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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. Can you send a link with a dropshot hair jig option? I’m thinking that also might be something worth trying - but I’m having hard time thinking about the typical 45 degree eye on hair jigs and how that would work presenting it vertically? Thx!
  2. I’d like to see whatever you end up with... bite-offs are the concern. Half tongue in cheek, but a big sucker minnow might get the muskies attention and not notice it’s on 75 lb fluorocarbon... But if you can figure out how to rig a big worm that would be easier to maneuver.
  3. Well it was a full moon so I decided to go .... ... muskie fishing !! My son and I went for 5 hours until just after sunset last night. No takers on the usual points, reefs, etc. Just smaller snot-rockets... Finally trolled around with my Panoptix Live Vu Down on and found a couple VERY large moving objects near the bottom - in 28 feet of water. So since I’m a bass fisherman at heart, I found myself thinking all day about how to drop-shot that far down using a 17 inch sucker minnow ?!?
  4. Quite a tiger pattern in that sun!! Cool fish
  5. My guess is the river is muddy but the lake won’t be ... although a little green and swollen.
  6. The Fall pattern was just starting here in Minnesota and the water temps just got into the upper 50’s. Stage was set. Then last night we had a major electrical storm and 3 inches of rain. I have the chance to go fishing in 2 days and won’t again for quite awhile. The water will be high and stirred up, and the fish could be spooked from the storm. But it will be a full moon and I do have the opening in my schedule to get out. What would you choose - a local river that will be high and muddy but usually starts peaking now for big smallmouth - or a local lake that will have high water but is known for big largemouth? Which body of water and what lures/techniques/depths would you choose?
  7. Totally agree. In Minnesota, below 50 I switch to Muskies and/or pike... I try to fish as late into the season as possible to try to cheat an extra month out of winter. Maybe spring seems a little closer that way
  8. Water temps came down to the upper 50’s today on a little river by my house. 21 incher on one of the new Maxscent “General” wacky worms..
  9. Where do you get the small Yum Crawbug in the green color with orange on the under side? I found it in black with orange but not the pumpkin green/orange. That would match the crayfish in the waters I fish really well.
  10. Good idea, I think Damiki has one too..
  11. Was thinking of that exact set up myself, good to hear it's worked for you. Curious, how far above the drop shot to you tie the hook, how much weight, and do you give it much action or primarily drag?
  12. So what is your preferred plastic craw for drop shotting smallmouth?
  13. Given relatively calm conditions, what weights are your football jigs at certain depths? Curious to what other people have as a general guideline... I typically will use 3/8 oz + trailer down to about 10-12 feet, then 1/2 ounce down to about 15-20 fow. At 20-24 feet I go to 3/4 oz ... not sure when I'd go to an ounce since I don't fish deeper than that very often but would be good to get some opinions as I might be doing that in the near future.
  14. Your timing might be perfect for the bronzies - good luck! I think I'll wait until later in the month too, this next cold front is going to be a doozy I think --
  15. If you mean the coming weekend 9/16, 9/17 best to bring good rain gear. Looks like 90% rain and a 20-30 degree temp drop. Was think of going to Rainy this weekend too but starting to rethink fishing in a classic cold front...
  16. I agree, although when the water temp gets down to about 52-54 here in Minn they seem to really go on the feed before it gets below 50 when they go deep and dormant mostly.
  17. It's full of B.A.S.S. Pros right now getting ready for some lil' tournament... Saw a post this am from a guide up there to givem some space on the water as they get ready.
  18. Got a few 16-17 inchers on jerk baits on top of cabbage in 6-10 fow, but too many small pike. Threw a Caffeine Shad around and under some of the deeper docks. This one probably 4-5 fow at the deeper end of the dock, shallower than that only small stuff --
  19. Not my first 20 incher of the year - but my first with a down vest on. Dam cold EAST wind this morning
  20. Yes, I have a Group 29 AGM battery for the starter and 2 GPS units. Then have 36 volt batteries to run the Ultrex. Each is on the new Minnkota Bank charger 100% of the time when I'm not on the water. The charger lights are "green" within a couple hours of plugging in. All is new this year so should run fine, which they seem to do, except for the intermittent red battery symbol on the iPilot Link remote.
  21. I'm assuming you mean it's a temporary/short duration low voltage due to starting the TM, but not an indication it's about to die. The motor, battery and charger are all only 5 months old and despite the red battery symbol the TM lasts all day...
  22. It comes on after the batteries are full charged. But what I'm noticing is that the red battery symbol only flashes on briefly right when I take the trolling motor off of spot-lock and engage the prop. Any guesses why that's happening or if I should ignore?
  23. I will echo from above the fluke (I prefer a white Caffeine Shad and Owner screwlock hooks for smallies), also Subwalk and Skitterprop. The Lindners have done several shows on river fishing for smallmouth with a variety of top waters but frequently tout the Skitterprop. More subtle than a buzzbait but very effective (I get better hook up % with this lure than other topwaters). Wired two fish has a video circulating with Kyle Peterson throwing the Whopper Plopper for river smallies too -- not so subtle but the 110 comes without rattles.
  24. I think I know where to find this but wondering if you have a link? Also, do you use that size hook for both the 90, 110? Thx
  25. What are everyone's favorite Plopper size and color for smallmouth??
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