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Everything posted by FryDog62

  1. The only baitcasting reel I’ve ever been able to consistently use for skipping is a Daiwa SV spool. I’ve had every other brand and they all backlash on me fairly regularly...
  2. Yes, I think a 3/8 oz plastic is on the high side, but I did see posted somewhere the weight of a bunch of plastics. Senkos are full of salt and I think most 5 inchers came in at 3/8. But more likely I would be using a Structure Bug or Rage Craw that are probably closer to 1/4 oz. But your point is valid and a 3/4 oz jig with trailer should come out close to 1 oz overall. And that’s why I posted this thread because I’m in that “Tweener” zone between a MH and a Heavy rod. Then there’s the variance between rod manufacturers, and how one company is more/less stiff or tippy than another. So I’m all ears when it comes to what people are using. We are “ice up” here in the North in the next week or so... after that I probably have to wait until May to try out a new rod and hope it’s the right one. ...or maybe I need to make a trip to “Cajun” land and try some open water this winter
  3. Someone else suggested: Lew’s Custom Lite Speed Stick, 7’-2” Heavy, Magnum Grass, 3/8-1.5 oz. $169. Thoughts for “Magnum Grass” and jig fishing..?
  4. Orochi Perfect Pitch, or Levante Perfect Pitch? Only see Perfect Pitch for Levante on TW..
  5. I have a rod for smaller jigs, but am also looking for something for jigs 1/2 and 3/4 oz. There are a lot of MH rods that are rated up to 1 oz however when you add a 3/8 oz trailer to a 3/4 oz jig do you need to go to a Heavy rod? Most heavy rods are rated to 1.5 oz and that may be overkill too. Don’t know, and I think the answer varies by brand somewhat. Looking for recommendations on a $100-200 jig rod for jig/trailers as stated above. What length, power, brand, model, etc?
  6. Hey, middle of next week might hit 50 degrees - maybe don’t throw the towel in quite yet!
  7. Funny thing, I used three rods yesterday but was down to 2 after about 15 minutes ... and they were both TWS.. the other was a hunk of metal and plastic with a sno cone shaving on it..
  8. Well I probably should have opted for the Rum. Instead went to a West Metro Lake hoping to find some still green weeds with fish in them. Cooooold, 31 degrees and line freezing in the guides. A couple of 15 inch LMB and a 4 lb pike in 4 hours. But at least I got out after a 5 week layoff... may go once more if temps get back into the 40’s as predicted next week. Or maybe some muskies? We’ll see - -
  9. Hard to choose... but have never fished the Rum this late. They must be “pulling the cork” soon... Man, the weather just isn’t showing a break. Normal highs now are 50... doesn’t look like we’ll hit that again until April right now - -
  10. Great report, still hoping to get out this weekend. Yeah, all of a sudden 42 degree air temps sound good! It’s all relative I guess... Was expecting a pike fest but that’s encouraging you’re still finding the bass. I’m going to try anyway!!
  11. My son cast over a tree branch a few years ago and dangled the wacky worm on the surface a couple times and got hit. A small one and we laughed it off. Fast forward to this spring and I did it over a relatively small branch, but decided to dangle it on the surface a few times. BOOM!! Big boil but whatever it was missed. Dangled it again and this time he didn’t miss... So now I’ve got him hooked - what now? So so I set the hook and gave ‘Er Heck and snapped the branch and the fight was on! Big 21 1/4 inch bronzeback in the river current. Barely had him hooked but finally landed. Fished this river for years and caught some 20+ inchers but this was the biggest to date...
  12. Good question... I think they draw the water levels down on the Rum now after the Halloween parade in Anoka. I actually was on the water 4 years ago when this happened... Lake Commandos was filming a show and we were the last 2 boats off the water that day as the water levels went way down. Was barely able to get back to the dock and on the trailer! That being said, the water temps were about perfect and we were all catching fish (I think they filmed a really good show). Probably best to call the city of Anoka and check when the draw down is. If it’s this week, I would probably choose a metro lake with a decent ramp. When it’s 40 degrees, it’s good to know you’re going to make it back safely to the ramp... Watching the weather now, not sure there’s going to be a good day again to go fishing but I’m going to try anyway!
