all -- -Fry
  20. Water is cold here now in Minnesota - what are your go-to lures when it gets down below 50 degree water temps? Same or different lures for largemouth or smallmouth?
  21. I bought a Lew's spinning reel a few years back and it came with a thick rubber band that serves like backing. Its a slick idea, anyone else have one of these? Would be great to put on all my other reels but how would you find the right rubber band to fit snug on different spool sizes various manufacturers make?
  22. Good answer! Chase bronzebacks on the upper Mississippi ~ My dad and hero turned 87 two months ago and we celebrated by fishing for smallmouth on Mille Lacs - and had a great day. Fast forward to October and he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Who knows what next year will bring, but he elected to get out and fish one more time this season - and it was a great day with 35 fish caught, an average of 18 inches, and a couple at/near 20. A day I will never forget ~
  23. Do you know the length? Must be 20 years old that far North ~
  24. I have found the river smallies in my area to really relate only to rocks, boulders, rip-rap in the Fall. Other times of year I do fish around wood, brush, lay-downs, etc. But I catch squat in those areas once the leaves start to turn. Again, we're talking Minnesota, your area may be different. The other thing is I switch off between 2 baits. One is a 5-6 inch sucker minnow, the second is a white 5 inch Yamasenko. In the darker river water and lower light conditions of the Fall, that light/bright color (officially called Blue Pearl Silver Flake) has actually outfished the live bait on more than one occasion. Smallies seem to be more oriented to the color white than largemouth in my experience. I've been hammering them lately... maybe worth a try. All the fish below were caught in the last week on that worm when other options were not working...
  25. Going to Northern Minnesota in the morning on the way upper Mississippi for hopefully some more bronzebacks. Will have an overnight low in the 20's and frost on the dock at sunrise. Crossing my fingers for a few more in the 20+ inch range... Wrist surgery in a month - so gotta fish while I can !!!
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