  13. Thanks, it was very unexpected. Younger than me, a special needs guy. Out of the blue, he had a massive stroke and just like that is gone. Count your blessings everyone, life is good but can be short. Sunday does look a little warmer - and if it isn’t raining too hard or windy will try to get out. Thx again everyone...
  14. Thanks rascal, appreciate the update on water temps, Fishing,etc since I lost touch. I’ll be watching the weather and am hopeful to get back out again. Best, -Fry
  15. Sniper is a very good line but I’m looking for something low viz below the water and hi-viz above... like Sunline flippin FC But in 10 lb test.
  16. Had a death in the family and the last few weeks have been a real bummer. Haven’t kept track of fishing or water temps in the Metro area at all. Don’t know if I’ll get out this week or weekend. Feel like I should to get over my brother’s passing - if the weather is tolerable. I don’t hunt or ice fish so this could be my last shot for awhile... Anyone have current water temps for either metro area lakes or rivers?? Am I too late for bass? Could try muskie too but big sucker minnows are probably getting hard to find... Thanks guys - -
  17. I fished with Berkley 100% Fluorocarbon 6 lb on my spinning gear for many years. It’s diameter is .010. I got tired of the stretch and switched to Yo-Zuri Hybrid 6 lb which also has .010 diameter. YZH is a much tougher line and a lot less stretch than the Berkley Fluorocarbon. Did a stretch test on both lines both wet and dry... winner YZH by a wide margin. I don’t notice an appreciable difference in sink rate or sensitivity. However, Berkley came off the reel like a coiled slinky and frequently fouled up. YZH I don’t even use line conditioner, let my kids use it, rarely a line management issue...
  18. Yessssss. Sunline FC Flippin’ line is great, I use it for skipping Caffeine Shads on baitcasting equipment under docks. The line is not intended for that use but it is best I’ve found, works great! But there are finesse applications I wish they had the same line in 10 lb test. Would buy in a heartbeat ... Yessssss. Sunline FC Flippin’ line is great, I use it for skipping Caffeine Shads on baitcasting equipment under docks. The line is not intended for that use but it is best I’ve found, works great! But there are finesse applications I wish they had the same line in 10 lb test. Would buy in a heartbeat ...
  19. More importantly - is this specific line hi-viz above the water so I can see/detect bites?
  20. In the old days I liked straight wines like Merlot or Cabernet... and a “red blend” was just a cheap table wine to avoid. Now today’s blends are tested to take out as many negatives of one kind of grape and get the better parts of others. Not perfect but much improved... I see Co-polymer much the same way ...
  21. Been a braid/fluorocarbon user for many years but 2 things I’ve experienced: 1) When wacky rigging, the braid floats but the last 3-4 feet of fluorocarbon leader sinks. Creates a hockey stick shape versus a straight line. I fish a lot of Smallmouth waters and they are aggressive and fast. Many times the extra slack in the hockey stick is hard to take up fast enough to get a good hook set. 2) Too many knot failures. Used the Alberto for years but it has let me down too many times. Switched over to the FG knot recently and it does not fail but is time consuming to tie. So I'm open to experimenting with straight Fluorocarbon - uniform sink rate, no additional knot to tie/fail.
  22. The only other line I’ve used that fits close to the same description is: “Berkley Vanish Transition Fluorocarbon Clear/Gold.” It worked well enough except I couldn’t see it very well above the surface... hoping to find something that’s still lo-viz below but hi-viz above the surface.
  23. This line is advertised as low viz below the surface but easy to see above. That would work well for instance wacky worm fishing. Anyone used it?
  24. They are pure gimmick and do not catch fish at all when other lures aren’t working. PM me to get my address to send all your unwanted Ploppers to. Thank you - -
  25. Ive been out of town for a week... do you think the rains from last week are still affecting the bite? Cold front? Other? Going to try to get out but may be another week ... thx
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